We are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for.
I hope this is true, but climate hysteria has been found to be a great way to control the little people, and skim huge amounts of money at the same time. I am not all that sure it is over. There is too much to lose.
Over there at the Free Press, they make the claim that the Stock Market has tanked. I don’t follow the NSYE numbers every day, but if the Stock Market had tanked, I would have expected to see that in glaringly headlines from MSN, which I do check regularly. It pays to keep tabs on the enemy of the people.
I would almost guarantee that 80% of the Trump voters knew he would implement his tariff strategy, if elected. So, Niall Ferguson is wrong that we didn’t know what we were supporting. Mr. Ferguson‘s natural tendency is the world economy. Mr. Trump’s promise was to Make America Great Again. His supporters are tired of being the economic door mat of the world economy. We are tired of being taken advantage of, and paying through the nose for the privilege.
Why should every country in the world be allowed to restrain imports from America, while demanding free access to the world’s biggest economy? America is broke. It is past time to get our economic house in order. The World Economic forum types do not like an independent America. They want us broke and dependent.
Death is often terrible, pain, agony, a long wait for the end. Worse for your loved ones who watch over you. Unbelievably difficult, draining, emotional watching the torture day after day. Interestingly I discovered less than a week ago (after the death of a close friend suffering terrible pain) that the hospital isn't allowed to give you enough pain medication to stop the pain. This is because of that famous and mostly bogus lawsuit over opioids (Oxycodone). The lawyers got rich but the doctors got chastised and new rules prevent them from stopping the pain. But the "good" news is that when they send you home to die the rules allow the hospice nurse to give you as much pain medicine as you need. Why?
Anyway, when death is a release from terrible suffering it may seem to be your friend but it is still death. The body often wastes away such that when you hold your loved one or help them sit up or move it feels like you are literally touching a skeleton; skin and bones. Sometimes I have seen this terrible way to die take a week to 10 days. Other times I have seen it take months. Months of medically induced semi-awareness, still experiencing pain, unable to eat or drink. shitting and urinating on themselves. It is impossible to paint a true picture as your mind refuses to bring back those memories.
My father died in the hospital with tubes down his throat and nose. Seemingly unconscious, but I could hold his hand and tell him I was there and he would squeeze my hand. Hardly a great memory but I hold onto it. My wife's father died at home she stayed with him for three months and he needed a fentanyl patch to stand the pain. Almost paralyzed, couldn't stand, couldn't function, awake but made little sense. Finally just stopped breathing at 2:00 AM one night.
I have another friend laying on her couch, wasting away, some pain but the fentanyl keeps it at bay. Her husband, also 80 YO, looks 100 YO losing sleep, worrying, suffering with her. This has been going on for a couple of months. Based on her weight loss and emaciated appearance she hasn't got much longer.
I live in a 55 plus community, I am 82, I have cancer, I've had a stroke, I am seeing an oncologist, a cardiologist, a neurologist, hematologist and a Dermatologist. Right now I'm wearing a heart monitor and carry around the associated recorder, I call it my little friend. I've had 4 MRI's and one Nuclear test (sorry the name of it escapes me) in the last 2 months. My fear is for my wife to have to see me go through the long suffering until death does indeed appear to be my friend...
An excellent, poignant summary. I just prayed that you and your wife can receive and show grace in this period, and that the devotion and affection banked over the years can sustain you now.
Assistant Village Idiot
2025-03-17 12:53
Sorry to hear about your troubles. Cancer sucks. While I don’t know what you are going through, I do know what it is like to watch someone that is close, get eaten up by that damned disease. Prayers for you.
Manhattan Contrarian's summary was most informative. It's a pity his comment section is so taken up by a person obsessive about himself rather than topics. When that happens even the better commenters sart to get testy.
Assistant Village Idiot
2025-03-17 12:55
The best outcome is for DOGE to use that court outcome to eviscerate the climate grift. Fair warning to states hoping to monetize the fossil fuel industry like they did the tobacco industry.