The Easter Lily. Sippican Cottage
Ignore cold weather, make a fuss over hot weather. Blue Crab
A Tipping Point with illegal immigration? And immigrants protest Bush's immigration plan. What?
Race against the clock in Iraq. Libertarian Leanings. Brits fleeing Basra - I thought they had it under control. Guess not. EU Referendum
How is the date of Easter calculated?, plus misc topics. Classical Values
Wilmer McLean and the Civil War. Willisms
Lieberman attacks Pelosi. Gateway
Scare the kids to death! Moonbattery
Iran promises more hostage-taking. LGF. Why not? It works great. Big Lizards notes that the Brits' phrase "Fighting back was not an option" could be an epitaph for the Western World. Fred Thompson is not on board with defeatism.
Don Imus may be a jerk, but does any buffoon who does gangsta talk need to be subjected to the buffoon Al Sharpton?
BBC: The message is too positive. Cancel the show.