The "surge" isn't so much a surge in force as it is a tactical change towards aggressive neigborhood policing, with the theory that effective policing will embolden the good guys to get on our side, so we can leave Iraq to the Iraqis. Problem is that everything the Dems and the media are doing works to undermine that effort. Villainous has a good summary piece: Killing the Surge
LaShawn Barber, one of our favorites, is planning to give up her blog. Read the link to learn why (hint: It's about God).
Biological Fantasies: A few basic immutable facts about human nature from Dr. Sanity, who sounds like she is on the exact same page as our Dr. Bliss.
Captain Ed thinks Tehran blew it. I think that depends on whether their purpose is international or internal politics. An attack would bolster a possibly shaky government.
How Germans view America. Don Surber. The condescension is what bugs me. Also, No Pasaran considers French anti-Americanism.
Chrysler for sale again. Drudge
New Gov Spitzer (a Dem) gets 100 more charter schools in NY.
The "six passengers formerly known as the Flying Imams" Powerline
Image: a 1948 Ford 8N on Maggie's Farm - had the year wrong at first. Runs like a top after a few months in the tractor hospital.