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Friday, November 16. 2007Shame on my Alma Mater
Perhaps this is about Columbia's "effete moral gymnastics." I have an idea: Let's get 100 alumni donors like me to hold a hunger strike in front of Butler, to protest Columbia's endlessly-exasperating PC weeniness, and see what happens after we call the press to watch. Heck, it could be fun, like the '60s. Plenty of lite beer, and a band - maybe we could get my old college pals from Sha Na Na to play. (They were/are good guys, and good students too.) I could afford to lose a few pounds for a good cause - for the sanity of Alma Mater, from whom I have two degrees from the pre-psychotic era. (thanks, Opie, for alerting me to this depressing story.) Also, The Corner on the subject. h/t, BL Trackbacks
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The Corner is on it:
http://corner.nationalreview.com/post/?q=MTgwNGJiNWVkNjk4NjYzZDVkYzYwYjIzM2I4NjBhZDc= Disgusting. Add Columbia to the list of schools I would never waste money on for my kids' educations.
Instapundit wonders if King Juan Carlos has started a trend:
http://instapundit.com/archives2/011763.php Who can get the message to our university leaders: ''Knock it off!'' The only source of old-fashioned Western oriented education that I know of are Catholic colleges. Check them out. They are really amazing, and there's a reason they get no publicity. The MSM don't even know they exist.
I have never, ever, even slightly, understood hunger strikes.
Apparently a point of order is never allowed in the media stories : excuse me, who cares if they starve themselves to death? I expect some people do, but I demand a survey. Two things care: their mommies, and the university PR office. Nobody else.
Catholic colleges yes--but, as for the Jesuit schools: oh yes, they have been found and backed into the corner on many curriculum/teacher qualification issues. However, if your student is still so lucky as to have actual Jesuits to study with they are blessed in a way that the cannot appreciate until later. Unfortunately, the Jesuits are fading out fast as this generation ages. Georgetown for instance in the late 90's and up until recently was considered one of the worst places for a straight male to be. Due to the employment of lesbian administrators, and homosexual teachers in general.
Let us not forget that the Catholic church has been under attack in this country for years. The justification was pedophilia--the court awards clearly an indication of intention: to force the Catholic church into submitting to the PC world. I am not saying there was no case of pedophilia--I am saying that I question that there were that many cases. One only needs to look at the process. First one comes forward in a backwater town and immediately thereafter there were hundreds of complaints in the same area. Court case was won, and on to the next town, same sequence. Year after year after year. Victims of other more outrageous crimes should be half so lucky!! With regard as to what can be done about Columbia: start a website for Columbia alumni. You don't have to blog everyday--just give them a place to organize around witholding their contributions. If anyone here REALLY wants to help clean up academia then it is essential to have conservative lawyers be willing to take on cases against their local universities--in spite of the fact their own children may not be able to attend school there if daddy files an action against the school (a big problem). Cases against these schools for job discrimination are never prosecuted, unless of course it is by the unions--who are a part of the problem themselves being so liberal. Conservative attorneys must be willing to come forward and represent straight, white Aglo males. Sorry, for the rant--but you asked! Perhaps six students should go on a hunger strike to get the university to back down. It might have been a hoot to see what Columbia would have done if there had been a simultaneous counter-strike, but we know the answer: the counter-strikers would have been labeled "racists" and suspended....
[Agree with me or I'll hold my breath until I turn blue]!!! Simply add their names to THE LIST and when TSHTF and things get a bit chaotic, well, things happen. Sounds ominous but it happens all the time under chaotic circumstances all over the world.
Omerta The leftist hunger strike: nothing but smoothies, vanilla coffee, ice cream, and whatever you are forced to eat when there's no smoothies, ice cream or vanilla coffee handy.
http://michellemalkin.com/2006/07/11/how-moonbats-fast/ As an occasional faster (up to five days) for religious and health reasons: Americans are far too nervous about hunger strikes. It takes a long time for most people to get sick. Columbia could have toughed it out easily. You don't need a big Mac every day. In fact, most people who fast find that after a couple of days, you're not even hungry, and are very functional.
Christ tells us to fast in secret, and I agree. A lot of people, especially religious people, are quietly fasting all around us, right now. If Columbia administrators had a religious bone in their bodies, they would know that they didn't have to cave in. Schools can promote bad ideas, that cost dearly and produce negative results and no one is responsible. Not much attention paid to 'due care' or 'due diligence'. I am thinking of MIT and Duke too.
More than 500 children in grades 7-12 were bussed out of their classrooms and schools to downtown Seattle, where the participated in a day long march and demonstration against "war and racism". Said marchers were coached by their teachers and studied peaceful resistance under the guidance of same teachers, who also "helped to organize the demonstration". Unfortunately, today is a school day--not a special day at all. All 500 plus are truant today--but, we paid for this opportunity to see 12 year olds tell the TV news that this is "our country" and "we have to get our feelings across to the politicians". No way in this state to file an action against these teachers!! raw power on display, AP. just like the way the clinton campaign controlled CNN which in turn controlled every aspect of the debate last night in Vegas.
http://instapundit.com/archives2/011789.php It's getting scary, folks. http://www.psrf.org/issues/rules.jsp
Take a look, AP, the NEA is featured. It's almost not 'about' teaching at all--more of a special-interest (especially interested in its members' welfare) organization which simply glommed onto ''the children'' as the perfect raison d'etre. And by golly it GOT 'em, too! anyway, this stuff is frankly getting scary.
http://instapundit.com/archives2/011789.php Clinton campaign controls CNN to control the venue--and the whole affair becomes some sort of theatrical production for the world to adore. The scary part is, the clinton campaign and CNN don't seem to care who knows what they're doing--as though anybody who keeps up with this stuff is not in their target audience in the first place. And to those of us who do take note, the message is, "See this power--we can ruin anyone--look how we've controlled the Bush narrative--do you REALLY want us creating four more years of agony for the nation--or wouldn't you rather just sit back, and quit fighting us, and get yourself a little rest, and just let us take care of things?" No, on second thought, even THAT's not the scary part--the scary part is that this motif will drive itself like a dervish once in control of the machinery of the United States government. What was it Alinsky demanded--''Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.'' Once this aggressive ideology actually takes control, who will it freeze, personalize, and polarize? --sorry to rant. AP's Seattle story just sets my knees to knocking. The kids--they're not the parent's charges in these people's minds. Not anymore. They're the State's charges.
BL: Once spoke with the ex-president of one of the two top groups (see above). He had quit in middle of his term "Too corrupt--too scary". He was teaching philosophy in some rural little community college. Scary thing: can't find him and there is no mention of him in the archives of any of the academic journals--he just disappeared.
Anyway, AP, i think we can be pretty sure that our left-wing establishment is looking at the power the Brit left has amassed through the educational system, and likes it, and wishes it upon us, too.
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/opinion/main.jhtml;jsessionid=GROULC1JS0MIVQFIQMGCFF4AVCBQUIV0?xml=/opinion/2007/11/17/do1703.xml . You can be comfortable knowing that your school systems prefers the Chinese model. Thus the deceptive use of "hate speech" as a way to begin the process of silent obedience.
Re ''hate speech'' --as has been said, AP, there's two kinds of people--one which views Orwell's ''1984'' as a warning, the other which views it as an operating manual.