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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, September 11. 2007War Weary? Then get a life. And other topics
The politicization of this "small war" is a damn shame, and simply gives hope to those who want to destroy a free Iraq. Like it or not, we will be there for a long time and as soon as the bad guys realize that, some of the scumbags will find something better to do - like getting married and getting a job and trying life as sane, honest, peaceable citizens. Heck, we are still in Korea, and nobody complains about that except me. Furthermore, I was a skeptic about invading Iraq and figured Bush Sr. had some very good reasons to hold back (and he did). Am I a "moron dead-ender"? I don't think so. Some things are difficult: consider curing cancer, getting rid of cockroaches from a NYC apartment, eliminating crime, weeding the garden, removing corruption from New Jersey politics, killing terrorists one at a time - but it doesn't mean you don't work at them. "Can do." Moslem Jihadists are the cockroaches of the world today, and they are going to be with us for a long time because they believe they are pleasing their god by killing infidels. If some of them want to die in Iraq, fine by me. Related to above: Attack Machine considers "Copperheads Redux." Belgium: Bring back the Duchy of Burgundy. EU Referendum Time Magazine regrets the invention of the automobile, forgets how their magazine gets delivered. Blair Obstruction of justice? Gov. Eliot Spitzer's "black car meetings." You want a burger, and the burger wants to be eaten. Consenting adults, right? LA may limit fast food in some neighborhoods. As Coyote notes, this is mini-fascism. How are the Polar Bears faring? Small Dead Cute Baby Seals The worst school in America. Front Page Is there anything good about men? An essay/speech by Prof. Roy Baumeister to the American Psychological Assoc. (h/t, Minding the Campus) One quote:
Image is from the Harrison Hot Springs Sand Sculpture Tournament of Champions. What kind of cool sand to they have there?
Posted by The News Junkie
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You Haven't Earned The Right To Be 'War-Weary '
In its ongoing effort to demoralize you and tell you how you should feel, so that we can have defeat and a proper humiliation of America, the Washington Post informs us that Americans are 'war-weary'. Well that is impossible. Sorry, seeing the same images of stuff blowing up in Iraq does not give you the right to claim you are 'war-weary.' You aren't there, you aren't fighting. The guys in Iraq and Afghanistan are the ones who can claim to be war-weary, not you. You are not making sacrifices for this war, you are not doing without. There are no scrap metal drives, there is no rationing, there are no shortages, there are no war bonds. War effort? What war effort? Unless you are in the military or are related to someone who is, there is no war. Other than those hurt or killed and their loved ones, America is not paying a price. There's a great saying posted at a US Marine site in Iraq that says: "America is not at was, the Marine Corps is at war: America is at the mall ". Stop your whining. #6 Habu on 2007-09-08 14:47 (Reply) Habu 2 days ago I would highly recommend everyone take a look at the picture on the opening page of the site,
Lucianne.com If you have any questions after that just write them down in the thread provided here for 9-11. I sit in one of the dives
On Fifty-second Street Uncertain and afraid As the clever hopes expire Of a low dishonest decade: Waves of anger and fear Circulate over the bright And darkened lands of the earth, Obsessing our private lives; The unmentionable odour of death Offends the September night W.H. Auden wrote those words over sixty years before, mourning the lost opportunities of the 30s, regretting the role he himself had played. A few days before, Ribbentrop and Molotov had signed the "Nonaggression Pact" in Moscow, establishing permanent friendship between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, and though a series of secret ancillary clauses, clearing the way for Hitler's conquest of the "lost German territories" to the east. Only that morning Hitler's Panzers had crossed the frontier into Poland. Within two weeks they would be joined by Red Army troops. World War II had begun in earnest. The Am. Thinker 9-11-07 People of any noteworthiness do not spend their lives coloring inside the lines
Habu 9-11-07 September 11 , 2007
Osama Bin Marx and the Real Jihad letter to the editor Dear American Thinker, *September 11*, a date memorialized in American history. An important date, a critical date. And we dare not misunderstand its lesson. It is more than a sound bite, and more than the media dare discuss. It wasn't just Islam taken to its logical conclusion that struck you and me. It was another terrible head of the hydra known collectively as the Left. Radicalized, fundamentalist Islam has been as thoroughly penetrated with humanist, socialist Marxism as the Democratic Party, our media, and even the first estate Walid Phares excellent summation in the Sept. 10 edition of American Thinker correctly directed our attention to the Marxist slant in this newest Bin Laden tape, if Bin Laden it is. The first time I read of the penetration and suborning of Islam by agents of the Iron Curtain was in James Clavell's Whirlwind. Clavell was a master at using fiction in order to tell the truth. Clavell devoted great swaths of Whirlwind to the success of Communist agents teaching, propagandizing and twisting their dialectic in order to get Revolutionary Islam to fall in line with Communist long