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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Sunday, November 11. 2007Our Vets
God of the ages,
Posted by Bird Dog
in The Culture, "Culture," Pop Culture and Recreation
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I agree, buddy. Many friends have not returned....have made the ultimate sacrifice. Some family still serve...I am grateful that I live in a country where many are proud to serve. We are strong and free because of them.
When you go home,
Tell them of us, and say, For your tomorrow We gave our today. War memorial epitaph John Maxwell Edmonds Habu, most folks use these comments for light entertainment and perhaps it is felt that the somber dignity of the topic is not well-served with the usual chatter.
Anyway, follow the link to Sippican, several commenters migrated there and left words to his salute to his dad. Your mom & dad's story is wonderful --why not write in here, and leave it for Veteran's Day. Something else I wish someone with better retrieval skills than my own would do, is locate and post the text of VP Cheney's speech at Arlington today. I saw it live on tv, it began at the 11th hour of the day and it was one of the best I've heard --the distance and gravity were pitch-perfect. I know you lost your folks recently and are probably missing them enormously on this day. Me too. I told a very brief story of my own mom & dad over at Sippican's and I'll copy it here: ''I note on the Collings website that the pictured B-17 is named Nine O Nine. Brought to mind my dad's B-17's similar name Mr Five by Five. It was named after a pop song of the time. Dad was shot down by ME 110s over Germany on Feb 25 1944 and spent the rest of the war a POW in Stalag Luft 1. He was liberated by the Red Army, came home to Texas, married mom, and had three kids, one of whom be me. How he met mom: his best friend was also a B-17 pilot, and was also shot down on that day, over northern France. He was KIA. He and dad had a compact that should one survive & the other not, the survivor would make a visit to the other's family after the war. Mom was the widow of that young pilot killed over France not quite two years earlier. Dad made good on the compact--and then some. Odd coincidence, my middle daughter's boyfriend is a second generation Ukrainian immigrant, doing postgrad work @ Univ of Texas. His grandad was in the Red Army group which liberated my daughter's grandad in the spring of 1945, in Barth, northeastern Germany. Dad passed away in 1986, and mom followed in 2003. Sometimes nowadays I would gladly trade my right arm for just five more minutes together with the two of them.'' Buddy,
Those who have the privilege of knowing you personally I am sure are better people for it. You possess great wisdom , insight , and knowledge. That you also have a feeling for your fellow man and the diplomatic skills to put into perspective some of life's challenges is a tribute to your parents and you. My foibles are many and easily identified. Perhaps one of them is believing that people are judged by the company they keep, the places they go and things they do, and the courage and honor in how they conduct their lives. When I find a group of people willing to make more comments about a dog on Veterans Day than care to even echo the tributes of others to those Veterans that screams, and the scream echoes with a chilling message of ennui. This is that place. A topic of any import here gets no discussion. A posting of an iron skillet will draw fifty comments. As I have spent my time in the bucolic simplicity of this commune one of my foibles becomes more pronounced, the urge to make even greater the simplicity by accent and dilation to the absurd. It may be healthy for me but is causes others great distress as they are obviously here for the skillet, Dylan, and the dog, rather than for any examination of why we bowl alone. 'Tis truly time I moved back into the maze and seek new cheese, or to even reacquaint myself with the pleasures of a book. See you one day 'round Dripping Springs. Best to you, Habu thanks, bob.
habu, even in the darkest times, even when the fat's in the fire and doom is bearing down, you have time to nudge the next person and offer a cigaret, or bum one. These blogs ain't the darkness or the fire or the doom--they're the cigaret. Good stuff.
Thanks. Habu: You need to chill, bro. Finding things to be po-ed about all the time - even at your friends at MF - does you no good. Also, I had to delete Habu's contempt-filled post because we don't tolerate hostile, scatological ad hominem insults here.
Baloney BD and you know it ....
you don't tolerate contempt filled posts? That's rich. Scatalogical ? def. showing an extreme and unpleasant interest in excrement and sex ... never appeared in that post. Your excuses are a lie. I used one objectionable word, the F word, and misspelled it purposefully. Of course it fooled no one but that was the point. That sentiment was justified, and few in our society over 10 have not heard or used that word. It was something on the order of F Maggies Farm commune....is that your outrageous reference to an ad hominem attack? As for characterizing anything in that post as scatological.perhaps my memory is getting too sclerotic but I used no such phrasing or reference. Last week you warned me not to antagonized my friends. That characterization rose out of a difference of opinion and a desire to know the MF staffs ages and military service, a common biographical data. You and the staff refused to respond, as you do to this day. I said at that time it wasn't as though I was asking for your credit card number. That type of data is very often voluntarily provided in an authors bio. So do me justice, and treat me equitably in your zeal for MF purity by not mis characterizing what I say. It makes you look like an intolerant tyrant who publishes only sweet orchid pieces and cannot brook disagreement. You feign the purity of MF when it suits your editorial agenda, citing children might see a bad word etc and then you regularly post salacious pictures of bare chested women ostensibly for prurient interests. Your behavior is not however setting any tone on the Internet that does not already exist. If it's one thing I have discovered over the past three years it is that if you disagree with the blog owner or administrator you can forget any form of equitable treatment. They will not tolerate an dissenting voice for long without eventually finding a word or phrase they can use to censor the poster. A very effective means of thought and mind control. Scatological? come on man. And a note on friends I might antagonize.....writing on a blog in my world does not reach the level of bonding into friendship. It's a medium for an exchange of ideas and opinions ..it's bowling alone. If your desire is to have a chorus of parroting sycophants I don't believe too many of your contributors would sign up. I write my thoughts and ideas. Those who care to agree are free to do so, those who do not are likewise free ...but I won't be a sycophant, nor am I running for Homecoming King .....truth, you can't handle the truth. H:
