WalMart beats socialized medicine. No Pasaran. Hmmm, maybe free markets work better than government.
Who writes history? Driscoll. And who invented the myth of the 50s? I think the myth was based on TV, not real life. It seems to me that the 50s were generally sane, stable, and prosperous. The war was over, the culture wars had not begun, and the grown-ups were in charge.
Gay-point averages rank colleges. h/t, reader. If you "happen to be" straight, would you be uncomfortable in the most highly-ranked gay-friendly schools?
Fishing: A new college sport. How do you win?
Italy's sex slave trade. BBC
Canadians upset about Mexican immigration (from the US). Darn those racist Canadians.
Ideological perfection. Kim. Seeking it in a candidate is a fool's errand.
The SCHIP story. Powerline. It's important, but a bit below the MSM radar. I do think it's a Trojan horse, designed to make the middle class accustomed to government health care. It's "for the children," isn't it?
Back Pain: Acupuncture works by placebo effect. Duh. But it works better than conventional treatments for back pain. So how come the placebo effect is weaker with conventional treatments?