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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Sunday, January 28. 2007"Tenured Vigilantes"
Read the whole thing. And wonder, like me, how long it will take for this sort of academic to be "unmasked" as no more than cynical, bitter, and ignorant careerists, with interest in neither truth nor beauty. Are there two Dukes? Because one does not encounter such soul-less people in the stands at Cameron Indoor Stadium.
Posted by Bird Dog
in Best Essays of the Year, Education, Our Essays, Politics
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You may call those things your legs, but in reality they are selfish constructs intended to keep your ass up off the ground.
Embattled on every important socio-political front this country is in, as the "Civilization Calls" production pointed out in the "apathy" stage, close to the bottom rung and ready to founder.
Is there a way out? Other civilizations have never found the magic to do so and we seem unable to develop any longer the leadership, in our multicultural-PC world to do so. We cannot have a civil war to remedy the wrongs for other nations would ally with the various factions and we would lose everything that much quicker. That is one reason so much rides on a victory for the US in Iraq. The Sword of Damocles, poised over us, with many attempting to trigger it's fall, and never has there been a people or nation less deserving of that peril. It makes the case for preemption a demand for our survival lest the most deparate madness cleave the link and let the sword fall. Wood someone tell me just what the hell this here habu thang is spout'n 'bout.
I dun thot wees talk'n about rap'in Blue Devils and the pencil neck geeks that teech 'em. Now Habu ends up under the sheets wait'n on some sword to commence a cutt'n...jeez what's the over /under on this Habu's Q-meter? Mr. Tater,
I believe Mr. Habu was simply attempting to point out how large a cow pie we're in at the moment. Best reards, E. Parker Hamilton, IV You can't run away from trouble. There ain't no place that far.
-- Uncle Remus LOL--"E. Parker Hamilton IV"
tears of laughter. No, maybe eyestrain Assigning particular guilt to those kids, on the basis of the general "guilt" of human nature, is so Nazi, I can't believe that these Humanities profs can't see it.
"Oh, the huge manatee" as some wag said. Yes,
E. Parker Hamilton IV is so pretentious. I myself did an LOL. G.P.H. Schuyler Damocles was an excessively flattering courtier in the court of Dionysius I of Syracuse, a 4th Century BC tyrant of Syracuse, Italy. He exclaimed that, as a great man of power and authority, Dionysius was truly fortunate. Dionysius offered to switch places with him for a day, so he could taste first hand that fortune. In the evening a banquet was held, where Damocles very much enjoyed being waited upon like a king. Only at the end of the meal did he look up and notice a sharpened sword hanging by a single piece of horsehair directly above his head. Immediately, he lost all taste for the fine foods and beautiful girls and asked leave of the tyrant, saying he no longer wanted to be so fortunate. (from wiki "Damocles")
Maybe the metaphor is more appropriate that we thought? Let's become third-world, then the third-world might leave us be? I would rather hasten our foes to hell than anything I can currently think of.
If we lost 50-100 million but could inflict damage of 300-500 million it would be worth it. We are disposed to say we have no regrets. Well right now I regret like hell that I'm too old at 59 to even get hired as a merc. I would truly relish capping some of those Arab and Persian bastards, just as I did our VC antagonists when I was in my 20's. As two time Medal of Honor winner Dan Daly said to his Marines in the thick of the fighting near Lucy-`le-Bocage as he led the 5th Marines' attack into Belleau Wood, 6 June 1918 "Come on you sons of bitches, do you wanna live forever" I say hell no and lets kill the bastards. Godammit--that's a PATTON speech! What's wrong with us at this age--all we need is transport. I can't see anymore anyway except thru a scope.
It began during WWII. Among those who stayed home, some became tenured faculty. Most were not 4F, but mereley socialists, who had found a loophole.
Whether a nation or a faculty, the socialists will accrue power because they are dedicated to power itself, while all others see such lording ambition as unwholesome, and can only enter the contest to stop the socialists after the designs become apparent.
Hence, the decent folks are always a step behind. The only thing that keeps socialism from world domination is those who recognize a higher power than Man, imho. Great stuff there guys. You form the squad, and my, as well, 59 year old ass will be more than willing too join you. I might even be able to still pick em' off with the iron sights. I'm hating all this PC shit. Are there no balls left in this country?
You're good H. Semdley, Daly etc. Add Geiger, Puller etc. This country needs more Marine Corps history. Hugo Chavez, harking back to the so-called "liberation theology" which I saw firsthand in 70s/80s Latin America, and of which Jimmy Carter was and is an acolyte, seeks to combine socialism with Jesus.
The last time 'liberation theology' took hold, it was deflated by the Pope himself, JPII, saying that freedom and markets best deliver the poor from privation, both material, spiritual, and political. Great--the new Abraham Limpin' Brigade, forms here.
Luther, re Marine Corp history, you gotta read Sledge. "With the Old Breed". I have an in-law who is a big time moonbat. He was the token male in the Womans Studies department at a major university for years. He often said that his colleagues were all Marxist lesbians. During that time he was brought up and cleared of 'sexual harassment' charges several times. And he still is a big time moonbat! lol. I guess that is what can happen to logic when you take a masters degree in one of the social sciences. /sarc.
You wonder Bird Dog how long it will take before these career academics are unmasked and I fear the answer is never. I want the phoneys at Duke to eat their words and change their attitudes but I don't really believe that will happen. Not when major universities give out credit for things like studying the music of L'il Kim. I hope folks like you here at Maggies keep hot on their trail Bird Dog. As long as they are protecting their flanks they will not be able to attack. At the very least it has helped to keep them on defence. Thanks.
The kids that I know in college lacrosse are not pampered. They work constantly. And their families make a ton of sacrifices so they can play. And then they are pilloried by PC professors at their own schools! It is not right. This Duke case has been a real wake up call for many. BD, even if it does only a little bit of good, that is still something. And who knows, it may be doing more good than you know.
Patina, right, it's like finding something really nasty in your attic or cellar or fridge. Here you thought all was benign & familiar and then along comes a Nifongish miasma of changeling ugliness, right there in your face. A criminalization of race, like you-know-who, back in the 30s. |