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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, March 22. 2025Saturday morning links
Legacy of the angels = When medieval scholars sought to understand the nature of angels, they unwittingly laid the foundations of modern physics New York Takes A Stab At A Green New Deal Demonstration Project: The Case Of Ithaca Greenpeace Verdict Is a Wake-Up Call for Progressive NGOs. For nonprofits that conduct or fund illegal behavior, an era may be coming to an end. Saturday Miscellany Bluesky: The Online Cone of Silence ‘I’m a Liberal at a ‘Conservative’ University. How Did I End Up Here? Trump is working overtime to restore the rule of law. In the long term, his masculine policies will function less as a punitive expedient Panic Hits Democrats As Trump Goes After Their Money and Infrastructure Comments
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QUOTE: Trump is working overtime to restore the rule of law ... first, Trump is acting to restore the law from the depredations of lawless, indeed un-constitutional, arrangements whereby the core powers of the presidency and of Congress are undermined by unaccountable bureaucrats. In fact, the bureaucracy is a creation of the Congress acting through Article I powers. The check is that the President appoints officers of the government with the advice and consent of the Congress. So, if the President wants to end the Department of Education, the President needs to go to Congress (or did before Trump was anointed). Otherwise, the President is constitutionally obligated to faithfully execute the law Congress enacted. QUOTE: Second, he is acting to rescue the executive powers of the presidency from the un-Constitutional interference of district court judges. Article III provides that "judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution". The District Courts are the trial level of the judicial process, which are subject to established judicial rules, including rights to a hearing and appeal. QUOTE: “The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.” Yes, and the President swears to "take care that the laws be faithfully executed", the judiciary deciding if and when the President has exceeded their authority under the Constitution. QUOTE: Ask yourself this: do the approximately 700 district judges have “jurisdiction,” which means — authority, control, power, dominion — over the executive actions of the President of the United States? Of course they do. The federal appeals courts, including the Supreme Court, are not trial courts. Federal district courts conduct trials, collect evidence, hear witnesses, then make decisions, which are then reviewable by higher courts. That's how it works. That's how it always worked. QUOTE: The reformation of the senate was one of the first steps in which Augustus laid aside the tyrant, and professed himself the father of his country. He was elected censor; and, in concert with his faithful Agrippa, he examined the list of the senators, expelled a few members, whose vices or whose obstinacy required a public example, persuaded near two hundred to prevent the shame of an expulsion by a voluntary retreat, raised the qualification of a senator to about ten thousand pounds, created a sufficient number of Patrician families, and accepted for himself the honourable title of Prince of the Senate, which had always been bestowed, by the censors, on the citizen the most eminent for his honours and services. But whilst he thus restored the dignity, he destroyed the independence of the senate. The principles of a free constitution are irrevocably lost, when the legislative power is nominated by the executive. —Edward Gibbon And THAT, my friends is how the left views their corruption and taking of trillions of taxpayer dollars. They will install corrupt ;eft wing judges, but I repeat myself, and they will steal as much of your money and power as they can. And if you object and appoint someone to audit their treachery they use their corrupt judges to tie it up in courts for the next four years. It is treason and it will destroy us.
Z: That's how it always worked.
Well, since the Judicial Code of 1911. Before that, the United States still had circuit courts. Somewhat before that, Earth was a seething, spinning orb of molten rock. OneGuy: And THAT, my friends is how the left views their corruption and taking of trillions of taxpayer dollars. You mean Congress? Yeah, the worst of all systems and all that. George Washington, after winning the American Revolution, could have been made king. Instead, he surrendered his sword to the back-stabbing, corrupt, two-faced, f@@*@ !!@#$ representatives of the People. The President cannot end the departments, but he can shrink them down to a skeleton.
Some of these institutions were not made by Congress such as FMCS (Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service). They can simply disappear along with their grifting. https://www.dailywire.com/news/fmcs-slush-fund-abolished-by-trump Soros Comes for Schumer - Dem Leader Faces End of His Career as Soros-Backed Org Marks Him for Elimination
One wonders if The Left will be able to wear Schumer down to where he just decides to retire? If not, it may be a tall order to primary and unseat him. OTOH, perhaps the base is so infuriated they will be able to do it. I like the idea of an AOC running in his place. It might actually put the seat occupied by Scumer in play for the GOP. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2025/03/soros-comes-schumer-dem-leader-faces-end-career/ re The history and dramatic extinction of the Passenger Pigeon, once the most numerous bird on Earth.
My maternal Grandma had a tome that mentioned the passenger pigeon. Published in the early 20th century it made no mention of the pigeons' decline. It was not yet extinct. Anyhow, it was mentioned in more than one science class while I was growing up as an example of species extinction. Back then The Narrative was that hunters had claimed every last one. ICONIC! NCAA Champion salutes and then hugs President Trump in Philadelphia and crowd goes wild!
https://commoncts.blogspot.com/2025/03/iconic-ncaa-champion-salutes-and-then.html ps. could you please add CC to your blogroll? thanks! |
Tracked: Mar 23, 09:26