Is Santa saying "ho,ho,ho" a new taboo? Wizbang. Ya can't make this stuff up.
From a piece at Surber: "Arizona Republic reports: “you must be a legal resident to get a driver’s license” — in Mexico."
Excellent site for those in, or who wish to be in, the music business. h/t, Worstall
More people killed by wind energy in the West than by nuclear power
Warmongering, fascist Boy Scout fund-raiser for troops blocked in Cambridge. Cambridge is so sophisticated, isn't it?
NYT warns: Resort owners affected by...snow?
Smoking bans were just the first step for the Health Nazis. Samiz.
Harry Reid,via Breibart:
"Every place you go you hear about no progress being made in Iraq," said Senate Democratic majority leader Harry Reid. ..."It is not getting better, it is getting worse," he said.
How badly does the press want Hillary? Really bad.
The truth about those poor Polar Bears. Jim Miller
Ivy League profs overwhelming donate to Dems. Big Surprise. It must be because they are so much smarter than me.
CBS says Rather has gone off the deep end.
Reagan was a racist politician? There are so many logical holes in this guy's argument that I don't have time to address them. h/t, Dr. X
Photo: Man's best friend, from Theo