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Thursday, February 6. 2025Thursday morning links Ancient duck-like creature discovered in Antarctica may be the oldest modern bird ever discovered A "city-killer" asteroid has a slim chance to crash into Earth. Here's what to know. Radicals Have Burned California Before FCC Releases RAW ’60 Minutes’ Train Wreck Interview with Kamala Harris – CBS Responds At Least 40,000 Fed Workers Accept 'DOGE Buyout' As Deadline Looms Tonight USAID Shut Down?! USAID supported the Politico blog " According to the Columbia Journalism Review, USAID supported 6,200 CBS Faces Internal Backlash As Paramount Considers Settlement In Trump Lawsuit Trump's Plan for Gaza Trackbacks
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re USAid
Was there any specific instruction from Congress as to how the money allocated to USaid was spent? One asks because one wonders if spending money on news organizations was even legal? Where have the Republican Congressmen been in their role as overseers of the Administrative Branch's agencies? Were they cool with this sort of thing until Musk brought it to light or have they always been to lazy to check? feeblemind: Was there any specific instruction from Congress as to how the money allocated to USaid was spent?
Congress provides detailed funding requirements in their authorization. See Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs: FY2024 Budget and Appropriations. USAID's budget has been strained by the Ukraine war, which has resulted in 14 million refugees, and widespread food and economic insecurity. USAID has always been considered a bargain, building American prestige and mitigating instability overseas. feeblemind: Where have the Republican Congressmen been in their role as overseers of the Administrative Branch's agencies? Oversight is provided by Senate-confirmed independent Inspectors General. Republicans also helped craft the authorizing statute, as well as ongoing budgets. feeblemind: One asks because one wonders if spending money on news organizations was even legal? It's legal for federal agencies to subscribe to media sources. Duh. QUOTE: USAID supported the Politico blog The $8 million represents subscriptions to Politico Pro across all federal agencies. Federal agencies also subscribe to the New York Post. QUOTE: USAID Shut Down?! It never occurred to me that AID was somehow “independent.” The executive unilaterally shutting down the independent USAID would be contrary to federal law: 22 U.S. Code § 6501 et seq. don: How much does US Aid pay for the ny post subscription?
Have no idea. Politico Pro provides detailed analysis of policy, so it provides an important value to agencies that the New York Post doesn't purport to do. Regardless, that doesn't change the misrepresentation by Trump and his right-wing operatives concerning USAID, or his shutting down the agency contrary to law. "U.S. government agencies have dropped a staggering $34 million in contracts with Virginia-based news outlet Politico, mostly on subscriptions, according to data from USASpending.gov."
2025-02-06 10:59
Politico Pro is not a news media source like the New York Post or Fox News or even Politico, but a data and analysis source used by professionals.
So Politco Pro is unbiased and offers only straight forward, unfiltered information that allows its subscribers complete information on its topics?
2025-02-06 11:52
don: So Politco Pro is unbiased and offers only straight forward, unfiltered information that allows its subscribers complete information on its topics?
It doesn't have to be perfectly unbiased to provide useful information. But data is data. Of course, none of this salvages the misrepresentation of the facts or illegally shutting down the agency.
2025-02-06 12:31
Quibble-DickZ : "It doesn't have to be perfectly unbiased to provide useful information."
Useful to whom? LOLGFY!
2025-02-06 13:07
Stop pretending the "subscriptions" were anything other than progressives using taxpayer money to subsidize LW media that reliably propagandized for democrats. That is obviously exactly what it was.
In fact, denying or ignoring that is transparently something only a liar or an idiot would do.
2025-02-06 18:45
James: Stop pretending the "subscriptions" were anything other than progressives using taxpayer money to subsidize LW media that reliably propagandized for democrats.
So, your argument is ‘you are right’. Powerful. In fact, the vast majority of subscribers to Politico Pro are corporate subscribers who find substantial value in their data analysis. Even a cursory look shows that Politico Pro is a distinct service from Politico, even if owned by the same organization, and that it provides extensive data and analysis. Furthermore, the reporting that USAID spent $8 million misrepresents the value of subscriptions by 180 times their actual spending.
2025-02-06 20:27
QUOTE: “In the matter of reforming things, as distinct from deforming them, there is one plain and simple principle; a principle which will probably be called a paradox. There exists in such a case a certain institution or law; let us say, for the sake of simplicity, a fence or gate erected across a road. The more modern type of reformer goes gaily up to it and says, 'I don't see the use of this; let us clear it away.' To which the more intelligent type of reformer will do well to answer: 'If you don't see the use of it, I certainly won't let you clear it away. Go away and think. Then, when you can come back and tell me that you do see the use of it, I may allow you to destroy it.'" — G.K. Chesterton In the debate over USAID programs, we are hearing lots of the bad things USAID did from its opponents. Where is the List of Good projects funded by USAID from its supporters?
I am not seeing any. That is the point. There aren't any they want revealed.
Jan Peter Blickenstaff: Where is the List of Good projects funded by USAID from its supporters?
