"We can talk all we want about freedom and opportunity, about life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, but what does all that mean to a mother or father who can't take a sick child to the doctor?"
That is Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, via Boston Globe via No Looking Backwards, glibly blowing off the foundations of the country. But heck, it's for the children. I guess children never survived until she decided to care about them.
Is there a parent in America who "can't take a sick child to a doctor"? Show them to me, and we will have them arrested for neglect.
A snail fisking (red noses say it all) from our dead-tree files, we captioned this archival clipping of a New York Times photo series of Bubba, Hillary! and Newt on the two-for-the-price-of-one couple's second inauguration day in January of 1997.
Tracked: Sep 20, 18:23