range goals . They're not called Revolutionary Guards by happy accident in Iran. Their penetration was nothing less than amazing, given that Communism is the zenith of scientific atheism. But communism tilled a fertile field in Islam to build up a terrifying cult to wage war upon us, their ultimate enemy. Which is what is at war with America. It is all-encompassing and it will never stop. Islam is the current hammer. Ferocious, deadly, and as driven as the tides. It is the ultimate of weapons from the supernatural. But Islam is not the final enemy behind all enemies. Early Communists correctly analyzed that they would never be able to produce victory over the West through force of arms. They deduced that in order to destroy us, they would have to attack like shadows. They would have to devise Other Means, Other War Fronts, Asymetric Struggles, Other Strategies and Other Tactics. In other words, redefine the field of battle. And that their war would be longer than mere generations because their war, the real war would be aimed at fundamentally turning us upside down inside and backwards until we turned on each other. The November 2001 issue of the Weekly Standard carried as important an essay as I have found. Authored by Waller Newell, professor of political science and philosophy at Carleton University in Ottawa, it is a devastating illumination that today's radical Islamist is little more than the Left's next great act in their Death Cult. Even as they shout the name of their god, they are fodder for the Revolutionary Ethos begun by Communists nearly a century ago. But rather than my words, please read the wisdom and crushing facts of Waller Newell's brilliant essay Post Modern Jihad. And when you're done, I ask you to clearly recognize what is all around you. The shadow war is seeping into everything you hold dear. As Victor David Hanson said in Mexifornia: " .. we have not yet experienced all the consequences of the big bang of multiculturalism, authoritarianism, Utopianism, and cultural relativism - isms that tell young people that facts, dates, people and hard data are either irrelevant, biased or simply not facts at all and that to question such dogma could be "racist" ... " [1] And in Mexifornia the estimable Mr. Hanson points to but one of the thousands of heads on the hydra. Progressives, for instance. Anytime you read progressive know that you are dealing with the shadow war of revolutionary marxism. Even the Church is subsumed into this religion of revolutionary Marx through Liberation Theology. This war is everywhere and in everything, like toxic clouds from Chernobyl. And you can see the fetid seeds of communism in every utterance of jihadists after you know his leaders were educated at the Sorbonne. Then we accurately analyze where the Left in this country gets its heat and light and support. From a multi-generational worldwide jihad that left its searing mark this day on our Nation. The real jihadist is not limited in scope to Islam. The real jihadist is the infectious disease carrier of shadows who may not even know whom he serves as he tears at our national foundations, mocks our brilliant military, sneers at the fundamentals of our nation and feasts on the idea of our defeat . And Waller Newell skewers them all. Michael Geer *There is an old book by a GRU defector who wrote under the pen name Viktor Suvorov. The book's title is Spetsnaz: The Inside Story of the Soviet Special Forces. Chapter 15 in this book is about Spetsnaz's role at the outset of World War III. It makes very interesting reading. Russian Spetsnaz commandos are trained as paratroopers, explosives experts, terrorists and assassins. According to Suvorov, World War III will not begin with conventional military operations, or even with massed nuclear missile strikes. On page 196 he describes "a series of large and small [terrorist] operations the purpose of which is, before actual military operations begin, to weaken the enemy's morale, create an atmosphere of suspicion, fear and uncertainty, and divert attention of the enemy's armies and police forces to a huge number of different targets...." According to Suvorov: "The principle method employed at this stage is ‘ grey terror .'" This is a kind of terror that is carried out "in the name of already existing extremist groups not connected in any way with the Soviet Union, or in the name of fictitious organizations* ." JR Nyquist, 05/13/2004 FSO: Global Analysis with J. R. Nyquist "Grey Terror" for 05/13/2004 [2] Victor David Hanson Mexifornia Encounter Books (September 25, 2004) ISBN 1594030561. pg. 103 H:
Maybe I need a daily open post entitled "Habu's Daily Pearls from the Internets." I was directed last evening to Protean Wisdom for my contribution by one of our contributors since I don't seem to "color inside the lines"
I have decided to ignore that kind offer and continue contribution here. My only concern is I hope i am not having a dampening effect on others who might contribute. I would rather cease altogether than to cause that. I think a nice Misc./Trash bin would do nicely...I can color outside the lines while sitting over in the corner facing the wall....some will approach knowing the miscreants are in that area. Others will follow the current lead of the proscribed theme, remaining comfortably inside the lines. I mentioned to my USMC by-the-book father once that I had noticed that the captains of industry, politics, and even the military did not follow the rules, they made them for others to follow...he was not pleased with that observation, but I believe it to be true. Color whenever you want, whatever color you want, wherever you want. Or, better, "Fire at will."
