Howard Dean makes up his own theology. Everybody goes to heaven? That's not the deal, as I understand it.
Who told the Indians that Thanksgiving should be a time of mourning for them?
Can you believe that Newsweek did this? If they really want to sell magazines, they should just switch to real porn instead of political porn.
The rich are a pinata. Corner
Two links to Rick in one day? What's a little vote fraud among friends?
Vagina dentata. Sheesh. h/t, Vanderleun
Gore goes to Kleiner Perkins. A part-time job. I'll bet it is.
The strange war on homework. Am. Thinker
The insane hatred of the Left towards Bush. Berkowitz in Opinion Journal. "You've got to be carefully taught," right?
Oil speculation has driven gas prices.
What is an "involuntary father"? Whatever it is, should it pay child support? Dr. Helen
"Stewardship" of the people. Brits called upon to control their people more thoroughly. Moonbattery. This is totalitarianism, or monarchy, by bureaucrat, and Brussels is the new Versailles.
A website to help people with disabilities - Disaboom. h/t, Slower Pace