LaShawn, on Duke again.
Althouse on the Duke fiasco. They are making the old "fake but accurate" case. She quotes the NYT here:
Critical race theorists, who are on the faculty at almost every major law school and are producing an ever-growing body of scholarly work, have drawn from an idea made popular by postmodernist scholars of all races, that there is no objective reality. Instead, the critical race theorists say, there are competing racial versions of reality that may never be reconciled.
Oh, I see. Stealing Pontius Pilate's line. Quite original.
Indeed, as News Junkie says, universities have become sanitaria. And Duke is the Harvard of the South, right? Or is it Harvard is the Duke of the North? I forget. They have good roundball though (Duke) - also good lacrosse, I have heard. Sports may be the only areas of sanity in these places.
Final comment: How come everyone preaching about the racial divide is white? If black Americans are incomprehensible, why are whites talking so much about them? Or this that a "white" question?