Star Parker was once a single mother on welfare, and knows whereof she speaks. Quote:
The poverty that we see today is directly related to people having children outside of marriage and then not working to support those children.
They started with the war on the Black family, and they totally destroyed this family. They spread this message of moral relativism and welfare dependency.
Lots of liberals got hold of the Black community and started convincing them that there is nothing wrong with dependence on government — we started seeing the Black family destroyed. We saw welfare policy enter in with rules that say don't work, don't save, don't get married, and we'll fix all of your life problems for you.
Such a sad, sad story of the unintended consequences of efforts designed by naive intellectuals (who refuse, except for themselves, to understand the roles of incentive, perverse incentive, and disincentive in life) in league with self-seeking politicians. Whole piece at Moonbattery.