News = Entertainment: Al Gore Speaks
See the video of Gore at Move On last week, on Jackson's Junction.
A Bainbridge Two-fer
His casual regard for immigration laws is ticking people off. Well, that's what blogging is all about. Diversity. Debate. Fun. The stuff that the MSM has been missing.
And interesting info re wines from the Prof.:
"Contrary to wine's male image, in which men score vintages and then hoard them in cellars, women buy 77 percent and consume 60 percent of the wine in America."
New England Values
Michelle is on the story about the homosexual movement in grade school. At Maggie's, we like gays as much as we like anyone else, but come on! Geez.
A New Dem Hero: Hugo Chavez
What does this tell us? Thanks, LGF.
The Sacred UN: The One Hope for Humanity
Mugabe appointed to UN Human Rights Commission. Thanks, Right Wing Nuthouse.
Horowitz on the Job
If Dave didn't exist, we'd have to invent him. His campaign for Academic Freedom is worthy of support. Have to quote his piece:
"Today, I am grateful to my Columbia professors for their professionalism, for the fairness with which they treated me as a student and for their faithfulness to the educational concept. They did not regard the classroom as a place for airing their political prejudices or where students were expected to adopt opinions their teachers regarded as politically correct. As I set out on my campaign of academic reform in the year 2003, the educational environment I experienced at Columbia in the 1950s was the gold standard of what I wanted to achieve.
It is my view based on thirty years of experience around college campuses, that American universities are less intellectually free today than they were in the McCarthy era. The difference is that then the commissars of political correctness were political figures who were outside the university community and whom the university community regarded with hostility as well as fear. Today, the commissars of political correctness are an integral part of the university itself. They are professors and administrators who think it is the university’s place to train students in “progressive” attitudes and ideas, and enlist them in the armies of “social change.” But the university is not – and should not be – a political party. As the liberal scholar Stanley Fish put it in a well-known article in The Chronicle of Higher Education, “Save The World On Your Own Time.” "
Read entire.