Why? Because Mrs. Bird Dog loves ya. BD
I think I really matured into a full time ( fill in appropriate word) when I retired. Not to be boorish or pompous but when you have over a million in cash and gold, two homes, Florida and Montana, NO debt at all and have earned it all yourself, along with a loving wife, (by age 60), then you are no longer tethered to convention. I really wasn't when I was working either. In the CIA it was a plus and a must. Improvise, adapt, overcome. In the work-a-day world not so much, but by then it was Alia iacta est . I fondly recall being hauled into the bosses office at Merrill Lynch for some remark I'd made. I patiently listened to his comments and warnings and then asked, " Can I get this erased if I write a term paper?" That's just me. ( He really couldn't touch me as I had in the last quarter just brought in house and invested 20 million new dollars...more than quadruple the next broker. So now with no living parents to embarrass, no children, I can, within the law, or really outside the law ( you can do anything ONCE) be and say what I want. I tremendously appreciate your attitude and kind forbearance and hope to continue to add some knowledge, some wit and humor, and the occasional dog-stew recipe (ugh,imagine). I do not believe you are extending to me any realm of exception. Others I am sure can imaginatively be,do, and create their own motif. There are the threads, and 99% should be acknowleged, with a "we'll have no zeros" policy. On some threads I don't have the knowledge to do more than offer a recipe or parody and once again , thank you for the latitude. Habu
2007-09-11 09:03
Who knows? You might be one of the reasons for our steady rise in readership...or maybe not. You are welcome here, dude, and I do not want to have to keep telling you that.
But now I need to get back to real work.
2007-09-11 09:23
hHabu, you could contemplate running for office, once ensconsed in the wild country. You ain't too old, you gots the freedom & the fire. Then you'd be in DC when the sheist hits the fan. Or, if less successful, at least near the county armory.
buddy larsen
2007-09-11 10:59
Or maybe the men are desperately trying to make up for their inadequacy in the highest-risk, highest-payoff slot of all, having babies.
Wrong, Sissy: I got pregnant once from a babe I did not respect, but didn't want to ruin my six-pack so I got a male abortion through my belly-button.
You misread, and/or misrepresent me Habu. My suggestion re the 'PW pub' was directed at BD and only after you brought it up. It is none of my business where or how you color. I'm just a reader here.
You are correct. I misinterpreted your post and the misspoke this morning earlier. You were being constructive. I too defensive. Now, let me ask you. Why are you primarily just a reader? Your comments are great and it's nice to get the participation and varying points of view. And none of it has to be done in triplicate. Semper Fi Thank you Habu.
As for 'just a reader'. It is rare that I feel I have something original to offer to the kind readers of MF. I'm not one to talk just to hear myself speak. Ha... good on the triplicate, how many nowadays even know what carbon paper is, or was. Semper Fi ha --remember the smell of mimeograph ink ? Or even, the taste, once properly buffered?
Yes Buddy, remember it well. I was an admin clerk my first year and a half in the 'apple'. I have probably used hundreds of gallons of that 'ink'. Don't remember ever 'buffering' any though, that must be a 'Texas thing' :)
Luther McLeod
2007-09-11 12:53
Its getting to be fun watching Spitzer self destruct.
re: the Front page article, is it any wonder that many college graduates are unemployed? Only reason Spitzer got in there was because people were bored with Pataki. Spitzer is nothing but a wealthy, arrogant slimeball.
Walt, the country needs English majors --but it needs arc welders a whole lot more.
