Rudy Giuliani might not be your favorite candidate, but he is an impressive, likeable, and engaging communicator. Watch. It is quite amazing that the Repubs have such a deep bench. Lots of folks I'd happily vote for, and no-one is ever perfect. Rudy is not my candidate, but I'd vote for him without complaint.
Climate momentum shifting. Summary of scientists who have switched sides in the debate. (h/t, Jawa)
Black-on-white crime just doesn't fit the narrative. LaShawn. More from Cramer.
Another grim milestone. Dust my Broom.
The ongoing lying of the pols about illegal immigration proposals. Rick at RWNH. But Kesler is not quite so negative about it.
Widgets, drive-bys, and bots. Nasty things from websites. BBC
The Hollywood blacklists. Mark Steyn via Driscoll. Probably like you, I was taught that the blacklists were one more reason that America was a bad country. Wrong. These guys were traitorous, hated America, and allied themselves with Russia via the Communist Party. Nothing was wrong with pointing that out.
Al Gore threatens the free press. I missed this scary quote from Anchoress' piece:
“I think if it is important to look at the pressures that made it more likely than not that mainstream journalists in the United States would convey a wholly inaccurate conclusion about the most important moral, ethical, spiritual and political issue humankind has ever faced.”
Sheesh. Al, check in with your doctor, and check your porphyrin levels.
It looks like a set-up for a lawsuit to me. Protein. To what extent should religious accommodations be made in schools and the workplace?
No more blunts. Vaporizers are the thing, dude. Like healthy, man.
Behind the DC gun lawsuit. Alphecca.
What ever happened to Magic Johnson? Classical Values