Kerry says he "re-read the New Testament the other day" and guess what? The New Testament is a Democrat. I can't believe this jerk. Nobody on earth "re-read the New Testament the other day." Story here.
Not fun being an MD in Iraq. The problem isn't lawyers - it's armed relatives. Yes, it's from Al Jazeera, but it rings true. They have to throw in some true stuff once in a while.
Egyptology: Where is Egypt headed? Interesting.
Save the Tasmanian Devil. A sad story, in the NYT.
Why the Tom Delay story will go away. Here.
Oregon goes Canadian. Maoism arrives at the University of Oregon, and the faculty doesn't like it. But ain't it always this way - they want to do what they think is best for YOU, but hate it when it applies to THEM. Cuz they're virtuous - right? And you are evil, right?
Love is powerful. Hmmm, gee, well, if the scientific studies say so, maybe it's true.
Correcting the Blacklist Myth: Always thought they got more mileage out of being listed, than the other way around, in the end. A new book, noted by Simon.
Lame Duck? Say it enough times, and, in DC, it becomes "true." Hey, Karl Rove - vacation's over.
It's the ideas, stupid. Hawkins joins the truth squad on the left's political problems.
GK Chesterton: Took a peek into that website posted yesterday. This guy could write essays. An excellent role model for all bloggers. Try this one: A Piece of Chalk