I just see Hillary Clinton sinking deeper and deeper.
We read about her a couple of days ago at the Gay, Transgender and Lesbian group, pleading a partnership. A Partnership? And did she wear leather or try out the fem thing?
But her fake black southern accent in Selma, and doing God-talk like she was MLK Jr, is just too much. I could hardly listen. But you can hear it here. If you can stand it, you can SEE IT here. Is this how she thinks people should talk to black folks? Or is she mocking them?
Who expected the campaigns to become so amusing, so soon?
Such questions already! Is Edwards gay? Is Hillary black? Does Romney have 6 wives and three heads? Is Giuliani a transvestite?
Wizbang has a good idea: ally yourself to the person who most pisses off the right people. I am voting German Shorthair.