Programs are primarily for low income countries and include: vaccination, HIV treatment for mothers and newborns, birth control, public health, refugee assistance such as for Ukraine, addressing communicable diseases, food assistance, and economic development. Thank you for generic programmatic subjects. But I asked for Projects. What specific projects with specific outcomes?
Jan Peter Blickenstaff: What specific projects with specific outcomes?
You could start with PEPFAR, which, in participating countries, has cut HIV infection in half, saved 26 million lives, and enabled 7 million at-risk babies to be born HIV-free. That includes providing 2 million girls and young women with HIV prevention services in 2024.
2025-02-06 15:32
Quibble-DickZ had to really reach for that one.
2025-02-06 17:06
Since you've mentioned that repeatedly, you obviously don't have anything else.
That amounts to a tacit admission that USAID is corrupt and needs to be abolished. I'll add that the "data" you use are jokes. They are WAGs that some bureaucrat with a personal stake in the continued existence of USAID came up with based on unprovable assumptions and projections. The kind of thing that often turns out to be wildly inaccurate upon close scrutiny.
2025-02-06 19:05
James: Since you've mentioned that repeatedly, you obviously don't have anything else.
That’s silly. We provided an overview of a large number of endeavors, then Jan Peter Blickenstaff asked for a specific example—which we provided. We would have provided a link to the official government website, but that information was pulled down over the last few days. Meanwhile, there have been drug trials going on in developing countries where people were given new treatments that have been stopped mid-trial, contrary to promises made to the test subjects.
2025-02-06 20:33
Both USAID And The CIA Were Behind The Impeachment Of Trump in 2019
A US government-controlled group did the research that linked Rudy Giuliani to former Ukrainian prosecutors https://www.public.news/p/both-usaid-and-the-cia-were-behind USAID is a front for the left wing money laundering of trillions of taxpayer dollars. This is why we see right now all the Democrats running scared that they will be exposed AND that they will lose this honey pot. They intend to ramp up the violence and chaos nationwide in an effort to draw attention from what the Trump administration is exposing. We are entering a dangerous time trying to expose the crimes of the Democrats/communists.
"Ancient" duck could also be another of Al-Gore's climate change 4-H Easter projects run amok. Gotta keep that boi away from psyience stuff.
QUOTE: FCC Releases RAW ’60 Minutes’ Train Wreck Interview with Kamala Harris – CBS Responds Oh, gee whiz. QUOTE: In fact it was so bad that ’60 Minutes’ spliced her nonsensical answer and replaced it with a completely separate sentence she said earlier in the interview. They claim this is the exchange: QUOTE: Bill Whitaker: But it seems that Prime Minister Netanyahu is not listening? Kamala Harris: Well, Bill, the work that we have done has resulted in a number of movements in that region by Israel that were very much prompted by or a result of many things, including our advocacy for what needs to happen in the region. First of all, Harris's answer is not nonsensical. But if you read the original transcript {pg 8}, Gateway actually truncates Whitaker's question. Then they claim, "60 Minutes cut Kamala’s nonsense answer on Israel and replaced it with a completely seperate sentence she said earlier in the interview". But actually, the answer is part of the very same answer and coming immediately after. QUOTE: CBS Faces Internal Backlash As Paramount Considers Settlement In Trump Lawsuit CBS may settle because Trump will likely exact retribution by blocking a merger, using government power to stifle free speech; and then, having brought CBS to heel, declaring victory. Lying about the edit and smearing CBS is par for how Trump and his operatives operate. Most people, including most people who comment on this blog, will believe it, regardless of the truth. Truthiness prevails! When they're losing the narrative Quibble-DickZ will quibble
about anything and everything. The lying and smearing of all things Trump means nothing to them. 'A "city-killer" asteroid has a slim chance to crash into Earth.'
Chicago or San Francisco. The country could use a good enema. "One great big festering neon distraction
I've a suggestion to keep you all occupied Learn to swim, learn to swim, learn to swim..." Re: Ancient Duck
QUOTE: V. iaai existed when global temperatures were far higher than they are today, and when Antarctica had a temperate climate and was covered in vegetation. Wait. What? Next, you’ll tell me that CO2 levels were far higher in the Cretaceous period? I suppose there was no ice in the Arctic region and the sea levels were higher? Where was all the petroleum being burned? B. Hammer: Wait. What?
What will those crazy scientists come up with next?! B. Hammer: Next, you’ll tell me that CO2 levels were far higher in the Cretaceous period? Atmospheric CO2 was over 1,000 ppm during the Cretaceous Thermal Maximum. However, methane was likely also a factor in global warming. B. Hammer: Where was all the petroleum being burned? CO2 and methane have both natural and artificial sources. Thankfully, the EPA is getting stripped of climate change alarmism grifters.
AND, as a bonus, the new DOT head canned the vehicle fuel standards. We need more CO2 to help green the planet. We are at a minimum now. It also means fewer government employees and contract grifters and more debt reduction. Can't wait for Doge to dig into university academics grant funding and marx 3.0 gender bending.