Dartmouth: Self-satire gone psychotic. I can't believe these bozos. Powerline. (The thing is, people are upset that they want to play a team called indians.) Fortunately, you can still get Dartmouth Indian gear here. And if you want to read something intense to the point of lunacy on the subject, which sounds as if it is written by an "educator," try this for paranoia.
"I'm a lumberjack, and I'm OK." A good day for this one.
British Airways backs off from banning God and Christ. Very wise. As we always say, "Who is afraid of a cross - except Satan?"
PMS Survival tips: RW Howler. Wait until the end.
Mere tokenism in Islam: Blair
Meant to link this earlier, but forgot to. Michelle on what American journalists should be thankful for. We would not have the contempt we have for journalists if they only told us, up front, what position they were shilling for - but it's obvious, if you do not trust them.
Islam is the Roach Motel of religions: Wizbang
Dept of Anything Goes: Moonbattery. Do you have to pay the friendly animals?
Women: fastest growing sector of hunters in the US. Yahoo News