The Left dislikes Bloomberg's pay-for-grades idea. Why? From Moonbattery:
Incredibly, moonbats are attacking the program from the left. Screeches Margy Waller, a domestic policy advisor in the Clinton Administration:
It just reinforces the impression that if everybody would just work hard enough and change their personal behavior we could solve poverty in this country, and that's not reflected in the facts.
You see, the idea that people could rise out of poverty through their own effort is dangerous crazy talk.
Sheesh. Talk about dangerous crazy talk. Is she saying that everyone wants to come to America for the government freebies and not for opportunity? That is sick. If you have kids after you get married, and stay married, and finish high school, and quit drugs, and maybe move to where jobs are, it is almost impossible to be poor in America. Otherwise, you must want to be poor.
And, speaking of the Mayor, his party switch is really meaningless. He was a Dem, switched to Repub to run for Mayor. Now he's indep. I like and admire the guy, but his politics are for the birds. He is very smart but unwise.
I agree with Glenn:
I'd like to see a third-party candidate, but I'd like one who stands for more freedom, not less, and the nannyish Lee Kuan Yew-wannabe Bloomberg clearly doesn't fit that description.
James Hansen ups the ante yet again. But we're still not scared, Jim. Lubos Motl takes a look at Hansen's paper. And now China passes the US in CO2 production.
Ethanol: A farm subsidy program pretending to be an energy policy. Exactly. The idea of using food for fuel should be crazy on the face of it.
Gas prices:
From Bernard at TCS:
Like most of the American public, I have stood at the pump at my local filling station and cursed the cost of gasoline. Yet, after filling my tank I inevitably drive to Starbucks to stand in line with other women seeking a reprieve from morning mommy detail, handing over $4.24 without batting an eye as I order my beloved venti, soy chai latte.
And re taxing "big oil," guess who will be paying those taxes. Sneaky, because it won't show up as a tax at the pump - just in the pricing. So you won't get mad at Congress - you'll get mad at Mobil.
Environmental Economics asks how high gas prices need to be before people reduce consumption.
The Scottish Enlightenment and the idea of America. View from 1776.
This is pretty funny: Hillary picking her theme song, Sopranos-style. video.
Al Gore made 100 million since he lost the election. Lucky or smart? Or handed deals because of who he is?
I don't know about you, but I prefer my gravy smooth and the sausage on the side.