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Thursday, November 15. 2007Kill the '60s
Of 1968, Henninger notes:
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Hell no.
Boomers and those boomers who cut their political teeth during that year (*what* Mayhol and Ms Solanas had to do with it?) won't be shewed away. The Vietnam debacle was voted down by both sides of the isle, left and right. Nixon won being more credible to bring end to the policy mistakes of Mondale's party. Saying bye-bye to the 68 boomers ain't going to happen nor will they be in the streets. No need. Msr. Henniger's halucinating a flashback, tripping on some new drug...strawberry fields forever. There ain't no revolution in the streets and the rabbit didn't jump down the ho. But it is your fantasy. I'm not in the least amazed that the confluence of a huge age cohort allied by a mass-communications revolution and being led by parents understandably indulging what the Depression and WWII never let them have, created such a tsunami of dumbass.
What IS amazing is, considering how many times over and over again that post-1968 history has revealed in no uncertain terms the dumbassness, how little effect the revelations have had on the dumbasses. HEY the greatest HIPPY POET HERE!!!!
HOWL by Allen Ginsberg I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix, angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly connection to the starry dynamo in the machinery of night, who poverty and tatters and hollow-eyed and high sat up smoking in the supernatural darkness of cold-water flats floating across the tops of cities contemplating jazz, ((..and on and on it goes, until the last sweating dribble of squirming embarrassment has been wrung petulantly squealing out of yer miserable chagrin-dimpled hides, ha ha ha hah hahaha, o yeah o yeah baby baby baby)) Dumbasses indeed! They demonized Nixon because the press demonized him. Viet Nam had less to do with the demonization of Nixon among the chattering classes than did his investigation of Alger Hiss. Aside from Hiss and his reflexive anti-communism, Nixon was playing to the zietgiest, "We're all Kerynesians now". They should have loved him! The 60's Nixon haters didn't know who Hiss was. Walter Cronkite knew. Anyone with an historical perspective who lived through that time was fully aware of the blatant stupidity being peddled to the large market of eager, adolescent dim-wits who populated the country. One need be a particularly sad and oblivious type to look back on those days as anything but frivolous, wasteful and destructive.
right on --a ghastly wave of stupidity and cynical manipulation. you're right --they should have loved Nixon, with his wage & price controls, his overturn of Bretton Woods--and so much else that augmented the state.
case in point, that famous ''literary sensation'' poem: http://www.pangloss.com/seidel/Ramble/howl_text.html Look at the lie in the very first line--the best minds? crawling around in the alleys? What on earth for? Did they think they were in a communist slave-state or something? No, the press exists in order to puncture such drivel. Where it was in that era who the hell will ever know. admire the 60s? We might as well admire our toilet-bowl skid-marks.
"Ohhh, so unique! So original! Such commitment!" It was a great link, but no one captures that era as well as PJ O'Rourke.
The left that came out of the 60's should be dealt with. No other faction of a generation has been as destructive right up to this moment.
Dealt with..how? Revolution that levels their numbers. Very effective and genuinely needed if we want to preserve the constitution. Even if their numbers are small they are the kid at the beach who keeps kicking over your beautiful sandcastle and laughs about it. Our constitution is not a social compact designed for suicide..Jefferson knew it, all the founding fathers knew it. They immediately need to be decapitated via their megaphones, Kos and Code Pink. What truly amazes me is that Jane Fonda has survived all these years without having an "accident".
But habu, we have to beat them at the idea level. As soon as we know what their idea is.
We waited from 1917 until 19xx until we beat Lenin at the idea level and still that lunatic's ieads are the seed corn for these latter days groups. I will admit once the toothpaste is out of the tube it's impossible to get back in, but we can and should have learned that a head on a pike is worthy of their ilk. So go ahead. I promise I'll make the "Free Buddy T-Shirts" out of the finest cotton T's available and price them so they'll sell. All proceeds after expenses will go toward your legal team. interesting thought--who/what face/slogan/emblem would you want on front and back of your own commemorative tee shirt ?
On mine? On the front "Bull" Connor, or Dennis Kitchette. On the back Alfred E Newman or James Earl Ray.....maybe Barry Bonds depending on the trial verdict.
I insist my T's be in pastel cloors.
2007-11-16 10:07
have a little respect, please--it's Dennis ''Kitchenette''.
buddy larsen
2007-11-16 11:59
Ewe say you want a revolution?
"The American Revolution was a shining example of freedom in action which caught the imagination of the world, and today, too often, America is an example to be avoided and not followed. A nation that can't keep the peace at home won't be trusted to keep the peace abroad. A President who isn't treated with respect at home will not be treated with respect abroad. A nation which can't manage its own economy can't tell others how to manage theirs. If we are to restore prestige and respect for America abroad, the place to begin is at home - in the United States of America. My friends, we live in an age of revolution in America and in the world. And to find the answers to our problems, let us turn to a revolution - a revolution that will never grow old, the world's greatest continuing revolution, the American Revolution. The American Revolution was and is dedicated to progress. But our founders recognized that the first requisite of progress is order. Now there is no quarrel between progress and order because neither can exist without the other. So let us have order in America, not the order that suppresses dissent and discourages change but the order which guarantees the right to dissent and provides the basis for peaceful change. And tonight it's time for some honest talk about the problem of order in the United States. Let us always respect, as I do, our courts and those who serve on them, but let us also recognize that some of our courts in their decisions have gone too far in weakening the peace forces as against the criminal forces in this country." RM Nixon, August 8, 1968 ..and a nation that can be trusted to do all the things around the globe that you point out are shortcomings of the USA..that country would be??????????