Agreed, we need English majors to show that a college education is not the ticket to success that a journeyman's pipe welding certificate is.
so true. take a look at this book sometime--you probably know it--best seller not long ago:
http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&rls=EGLC,EGLC:2006-42,EGLC:en&q=the+millionaire+next+door+book Thanks for the steer, will take a look at it. Seems to say things at are common sense but sense is not common these days.
walt moffett
2007-09-11 15:55
Don't--do not--reread that WH Auden, nor imagine the feeling of having been an aggressive pacifist in the decade leading up to Hitler's invasion of Poland. It's just too terrible to contemplate. The mistake, I mean. The "no do-over" error of thought.
I would post more often but you guys often leave me speechless.
Ya all seem pretty smart too so I might ponder the threads some before posting and then they get old quickly and the next posts are up and running. Which is nice. The flow of good info and entertainment found here must be part of what keeps the visitor numbers climbing. Patina
Your comments are always thoughtful and relevant. And yes, it is hard to keep up with the flow of things at times. I have that problem as well. Thanks Luther.
NJ, those sand sculptures are so cool. Harrison is an interesting place. The old resort was a big deal once but the Whistler resorts have completely dominated for years and so Harrison, which is in the other direction, fell into decline. Harrison is making some comeback now and BC (especially the Lower Mainland) is really starting to gear up for the 2010 Winter Olympics. Also, have a buddy who is a good sculptor and artist and he has been going to Europe for the last few years to snow sculpt. The venues are indoors with controlled temperatures, and the events are ticketed. He says the crowds are big and growing. I oughtta hang this upthread, under habu's reference & link to the photo @ the Lucianne.com site.
But in deference to the day will highlight it here at the forward edge of the thread. It's an essay on that photo, it appeared in Esquire in 2003 (I've had it saved under 'L' for literature ever since). http://www.esquire.com/features/ESQ0903-SEP_FALLINGMAN Buddy,
Run for office? And all this time I thought you liked me. And live in the DC area ...been there, done that. Spent overall in my life about four years in DC..even spent 1st and 2nd grade at "The Congressional School" tah, tah The adult year was my first year with the CIA. Nope, go'in out to Montana and finish my book/screenplay, do some rid'n and fish'n and skeet shoot'n....maybe shoot a few deer. If I'm real lucky I'll get a good shot at an AQ infiltrator from Canada, but I understand they're all coming thru your territory. One thing I've always wanted was a grand player piano so I'm gonna get one. The Montana house will have an enormous room with huge windows look'n at the Big Belts, Missouri River , and Canyon Ferry Lake all in view. I'll just dial up some Beethoven or Bach or whoever and enjoy. Yeah. The town doesn't even have a stop light. Cool. Too late --the 'draft habu' campaign has already swung into high gear. We want you to debate Dennis Kucinich as soon as he gets back from Damascus.
Now I know you must hate me. Were I to be placed in the same room with Dennis Kucinich it would #1 be Jean Paul Sarte's "No Exit" #2 I'd have an assault and battery charge against me ..ok maybe just assault..ok neither 'cause the guys not worth a rap sheet, but I'd probably needsome quaaludes, which are out of production or something close to it to manage ...and how would I do in a debate whacked out on 'ludes?
What a little twerp is he. OK, OK I've reconsidered, but I'll need campaign money...20's, 50's and 100's in a duffle bag under the railroad bridge just outside of town...I'll probable need at least 100 million to be competitive...Buddy , we'll need a cut out and I'm afraid all the good ones are working for Hillary. I'll also need to be out of town when all this is going down so while you round up the money, go ahead and advance about 10k for a look see of the new relationship we have with Sarkozy ... better make that advance 50k Paris is not Montana. Oh yeah, did I mention you're my new campaign manager/spokesman ... I'll be at WallyWorld. okay, I'm on it. the campaign song will do double duty--to help elect you, and will use the 'sunshine' ploy to also keep you from getting whacked maybe: We'll use the melody from "MacArthur Park" but we'll change it to "Fort Marcy Park".
