Riehl says:
Iran is degrading and manipulating British sailors and marines, one of them a woman, and the world is probably waiting for America to do anything provocative so they can somehow blame this all on us.
There's no backbone left in the West and Iran knows it.
Or are they letting Tehran overplay their hand? "Bearded Mullah speak with forked tongue", as Tangled Web put it.
Another greenie hypocrite. Unbelieveable. Travolta. Find me a prominent greenie spokesperson who walks the walk. Just one.
Pius Xll - The Nazi Pope? Not quite.
What is an enemy? A political enemy, that is. SC&A. Too long, but good.
More on the liberal hypocrisy over free trade. View from 1776. I think they just see a possible issue - and damn what is for the best. Drezner has more on the subject.
Women are angrier than men. Duh. Dr. Helen (h/t, Jules) Let a woman in your life, and your serenity is through...
Circuit City on a downwards slide.
Internet commerce growing fast in China. Dinocrat. Can a totalitarian state maintain itself if it has internet access?
"The ten questions I want to ask Al Gore." John Hawkins. It's about the same as our ten.
We have always opposed corn ethanol as a fuel. We fully support corn ethanol in whiskey. Corn ethanol is pure pork, but it won't work. Synthstuff explains, if you aren't already convinced.
A cottage in Truro. Just wonderful. Sippican Cottage.
EU eliminates Islamic terrrorism, overnight. Gates of Vienna. Why didn't we think of that?
Largest tax hike in history. Details at Flopping. But why? On general principles?
Africa to Mugabe: "Love ya, dude." No wonder Africa is hopeless.
Blogs. I recently read (I forget where) that only around 300,000 people regularly follow politically-oriented blogs. I have no way to confirm the accuracy of that number. Are we a politically-oriented blog? I don't know: kinda-sorta. The size of the market is small, and therefore even the biggest blogs are limited in their ability to grow readership. It's a matter of people's interest as much as anything else. One can only envy the porn and NASCAR sites for the level of interest they attract. I mention this because Kim du Toit has an interesting piece on the stats of American internet access. Around 30% of Americans have no interest in internet access, according to a study. (That must be the 30% of Americans who don't read Maggie's Farm daily.)
Image: Maker's Mark advt. via Mr. Free Market, who I doubt is a bourbon drinker but who has a good eye for ads.