Why we need 527s. Dem. Project
Strange indeed. Second Life. But CNN will cover it.
Great example of the MSM spinning good news as bad news, lest you have an optimistic emotion. Jules
Kahlil Gibran spoof. Damn good. h/t, Assistant Village Idiot
Parents in Utah want to take the power back, in their schools.
VDH bites back. Works and Days
Kid with matches started one of the Calif fires.
A big tent Repub party? Definitely. Both parties should be big tent. It's a party's job to win elections, not to be pure. And yes, I like Rudy as a candidate. He is tough, scrappy and quick.
I like Putin's election strategy. It sure beats promising new entitlements.
No sex on Singapore Air, please. But then why the comfy beds?
From "Beware of Conservative speakers on campus - they might actually change a mind or two", at neoneo - a quote from Prager:
….ad hominem labels are the left’s primary rhetorical weapons. So when leftist students are actually confronted with even one articulate conservative, many enter a world of cognitive dissonance. That is one reason why universities rarely invite conservatives to speak: they might change some students’ minds.
I read the Cato Institute regularly. Good stuff.
Who says foreign aid gets no results? Graph of aid to Palestinians, from here (h/t, SDA):