We're the big dog right now. We can remain the big dog for a long time , It just takes a little of the guts Teddy Roosevelt had. We're the closest thing to Nirvana on Earth. A nation that can't keep the peace at home won't be trusted to keep the peace abroad. A President who isn't treated with respect at home will not be treated with respect abroad. A nation which can't manage its own economy can't tell others how to manage theirs Holy Mother of God where did you dream that up? Was it in a Robert Redford movie? Realpolitik child, realpolitik. The remainder of your ..American Revolution etc..we'll I'm not wasting my time trying to get you on the right track on how much back stabbibg, hatred ,ego driven policy was formulated by what most Americans believe was a harmoniuous choruw of "The Founding Fathers" If Cromwell could lop off heads and England survived and the French went through "The Terror" and their revolution and survived we can decapitated a few on the left and still come out (apologies but it's there and I'm gonna say it) a head. Laws..there for the masses..our rulers in DC and on Wall Street have long since ceased following the law. Tell ya what. Why don't you look into the founding of the Federal Reserve system for a real eye opener...start here for the surprise of the hour http://www.apfn.org/apfn/reserve.htm Thanks for the link, Habu.
Or should I say Your Majesty? Yes, I'll say that, Your Majesty. It will take me more than an hour to enjoy but at soonest oppurtunity I'll slip it into my borgian superquick read accelerator. I have to find the cat, first, but after that. Big dog might have scared it. It does become clearer with each capitulation epistle Ewe tap that targets are a multitude, most of the deck, me thinks. By Our Holy Mother's Grace, those revolutionary sentiments came from the mouth of Richard Milhouse Nixon, on another fateful night in 1968. Perhaps, Ewe have heard of Tricky Dick? I am under no illusion as to the discordant voices of the Founding Fathers but donot equate Your Majesty's cacaphony. Perhaps, you could flesh out, Your Majesty's contrapuntal Royal Discordant. Pardon, I look forward to more delightful croqueting after I get the cat and O I must paint a few more roses, by Your Majesty's leave. Here's a link Ewe may find useful, me thinks. www.hidaya.org after hidaya, don't forget hedaya
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dan_Hedaya On this my day of posts otiose, that last was perhaps my most otiose of all. So far.
buddy larsen
2007-11-16 12:59
Changing focus again, are you? Etoise... Boss is head of shaft. Her Majesty, God forbid, isn't calling for His Majesty's boss, is she? Etoise!
2007-11-16 13:25
well ya got me...i can't find it...what is ''etoise''? That was in some thread a few days ago--my Webster (which oddly antedates the web), is blank on it.
''otiose'' tho is a real word.
buddy larsen
2007-11-16 14:02
oops...this bud's for you, bud.
Twas brillig and the slythe toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe... Your day of posts otiose minded me in that direction. Actually, I'd already followed da rabbit der. Etoise has a few meanings in Esperanto but your ease minded me of ol Huck, fishing and pondering his toes, though etoise is femine and I had my peripheral keened for the Queen. ...beware the Jabberwock my son... Twas brillig and the slythe toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe... Your day of posts otiose minded me in that direction. Actually, I'd already followed da rabbit der. Etoise has a few meanings in Esperanto but your ease minded me of ol Huck, fishing and pondering his toes, though etoise is femine and I had my peripheral keened for the Queen. ...beware the Jabberwock my son...
2007-11-16 14:51
Leag ..it's kind of you to called me Majesty and I take it in good humor but I'm the last person you want with any kind of power in today's world. Perhaps in a more atavistic world it might have fit but even then I'd have been a terrrible power abuser .... I'm better suited for wet work...if need be I could be a Marine again but the CIA taught me that it was much more fun working with power and few restrictions. Of course that's even changed since I was inside. My understanding is that after Carter and Stansfield Turner got through with the Company it was a panty waste place, void of any Operations guys (think Blackwater) and full of HUMINT for Humanity guys and gals.
I'll tell ya a good pair at dinner, Jimma Carter and Woodrow Wilson .. it would be the dining equivalent of Satre's "No Exit"...you could save the evening by serving some Bon Vivant vichyssoise soup !! (see Wiki if too cyrptic) Now about the Revolutionary period. I can't possibly put in synopsis form the 20-30 Classic comic books I've read on that period, but I can tell you that all those men, though smart, possessed the same character flaws we all carry. I even have to laugh at the flap over the Hillary "planted questions". When I was at the University of Florida the Political Science Department, although they hated my right wing politics, asked me to be the undergrad representitive for the Department at a dinner for the Australian Ambassador...then they handed me a page of questions to ask him ..I trashed it and simply thanked the Ambassador for aiding us in Vietnam ...geeze Louise were the profs mad ... since I had zero respect for them I really didn't care. So: 1. keep Habu in the shadows 2. let him work alone or in small groups 3. never give him any wide ranging power. 4. don't ask to borrow his Classic comic book collection. Best, Habu I appreciate your humor and accede to your list, Your Majesty.
