A city-wide smoking ban, including in your car? Gee, I'd hate to be the victim of my own second-hand smoke. Why not ban everything that you don't like, if freedom is not on your agenda? Right Wing Nuthouse. May we begin with banning overweight women in sweat pants? But what I really want to ban from my town are intrusive, nosy, nanny, smarty-pants, over-controlling jerks who see it as their mission to run my life. Runnning one's own ought to be job enough for anyone.
Killer asteroids. A greater threat to human life than warming or cooling. But is the UN doing anything about it? Is the government? Captain Ed. I'm scared. Nancy Pelosi - or Superman, save me!
How not to get your ass kicked by the police. A Chris Rock YouTube (h/t, Hawkins)
Smart bullets - Bionic hornet. I want these for my next round of sporting clays. Reminds me of a guy I know who shot crows out of the air with a .22 when he was a kid. Not an easy feat, and not too intelligent in a residential area.
Basics of nihilism. Howler
Take that dang burkha off! It takes all of the fun out of girl-watching. Viking. And some of those Moslem gals are hot, but, unlike the fundy Moslem fellows, we don't do rape: we enjoy attraction and affection returned - which is admittedly difficult to find. Nobody said life is easy.