Some Swedes now insist that the Swedish flag is racist. Gates. And, via that link, Muslim Ambassadors say "Sweden must change its laws." The money quote from the Algerian Ambassador after meeting with Swedish diplomats:
the meeting "was an excellent initiative taken in a spirit of appeasement."
Indeed. These European struggles are not about racism. They are about nations desiring to preserve their cultural identities and traditions and values, codes of behavior, and ways of life - to preserve their societies - and about those in those nations who are happy to see those things disappear. The charge of racism is a phony, designed to put people on the defensive and to shut them up. It usually is.
Yes, as we have said and as Buddy said today in a comment, the long-time strategy of the Left is to undermine the foundations of a society, with the fantasy that a utopia - run by them - will ensue. It is nihilistic; it is heartless, and it is a form of grandiose insanity.