I think CIA would do well, to hook you up again. I still haven't found that cat and gotten to lunch. The last great love of my life called it runch. "Where's my rrrunch!?" she'd say, in one or another of several voices. It depended on which of her personalites was ascendent at the moment. She-they often oft gave voice to hunting heads and promising, "There will be beatings!" By Your leave, Stay in the wind, Habu.
2007-11-16 15:28
in 1969 when I wuz off at school, my folks moved from Houston to Amarillo and tossed out a ton of comic books and baseball cards and nazi memoribilia dad had carried home from the Luftwaffe ack-ack school right next to Stalag Luft 1.
i get sick just thinking about it.
buddy larsen
2007-11-16 16:26
In one of the tests given at the CIA Esperanto is used exclusively...ah, at least 35 years ago.it was.....after the Esperanto part, later in the week of testing, they asked us to explain Fermat's Last Theorem. Having no idea I wrote out all three versus of the Marine Corps Hymn hoping for "patriot points"..funny thing is the Company will never allowed you to see the scores or outcomes of any of your tests (at that time) ..they simply tell you what you're best suited for. After the first year of parking visitors cars I moved right up the ladder.
You could guess this in your sleep but I'm more the, "One, two! One, two! And through and through The vorpal blade went snicker-snack! He left it dead, and with its head He went galumphing back" I mean when one not only gets to use the vorpal blade but a head to go galumphing back with... , does it get any better? Snicker-snack Habu O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!
How bemish boy galumphed wocky head back remains a curiosity. Perhaps, he just kicked head up the road all the way back. It's his prize. So certainly, the manner rested with his favor but one would think some tradition rules in wabe. Fermat's question is a fishing expedition where any answer will do. Like, it's... written in all native tongues on the 57th leaf of some rolls of tissue. Thirty-five years ago, I wasn't being tested but independently contemplating ancient visions. Correlating some events of 1913 with Daniel 8. 23 And after their reign, when iniquities shall be grown up, there shall arise a king of a shameless face, and understanding dark sentences. 24 And his power shall be strengthened, but not by his own force: and he shall lay all things waste, and shall prosper, and do more than can be believed. And he shall destroy the mighty, and the people of the saints, 25 According to his will, and craft shall be successful in his hand: and his heart shall be puffed up, and in the abundance of all things he shall kill many: and he shall rise up against the prince of princes, and shall be broken without hand. 26 And the vision of the evening and the morning, which was told, is true: thou therefore seal up the vision, because it shall come to pass after many days. 27 And I Daniel languished, and was sick for some days: and when I was risen up, I did the king's business, and I was astonished at the vision, and there was none that could interpret it. Now, that was along time ago. All mimsy were the borogoves, And the mome raths outgrabe.
2007-11-17 04:34
Twas brillig and the slythe toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe...
Your day of posts otiose minded me in that direction. Actually, I'd already followed da rabbit der. Etoise has a few meanings in Esperanto but your ease minded me of ol Huck, fishing and pondering his toes, though etoise is femine and I had my peripheral keened for the Queen. ...beware the Jabberwock my son... that Esperanto, how would a native-born speaker pronounce ''etoise'' ?
Latin-style, ''eh-twah'' or Anglo ''eh-toys'' or Hillbilly ''a-tow-wee-zee'' ? anyhoo there's no such thing as a native-born speaker of Esperanto. if you two hadn't been reading Lewis Carroll all day, you'd have caught it. Jeez.
Ahh.. stretch those synapisis.
Master Bud, consider the international character of Esperanto. All of us are native born. The answer is still, Yes. Here in Roswell there maybe some exceptions to nativism. Bringing to question is Esperanto more than an international language. It may be universal. So, take it easy, take it easy, Buddy. Leag.
1993..Andrew Wiles took the 38 piece of tissue paper and solved Fermats math problem that had gone unsolved for 380 years, including Jmaes Edwards Olmos's class in "Stand by Me" Wow...I've asked my wife a similarly difficult question ....what do women want? Thanks, Habu.
I recall that the solving report. It's way beyond my pea brain. I also notice some challenges reported. What the hay do I know. Women want? Wanting. Me thinks they like wanting. I didn't mean to imply that I understood Fermat's problem or the dudes answer. I just read it in the paper. If it's harder than what I can summate or dis-take-away then I let my plumber/accountant/computer guy next door do it fer me. Which reminds me I need ta get him some plumber's crack filler for Christmas.
On that wo-man wanting thing. What be they be wanting? plumber's crack filler you wouldn't need if you hadn't let that Fermi feller use up all the terlit paper
I always had great success with the ladies, until I married one of the durn things.
Indeed, a wife will grimp a fella's success with the ladies.
But at least you had the good sense to marry a lady. |