I'll get the songwriter Jim Webb on the new lyrics. Jeez, that's not the same Jim Webb the pistol-packin senator is it? Man this politics biz gets weird FAST. Hey Habu: I have a great idea. I am looking for someone to co-write my autobiography. You know: the story about the faculty wife, who reports the school aministration for insurance fraud, pedagogy fraud, federal student loan fraud, and then finds that every "liberated" woman in the state is gonna take a whack at her in some dirty, secret little way. That the Jewish world network has been activated and her husband is slammed from all parts of the globe by people who never mention his work, and have never met him--they just start yelling "anti-semitic", because the guys committing the fraud were Jewish American. Then we can get to the part about the lesbians, who were put into high up very controlling jobs in the academic world of this place. After five years--every one of them have been moved out of town--wonder why? We could use my experience with this ultra liberal college to timeline the 1990's and explain why it is ok to steal elections now. I still think one of the most destructive forces in America is the "liberated women's network". How about something like KKG--they have over 200,000 sorrority gals all loooking for a better job. All believing they deserve that better job, because the world so abused women for 5,000 years. Yeah, they are easy people to con into assasinating anything, in any way. See you at home bucko! (AP)
"I used her, she used me
But neither one cared We were gettin' our share Workin' on our night moves" Sounds good. I can do the Jewish thing since I've been clipped. Somehow we have to fit in Rabbi Meir David Kahane. and his assassin El Sayyid Nosair. But first things first...I get 50% of the gross on the book and we'll talk about the screenplay. 10% of my 50% will be donated to "MRE's for America" I'll need a secretary 34DD, blonde, perhaps a former Miss Teen South Carolina clone. She doesn't have to be a great typist, hunt'n pecker is fine with me. I think we need the solitude of perhaps Tuscany to really get this down right...what's say? You'll need a masseuse to dissipate tension..do you have a favorite style? hahaha --I was gonna say something about 'stream of consciousness' being fun to read but then i changed emphasis to just saying something about saying something about 'stream of consciousness' then a fly buzzed in the window and i farted and fell off my chair and dozed off
Hope the Jewish foks aren't insulted--I just believe it is time to talk about tribes in this country. The coming up fast women's network is a really scary bunch. But, being attacked from all sides of the globe by people, who don't know you, aren't referring to your work is also very scary--as is blacklisting, election rigging, etc.etc I truly believe if we are gonna fix this country and at the same time fix what's wrong in the ME we have to start speaking openly about the groups, who act as stealthy hit mobs--one side or the other. For example, who wants to talk about the mafia in academia? Anyone? Yeah, that's what I thought!
With regard to the blonde D2 typist: I prefer a young good pair of abs comin home from the ME and trying to work his way through that graduate education he has been promised--what do you say? Re: Harrison Hot Springs....
I know you guys like bridges so here is another new bridge. It will change the region near Harrison a lot. http://www.goldenearsbridge.ca/code/navigate.php?Id=1 As will the new road construction to Whistler but nobody would okay the much needed work until the Olympics, even though needed road and bridge work is often not as expensive as big megaprojects. Reminds me of Minneapolis, where the bridge repair was a fraction of the cost of the monorail built from the downtown to the airport, but no politician wants to close bridge lanes for repairs because people yell at them for all the inconvience. I guess it was just easier to promote the environ-'mental' monorail to the airport. NJ, that smalldeadanimals thread is so funny. Canada does seem to grow more than its fair share of comedians. And like Kate said, NDP leader Taliban Jack Layton will wear that name to his grave. I wonder how old Kate is. The NewsJunkie could marry her (if he is not too funny looking) then they might make some little 'news animals' or 'dead news animals' or some.......er....never mind. Remembering 9/11.... Here is a link to Operation Yellow Ribbon, where all incoming international aircraft were diverted to Canada after US airspace is closed. I know it was not an action, but a reaction. Still there were some real close friendships formed between those many, many stranded passengers and their Canadian hosts during that terrible time. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Yellow_Ribbon ''Canada does seem to grow more than its fair share of comedians''
...including the funniest troupe in modern history, SCTV. they were mostly Canadians, right? Yup. From Wiki...
The Second City is a long-running improvisational comedy troupe based in Chicago's Old Town neighborhood. The Second City Theatre opened on December 16, 1959[1] and has since expanded its presence to several other cities, including Toronto; Second City Detroit in Novi, Michigan; Las Vegas; Los Angeles; and New York. The best known offshoot is Toronto. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Second_City_Television Second City Television, or SCTV, was a Canadian television sketch comedy show offshoot from the Toronto troupe of The Second City. It ran from 1976 to 1984. John Candy (1976 – 79, 1981 – 83) Joe Flaherty (1976 – 84) Eugene Levy (1976 – 84) Andrea Martin (1976 – 84) Catherine O'Hara (1976 – 79, 1981 – 82) Harold Ramis (1976 – 78) Dave Thomas (1976 – 82) Many of them had previously been regulars on The David Steinberg Show. All of the original featured cast went on to successful careers in American film and television. they're really funny --daughter gave me the DVD collection last birthday -- Laff 'til yer teeth go dry --