Neurologist V.S. Ramachandran does a great job explaining the mysteries of neuroscience to the general public. He's the author of A Brief Tour of Human Consciousness.
It's about mind and brain. If you have a few minutes to be enlightened, watch his video, Journey to the Center of Your Mind.
(My only beef with him is that he sets up some very superficial and wrong straw-man Freudian notions to knock down, seemingly forgetting that Freud's career was in Neurology - he was a prominent one: his papers on aphasia are still read, plus he invented the use of cocaine for eye anesthesia. Used it a bit recreationally, too, I am told. He became curious about all of the hysterics he was seeing in the office, dumped on him by the other docs because he was a Jewish doctor and therefore not welcomed in the upper echelons of academic medicine in Vienna. Hence psychoanalytic theory. However, Freud was not a Psychiatrist.)
(h/t, Attack Machine)