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Thursday, December 14. 2023Thursday morning links
Stop planting trees Jeffrey Dahmer's father COP28 update A five-point plan to save Harvard from itself The Lie At The Heart Of The College Free-Speech Debate Is That Free Speech Exists On Campus The police won't protect you; you're on your own More than 1-in-5 Mail-In Voters Admit to Cheating in 2020 Election IBM CEO Goes on Defense with All Staff Call After Insider Leaks Damning Tapes to O’Keefe Media Group Video Shows Tens of Thousands of Migrants in Mexico Trying to Catch a Train to Border. “It’s not going to stop. And Mexico is allowing all of it.” Ten Israeli soldiers aged 19 to 35, including a high-ranking battalion commander, are killed and three injured in worst loss of life for the IDF in a single incident since Gaza war broke out Poll shows soaring Palestinian support for Hamas; 72% back October 7 atrocities
80% Of French Support Ban On More Immigration, Two-Thirds Back Referendum Trackbacks
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More and more evidence shows how corrupt the mail-in ballots system is. Another conspiracy theory becomes true.
"...Mexico is allowing all of it"
How many other countries and other people. These immigrants from Africa are so poor they can't even pay attention. They didn't buy tickets and cell phones and clothes and backpacks. Why don't we, the public, know who bought this shit? Why is this a secret and why does our government keep it a secret. Someone is paying to destroy our country and make no mistake this is destroying America. As we spin down the drain don't we at least deserve to know who is destroying us? And who in our own country is collaborating with our enemies? 'Mexico is allowing all of it' ....
Huh. That's funny, I thought it was our border. Who's allowing it, again? It seems to me that it's not up to Mexico to protect our border. They're just passing the problem on. It's up to us, and not only that, we're capable of doing it - if & when we feel like it. I'm sure we all see where the problem is. Well it is the job of the United States to stop the invasion, but the jerks in DC are trying to replace all of us real US citizens as all of us don't vote for their crazy freedom ending ideas. Put the military down at the so called border and if enough action takes place the invasion should slow down significantly. Cut off all the welfare benefits. When the illegals are getting more help than social security folks that have works ALL their lives and the veterans get less than the illegals things need to be stopped.
"Ten Israeli soldiers aged 19 to 35, including a high-ranking battalion commander, are killed and three injured in worst loss of life for the IDF in a single incident since Gaza war broke out..."
Lots of the IDF casualties in Gaza have been senior NCOs and company and battalion officers. The sign of an army whose leadership is well forward and actually leading the fight. "Poll shows soaring Palestinian support for Hamas; 72% back October 7 atrocities"
The Palestinians have chained their cause to Hamas (as usual screwing themselves royally). And "progressives" who support that cause are suddenly in the invidious situation of being perceived as pro-Hamas. The Cold Truth of the Russo-Ukrainian War
QUOTE: “Existential” is a word perhaps a bit overused, but in this case it is accurate. Ukraine is approaching the end of the second year of a war against a larger power on not just a war of imperial conquest, but with the ultimate goal of eliminating Ukraine as an independent nation or even a separate people. . . . Despite all the pre-war metrics, the “expertise” of the Smartest People in the Room™, every wargame that would have been run at all our war colleges would have told us that there would not be a conventional war in Ukraine is finishing up its second and going in to its third year, but here we are. They were all wrong. A common problem, one that well pre-dates the invasion of Ukraine, is that we have shockingly well credentialed people of influence from both parties who have an inability to understand that Russians are not Westerners. They don't think like westerners, though they may look like them. . . . Time is always on the side of Russia, which is one of the reasons the slow rolling of weapons to Ukraine has been an exercise of malpractice of the highest degree. You are either in or out. Two years on, "we" still are not sending a clear signal. It is amazing, really; in military might, GDP, demographics and a whole host of other reasons, Russia should not be as resilient as they are ... which is why DC & Brussels are being played so hard. They still do not understand Russia. . . . The time for leaving Ukraine to its fate is long past. Yes, the West has a short attention span and is suffering under the dead hand of entrenched leaders with a defeatist mindset – but none of this is written. Ukraine can still win – or at least something that can be called a win. . . . At a relatively modest cost in our treasure and almost none of our blood, we are wearing down Russia’s ability to project power for a generation, perhaps two. . . . The Ukrainian Air Force should already have at least 100 F-16s flying under their colors and the Ukrainian Army should have double that number of M1 Abrams per quarter (we have thousands). We should have taken the risk and sent them significant numbers of ATACMS over a year ago as well. Don't get me started about the Western European and N. American industrial base issues. . . . No one should fool themselves about what a Russian victory in Ukraine will bring. Everyone should fully know this; absent a super-volcano sized natural disaster or another civil war, there is nothing that would prevent the USA from being brought into another pan-European war should one break out – with or without NATO. The best way to ensure another pan-European war is to allow a Russian victory in Ukraine. I am in stark disagreement with friends on this topic, and find myself aligned with people who, well, don’t care all that much for my other opinions – but that does not change one bit what I see clearly. Much more at the link. https://cdrsalamander.substack.com/p/the-cold-truth-of-the-russo-ukrainian I am with you.
