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Monday, November 11. 2024US Veterans' Day Monday morning links Over the past decade, it's come to light that plastic recycling is NY school brass are set to let even unprepared kids graduate high school ‘Devastated’: Classes at Harvard, Penn, Columbia, Swarthmore and others canceled over Trump win Globalist Attack on American Free Speech The 2nd Trump Admin Is Staffed With MAGA Talent Pool Which Knows How Levers Of Power Work Francis' Ideas For An Incoming Trump Administration Revenge of the Silent Male Voter - What I learned about Trump’s landslide victory from one night in New York City. Migrants Abandon Caravan As Trump Win Kills 'Dream of Getting Out' We Are Only Now Starting To Recover From The Madness. Its political power has broken, but Wokeism is still ruining the culture Bill Maher Blasts the Left — ‘You’re Brats, and You’re Snobs, and People Don’t Like That!’ How did Harris spend over a billion $ Did celebrities have to be paid to endorse Kamala? Democrat Civil War Heats Up As Biden, Harris, Obama, and Pelosi Camps Point Fingers. “How did you spend $1 billion and not win? What the f***?” How Kamala Harris killed the celebrity endorsement — parading A-listers over policies was always a recipe for disaster Calling Trump 'Hitler' Has Done Permanent Damage to the Moral Realm What Undid the Democrats? Let Me Count the Ways NY Times’ ‘analysts’ reveal their hatred for America, ex-Biden aide Jen Psaki slams Elon Musk and more Democrats need a reality check. The wound is self-inflicted America Rises as Europe Falls Trackbacks
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What has been driving my nuts since the results of the election became clear is that CONSERVATIVES -- conservative publications, conservative bloggers, conservative pundits -- keep Monday morning quarterbacking about what the Democrats did 'wrong."
It is like the conservatives don't actually believe that Trump and other Republicans could've won; that it is only about what is "wrong" with the Left DID -- not what is RIGHT with the Right that might attract voters! Plus, why help them fix their mistakes for the next election? "Yeah -- stay away from trotting out too many wealthy celebrities -- that just alienates the Average Joe Voter." It is like the coach of a winning team sharing with the losing team his analysis of why that team lost. Do any coaches do THAT? Conservative publications, writers, bloggers pundits, should focus on why we WON! Stop trying to help the @!#^%ing Democrats for the next election!!!!!! "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake." --Napoleon
Conservatives and Trumpistas should be doubling down on policies and practices that got them votes. I suggest that VP-elect Vance cajoles Mike Rowe to take him on a nationwide Blue Collar Listening Tour, doing some dirty jobs, taking out the garbage, and getting the skinny from all those deplorable Neanderthals working for a living. That is a fantastic idea! I hope SOMEONE in the administration also comes up with it.
There are things about how we won we don't want the other side to know either. But the people who run campaigns already have access to all of the same tactics that we used. Some of the stuff we did, like massive voter registration drives, are simply impossible to keep secret.
Most important, Dems are simply incapable of doing what they need to do, move both rhetorically and behaviorally significantly right. Because their insane base won't let them and because they're cowards. You are so right. Most of us after experiencing the last almost four years know exactly why Trump won as life has been very stressful under the Democrats ruining the country. Praying the damn RINOs will just stop trying to sabotage us that voted to help save the country.
It is not only RINOs who drive me nuts. It is people who are actually conservatives who are writing about "What the Democrats did Wrong." Do we need to TELL them what they did "wrong"? Why help them out? Conservatives should focus on what Trump and other Republicans running for office did RIGHT? And only what the Democrats did "wrong" to the extent that it can be leveraged for use to HELP the Republicans the next go 'round.
'Strength training early in life can set up kids and adolescents for a lifetime of health and well-being'
I suffered from major self-esteen issues as a teen, mostly due to my female peers. God moved it on my heart to get in shape after college and it's been a huge boost, physically and mentally. Oil companies are not the masterminds of the plastic recycling scheme, virtuous social activists that worm their way into governments are. Oil companies always hitch a ride onto the latest social fads to try to improve their 'forever evil' characterization by those same virtuous social activists. They should just stop doing that. It got so bad that companies like BP started gaslighting us that it stood for 'Beyond Petroleum'. Shell had some of the same BS. It's all nonsense. Oil Companies should be burning up lab time developing plastics that really are recyclable, and doing it in ways that don't leave microplastics everywhere as a health damaging legacy.
The truth is, though, that advances in hydrocarbon technology continue to advance better living and better technology. The crap in our ecosystem mostly comes from second and third world countries that use their rivers and tides to get rid of waste. They could not care less about their ecology. I remember almost twenty years ago, someone smugly and confidently telling me how Marin County had such great recycling rates with their "single stream recycling." I thought that was unlikely -- to have truly "single stream recycling" mean someone, somewhere along the way was separating the recycling and the cost of garbage disposal wasn't high enough for it to be being done in Marin. Turns out, it was being shipped to China. Where it was "supposed" to be separated and recycled, but was just being dumped. And making its way into rivers and streams, and ultimately the ocean.
I started just throwing stuff in the garbage. If it all went to a landfill, it wasn't getting into the the ocean. Related to that: I keep hearing how Sweden is just the bestest when it comes to practically zero landfill. You know what they do? Burn garbage in incinerators that are tied to electrical generation. They have scrubbers that help reduce air pollutants. I think that is better than landfills.... \ Democrat Civil War with pointing fingers... A good part of the Dem problem is that far too many are old 'fossils'. California with Pelosi, Feinstein, and Boxer and a backup bench that consists of Newsom. Newsom is no more electable, outside California, than Bloomberg is electable outside New York. They have become an amalgam of radical minorities and AWFL's supported by radical MSM and radical academics.
I had a devil of a time getting to this site, where before it was just a matter of a couple of letters and clicking “go”. Google has become decidedly unfriendly to conservative web sites.
I suspect that most of these paid endorsements are not actually going to be paid. Expenses incurred as part of the endorsement would be an in-kind political contribution and not tax deductible. However, if they invoice the appearance at an inflated rate and the campaign stiffs them, or if they have to repay in a bankruptcy claw back, the full invoiced amount could be written off as an uncollectable account by their corporate entity, just as if they were a charter jet or rental car company.
I suspect that the tax write-off could easily exceed what the donation limits would otherwise allow. Thanks for explaining a great tax dodge. I'm eager to see if any sharp-eyed Trumpista tax accountant follows up on this to see how many celebrities try to pull this stunt. To avoid paying their "fair share."
"NY school brass are set to let even unprepared kids graduate high school NY "
They are playing catch up. Baltimore gives HS diplomas to illiterates. The teachers have turned the high school diploma into a worthless piece of paper. |