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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, September 6. 2007Thursday LinksLuciano Pavarotti: RIP. We have YouTubed him recently, so will not do it today - everyone else is anyway. We'll miss the big guy. And about Fred: Let's see how he does. He surely is a likeable, seemingly-straight-forward fellow. Greenies: Airplanes for us, man-driven treadle pumps for you. Moonbattery. Related: Global warming and ocean saltiness. Did you grow up poor in America? You probably did if you are over 35, by today's definitions. I did, and I am under 35. Never thought I was poor, though: plenty of food, plenty of sports, and plenty of books. Duke, Ham, and PC: SISU, the Queen of the Segueway (if that is how it is spelled). Will the NAACP ever resume working to lift up and inspire their constituents? Viking wonders. So do I. Ethanol for cars: One more strike against that dumb idea: It's depleting water supplies.
Posted by The News Junkie
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It SHOULD be spelled that way . . . Much more dynamic! My way or the segueway. Thanks for the link. :-)
...but sissy, then wouldn't it be "my wayway or the segueway" ?
Poor in America - Reminds me of the story about Stalin showing "The Grapes of Wrath" in order to show the Soviets how bad America was. Instead they were amazed that even poor people had cars here.
When I tell my kids that my parents only had one car and one (black and white) television when I was a child, they don't believe me. Uh, fellers, it takes about four times as much water to rifine a gallon of gasoline as it does a gallon of ethanol.
Ethanol is a Heck of a Deal, and it will get even better as time goes on. It's going to get a lot cheaper as the shortage goes away, and you're going to get even more power and better efficiency as engines are built to take advantage of the higher octane. Don't pay any attention to the wsj. The rag is deep into the pockets of big oil. People, people...I've been following Rufus on the ethanol trail for about two years..he's been at it a good deal longer...as is my habit I often double check things ...the old trust but verify...
I say Rufus knows more about this subject than Miss Teen South Carolina ..no, just joking , she knows a ton more ...ok extended joke.... No I'm placing my bet behind Rufus. He's covered this six ways from Sunday over the years. Thanks, Habu; BUT, I DO want to be Fair. If Ms Teen South Carolina has something to say about this I'd be more than willing to listen. Maybe, over a drink, or something; what do you think? How old did you say she was?
I believe for the sake of future prying eyes that you are certainly talking about her mother or Mrs. South Carolina...although should the person in question be 18+, well I'll have a double!! Gents,
If she's not 18 perhaps we could have dinner with her and her Mom..Mom of course can have a social one and we can always offer the young one a slurpee. What say ole chaps?
Ian Anderson
2007-09-06 16:32
The poor. What can you say? I say we don't have enough of them.
The only reason we don't is we have sudsidized the poor with child support, vouchers, job training and a host of other socialist programs. In 2006 56% of our buget went to Social programs. The year I was born 1948 it was 10%. A family of four gets $36,892 in government subsidies. Feathering the nest New data from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis confirm that the average federal civilian worker earns $106,579 a year in total compensation, or twice the $53,289 in wages and benefits for the typical private worker. Social spending spending Federal Spending is $9,223 per man, woman and child Social Spending up 14 Times Faster Than The Economy Here take a look for youself. It makes me sick. http://mwhodges.home.att.net/fed_budget-a.htm#Defense We don't have nearly the number of poor we should have because in my world you pull you weight unless for some reason charity is needed. Then you do the Chrisitan thing. But that does not include welfare Cadillacs. I have said it before but perhaps new eyes are falling on these words. Karl Marx said: From each according to his ability, to each according to his need (or needs) is a slogan popularized by Karl Marx in his 1875 Critique of the Gotha Program. The phrase summarizes the idea that, under a communist system, every person shall produce to the best of their ability in accordance with their talent, and each person shall receive the fruits of this production in accordance with their need, irrespective of what they have produced In the Marxist view, such an arrangement will be made possible by the abundance of goods and services that a developed communist society will produce; the idea is that there will be enough to satisfy everyone's needs. So some bright leftest out there tell me we haven't already reached your Nirvanna since the "rich" pay 95% of the tax burden in this country and receive back, for a family of four $36,892 in social services ....that they don't qualify for anyway.......*someone step up and tell me we aren't a full blown socialist country* ....cause I'd love to read the ratioanale. I know one of the biggest rationales is to keep those who would be truly bad off from torching the country....which they do from time to time anyway. So, NOW, I've gone from having a drinky-poo with Ms young SC to having Dinner with her, HER MOTHER!, HABU!, AND SOME REPROBATE NAMED IAN!
This is Going Downhill, Fast. In fairness to the WSJ, I think the issue was water supply in the areas where the ethanol plants are located.
BD don't be a buzzkill now ... we distort..you decide .... plus after we build desalinization plants and trillion dollars terrorist target pipelines we'll be do'in just fine......
ALSO to do a D&C on my we need more poor the thought behind that was that if we did nor give away so much of other peoples money to people who can work but won't because thier iPod ,baggy pants , and earring conflict with MacJobs...take away the rice bowl and #1 we'd have e more than enough Americans picking our oranges, tomatoes, etc and the invaders wouldn't have a reason to cover their invasion although they would evade that reasoning and invade anyway ..whew CAUTION :RUN ON SENTENCE AT FULL WARP. The wsj is just terrible on this subject, BD. They have shown no inclination, whatsoever, to be "accurate" in their articles on ethanol.
BTW, the newer ethanol plants use the same gallon of water four, or five, times, and Pacific Ethanol completely closed the loop, I believe, in one of their plants. R:
I have to trust you on this subject. But you'd have to convince me that anything is preferable to home-grown oil. There just isn't ENOUGH of that Homemade Oil, BD. We're missing our demand by about 12 million bpd, and if we did EVERYTHING right we might get it down to ten.
To make matters worse, Mexico lost about a half a million bpd out of their main field, last year, as did Kuwait, and Venezuela. Iran, also, is exporting less every year. Look, we may not be at Peak oil, but a whole bunch of real smart people can't figure out how in the world we're going to come up with the forty, or fifty million extra barrels/day that we're going to be needing in the next couple of decades.
2007-09-06 18:57
Pacific Ethanol is [i believe] the outfit Bill Gates has taken a big stake in.
Ian Anderson of Jethro Tull ...listen to the lyrics...
http://youtube.com/watch?v=QqZmtq5LhFo yeh, i've been following Rufus on the ethanol issue, too, for sometime. He's worth listening to, even if he does hang around a little too much with that child and her ma and that guy Ian.
oh jeez yes, i didn't see him at first, he was in the kitchen digging around in the fridge--
Buddy, there was one last piece of pecan pie left (I always call the last third of a pie "the last piece") in the fridge so I HAD to do my duty.
Nice glass of cold milk to wash it down .. dang it were gud.... mmm mm, cold sweet milk & a one third size piece of pecan pie --small heaven --
buddy larsen
2007-09-07 01:29
Buddy: Segue, segueway, your way, my way . . . Let's call the whole thing off?
I'm with you. How's about this? Big old beyootiful nucular energy plants, and we redirect the waste "Steam" to provide process heat for our ethanol plant!
That's what they're doing with the new one (proposed) in Idaho. Nucular??? No way--didn't you see "THE CHINA SYNDROME" ???
When Ann Althouse's Li'l Greenie (above) was Mugged by reality? a couple of years back, we used her misfortune as a jumping-off point for a little light liberal bashing, contrasting those of the right, who believe government ought get out
Tracked: Sep 17, 13:48