The Greatest Generation won the war, but how were they as parents? Walter Williams, via Driscoll.
Drive-by immigrants from Canada
Who wins in shareholder lawsuits? Coyote
"Can I claim my minority status now?" Protein on 9-11 conspiracy theorists
"We are losing our Englishness." h/t, Theo
We, and others, warned about this last winter: The Dems could be making the wrong bet on Iraq. Hillary was shrewd - but not wise - to muddle her statements and to say many different things to many different audiences.
Chavez is getting hysterical, and more scarey.
The spiritual discipline against resentment. With reference to Christopher Lasch. Prof Deneen.
From Insty:
KNIGHTS IN RED SATIN: "In my own opinion, the only really dangerous government is an efficient, effective one. The best judgment of a particular democracy is how well it keeps the busybodies occupied while the rest of us get on with running things."
Well said.
How good John Howard left Australia (big mistake to retire him, but I think they got tired of his face):
Unemployment rate: 4.3 per cent
Interest rate: 6.75 per cent
Economic growth: 4.3 per cent
Stock market: 6650 points
Australian dollar: US90 cents
Surplus 2007 Budget: $10.6 billion
Growth in real net national disposable income per head over the past five years: 16 per cent
Photo: I saw one of those over a river this weekend, looking exactly like that. That's an immature Bald Eagle.