Just be civil. We welcome civil disagreement, just as we welcome correction, but reserve the right not to be insulted. We aren't professionals here - rank curious amateurs only, but happy to be so. Problem is that you always seem to be looking for a fight. Chill a little bit. Our writers and readers enjoy and benefit from your comments very much, on the whole. reserve the right not to be insulted
When one has the power to edit and the power to deifine then there can be no honest disagreement. If you can define when you have been insulted then a mild slight can be deeemed such, for it is your power. As for civility, I am for the most part not a profane man. If you define lack of accord on a topic as lack of civility then why not just script our posts for us? In todays world one does not have to look for a fight. You daily publish themes that in themselves are discordant. I do not look for a fight but you seem to take a disagreement as such. I will grant you every measure that I do not come to the keyboard with velvet gloves on, nor brain in neutral. What you get is unalloyed for the most part. I do not apologize for that. Persistence is a virtue and not for the faint of heart for some things take courage but on the screen of a blog there is no courage in the true sense of the word, just as there is no friendship in the true sense of the word. It is simple an electronic medium and I do not form friendships over such a thin object. I here "cool it" .. I am clearly searching for cheese down the wrong corridor of the maze I have entered. Comity is the watchword at MF. It is a good word for those who seek safe harbors. Perhaps MF should consider blowing itself out of it's homeostasis as painful as that might be, for it is only then you will experience growth and maturity.
2007-11-12 15:19
I did not see H.'s 'supposed' offending post. It is very frustrating to see the remnants of a disagreement, and the disparagement of another, and not be able to see where it began.
In my opinion... any reference to that disagreement should be deleted as well. It is not fair to delete the one and leave the rest. H., you said some very good things, above, in your own defense. And I agree with much of what you say. But, I do disagree with one thing... you say the medium is just for exchange of ideas and opinions... that it is. But I think you somewhat narrow minded in your characterization of there not being anything more to it than that. A man's thoughts are listened to and internalized, by others, based on the way in which he conducts himself. Your denigration of others who do not hold the same level of seriousness as you do, as to what you see as the ills of the world, does you no good in having your thoughts/opinions appreciated for the 'truth' that you convey. Long and the short... reputations are made and destroyed in this medium... as well as friendships. I will not insult you by using the word 'compromise'... but can't you find a way to continue sharing your knowledge, insight, wisdom and great humor, without pissing people off in the process? As I would like you to stick around... Luther,
Saged observation. I will work on the not peeving others to madness while attempting to add some of you and Buddy's diplomacy to my posts. As I challenged MF to move from it's stable homeostatic state, perhaps I would benefit from a similar move, away from that of antagonist to one of discriminating observer. That may be cutting the baloney fairly thin but it'll be a start. Thanks again for your keen insight into the effects oF posts on the human condition ..gosh that could be a psyche paper title. Thanks Habu... but no sage here. Just someone who likes to learn, and you offer a lot of opportunity that way. Principals are prime of course. But practicality can be better that petulance. We are all in this war together. At least here I think. Don't forget the true enemies... I guess I'm saying. Thin baloney can always be stacked... a la Dagwood. Ha - yes, good psyche paper title... probably being done as we speak... such is the innertubes.
Well done, Habu. A few of MF's eclectic blog's eclectic hosts cannot handle the eclectic responses of their commenters.
One embarrasses himself daily here in his three-word-sentence responses where any real eclectic would relish the challenging repartee. More breasts, please. Meta,
Thanks for the support. As you can see from my response to Luther I will be undertaking the fifty step program toward transitioning from antagonist to "discriminating observer"...I believe there are government grants available to aid one in this process. I will apply if they are available. In the interim I believe if I allow my posts to "breathe", like a freshly opened bottle of wine, they may leave a different taste. Best, Habu If the ende be wele, than is alle wele.
[1381 in J. R. Lumby Chronicon Henrici Knighton (1895) II. 139] ‘All ys well that endyth well,’ said the gud wyff. [c 1530 R. Hill Commonplace Book (EETS) 110] All's Well That Ends Well. [1602 Shakespeare All's Well that ends Well iv. iv. 35] You're right Buddy....had a dog once. Lost a leg to a rattlesnake, was deaf, blind in one eye and was incontenent. His name was "Lucky" .....ok so you've heard it a million times ..it's still funny.
Hey Meta:
We all have day jobs. Getting cool posts on the blog is all we can handle. Getting cool posts on the blog is all we can handle.
BD, You are right about that. Now how about more luscious orbs, my good man. What are the odds that the last man living of the million-strong American Expeditionary Force (100,000 of whom never returned) sent to 1917 Europe to keep the Franks from buckling, would be named Frank Buckles ?
http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/12/opinion/12rubin.html?ex=1352610000&en=0b48269b87d4c935&ei=5124&partner=permalink&exprod=permalink Only you Buddy, only you... would pick up on that :-)
But, you're right... damn long odds one would have to say. article says Mr. Buckles is 106 and drove a tractor until he was 104.
Wonder what the family said the day he quit--"What? You're just gonna lay around the rest of your life?" Ha, they likely did. Damn, what a character. A few fireside chats with him would have been an edifying experience I'm sure. Or, maybe not :)