Mass without a priest? I did not know that the Prof was a converted Roman Catholic. The Eucharist requires a priest in Catholicism.
Is Fred a lightweight? Reason
Here we go again: Is Shakespeare Shakespeare?
More on those "uninsured millions." Conspiracy to Keep You Poor and Stupid. Luskin consludes:
Which brings us to the ultimate question: Does it make any sense to destroy a health care system that 5 out of 100 people do not have adequate access to?
A computer program to translate hieroglyphics and cuneiform. h/t, cool links from Flares.
A fine meditation on Mother Theresa's "dark night of the soul." Anchoress
Socialism: Is the debate over? Solim at Volokh. I thought it was done.
When "carrying" was normal: Charlotte Bronte's dad, and related handgun topics.