By their cack-handed approach, the Russians have managed to elevate what was a largely regional conflict into one drawing US and European attention. If people cannot see just how irridentist and sinister Russian intentions are or how much they've bungled their ill-conceived "special military operation" since February 2022 (i.e., how incompetent the Russian military is), then they're willfully blind. Or Kremlin-bots of course (I expect them to show up at any moment). Why bother to debate someone who's knee jerk response to any counterpoint or argument is always to cry out 'Kremlin Stooge' or 'Putin Bot'? Oh right I forgot 'willfully blind'.
Your point is well taken Lord Heathen.
Name calling is a tactic the Left commonly uses when they have lost an argument. I am sorry to see that tactic take hold here. I feel the commenters here are too good for that. Anyway, whether or not the Ukraine can win and the amount of support we should give should be open to healthy debate. Debate is a good thing and shouldn't drive us apart. I also feel that most of us here at Maggie's would regard each other as friends, but even friends can disagree on some issues. We need to fight them over there so we won't have to fight them over there!
The Mystery That No One Wants Solved
Behind the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline, one of the most consequential acts of sabotage in modern times This is from the far left Atlantic. It's a long piece. In a nutshell they point the finger at Ukraine, saying they blew up the pipelines with a rented yacht and maybe a half dozen divers. The article provides circumstantial evidence to support this. It's an interesting read if you can get through passages like this: QUOTE: The former high-ranking CIA officer, a man who can draw on long experience in the White House Situation Room, from which covert operations are often launched, was unequivocal: “Without a doubt, the United States did not do this. There is no way the Biden administration would. If it was the Trump administration, it might be a different story. But there’s no way that Biden would ever sign off on doing something like that.” https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2023/12/nord-stream-pipeline-attack-theories-suspects-investigation/676320/ I don't have to read drivel from "The Atlantic" to guess that Ukraine was behind blowing up the Nord Stream pipeline. A rational analysis of who benefits or thinks they benefit is all you need to do. Having said that, a former CIA officer's assurances that there was now way the Biden administration was responsible carries little weight for me. I would put nothing past them. Both of these Bozos certainly have at least a perceived interest in blowing it up. After that, the list of suspects thins out pretty quickly.
I'd like to know who the person was who had the great idea to blame Russia initially. That's the dumbest idea of all and given the recent past experience with our intelligence agencies' purported understanding of "spycraft" (Russian collusion in 2016 and Hunter's laptop) I wouldn't be surprised if it was someone in the CIA. From the Atlantic on Russian culpability:
QUOTE: Russia, in the words of the Foreign Policy columnist Emma Ashford, writing in June 2023, “seemed to be the most obvious candidate.” Putin, according to this logic, had blown up his own pipeline primarily to punish Europe for its solidarity with Ukraine. Further—a Putinesque twist—if suspicion could be quietly cast on Kyiv, then support for Ukraine might itself be undermined. https://foreignpolicy.com/2023/06/23/who-blew-up-the-nord-stream-pipeline/ This seems a bit of stretch to me as well, mudbug, but there you have it. And the question remains, why would Putie blow up his pipeline to punish Europe when he could just turn it off? The obvious answer to that question (they wouldn't) implicates Ukraine (and/or the feckless/stupid Biden administration) without the cost of the destruction of the pipeline. Further, having control over natural gas shipments to Europe would give Putie leverage over them in the future but with no pipeline, that leverage ends.
This is just idiocy on parade. Perfectly reasonable points. But a few challenges still exist.
First, one argument I've seen is that early on when things were obviously going very badly for Russia, there was significant pushback behind the scenes by some of Russia's ultra-wealthy suggesting Russia should withdraw and seek reproachment with the West. In this hypothesis, Putin would have had Nordstream sabotaged to permanently take that option off the table, or at least to significantly reduce its attractiveness. Additionally, Russia, especially some of its national intelligence structure which Putin rose up in, are often very fond of complex, multi-twist ideas. Maybe Putin did it hoping Germany and the rest of Europe would blame the Ukraine and abandon it. Lastly, Gazprom, the Russian national energy company and owner of the pipeline, was contractually bound to deliver gas via Nordstream. They were thus civilly liable for the failure to do so. Until the pipeline was sabotaged. They had a large financial motivation and the technological capability to carry out the sabotage.
2023-12-14 18:09
Rob Reiner Takes on Christian Nationalism Threat in ‘God & Country’ Trailer
https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/rob-reiner-christian-nationalism-god-country-trailer-1235728186/ One more example that Meathead was full of it and Archie's diatribes had more sense than they initially seemed to have.
The historical analysis by Mearsheimer and Col. McGregor along with their current sources on personnel costs are far better sources, and more reliable sources, than what has dribbled out of the DC swamp, or the decades of incompetence pushed from the pentagon princes front door.