More on Pakistan's war against Waziristan, at Rick's Place. This could be good. I guess you could call it a "civil war." I don't think there will be anything civil about it, now that they have Ms. Bhutto on board. The Pakistanis are good folks, and should not be "misunderestimated".
Celebrate Diversity Sameness.
"Classical" music does not exist as an entity. Montiverdi and Ravel are not in the same category - it's just a dumb convenient category for lousy record shops that make their money selling pop schlock to teens. Nevertheless, it sells online. Do real "record shops" even exist anymore? I used to enjoy them very much.
Half a billion of the UN's tsumami money went to fraud. In my opinion, the UN is just another virtuous-sounding, feel-good fraud, and Betsy agrees. Heck, if countries want to talk to eachother nowadays, they can just pick up the phone and give them a jingle. I think all those people just like a nice excuse to get out of their shitholes and spend time in wonderful NYC and America, on their country's nickel.
No News Here. None.
MLK had a house full of guns. Classical Values. Who knew? Good for him. I did not agree with much of his politics, but he was a good-hearted, flawed Christian fellow with a highly worthy mission. I am sorry he wasn't carrying the day he was shot, because he might have been able to save himself if he was quick.
The real Ann Coulter. TigerHawk. She has always enjoyed being provocative. People should not get upset with her - she's just a typical cantankerous Yankee character, but female, blond, photogenic, and on the TV. (We have tons of folks who think like her up here, but not ready for TV.) More on Ann, and Bad Advice, at Dr. Bob (I left a comment).
Was going to link a piece at Blue Crab, but he has so many good ones up that I'll just send you over there to nose around.
I missed this great, little story from Iraq. One more murderous bad guy killed, by a 72 year-old.
Photo: Robert Frost's New Hampshire farmhouse.