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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, September 30. 2023Saturday morning links
Yet Another Fear-Mongering COVID Surge Turns Into Trickle As Hospital Admissions Wane Joe Biden’s Words Come Back to Haunt Him as Wyoming Town’s Entire Electric Bus Fleet Breaks Down Here's how we know that climate change hysteria is bunkum NYU caves to students, divests from fossil fuels Something Has Gone Seriously Wrong With “Climate Change” Science " “These kids can’t read. They can’t write a sentence. They don’t know what state they live in. No math skills. They can’t even attend to a three-minute video clip.” Don’t say you weren’t warned." NYT ‘Fearless’ Writer Advises Men To Ditch Masculinity. But That’s Why So Many Men Are Depressed. Our Failing Cultural Revolution A left-wing take on the fall of Ibram Kendi: He gave white liberals what they wanted Elon Musk's SpaceX Wins Space Force Contract As Democrat Efforts To Cancel Him Fail Trackbacks
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When I see media writers say to "ditch masculinity" it comes across to me as telling men to remain infantile, don't grow up, avoid responsibility, be useless , be non-threatening and helpless, and be emotionally narcissistic.
We now have a SCOTUS judge that failed to address 'what is a women'. That media gurus can check their shorts and still not arrive at any conclusions, helps to explain their lukewarm understanding of the sex and gender characteristics of men and women.
QUOTE: The Communication Revolution - Like the first iPhone, Gutenberg’s Bible opened up avenues of development that entrepreneurs have been exploiting ever since. With the printing press, along with books, pamphlets became very common. Often highly political and contentious, pamphlets were sometimes banned by monarchs who didn't like the rise of populist complaints. However, printing presses were hard for governments to control. This brings up a larger point. Each new communications technology would lead to a rapid proliferation of new ideas, harnessed for both good and bad ends.
QUOTE: Here's how we know that climate change hysteria is bunkum . . . Whenever the temperature rises or falls this is true climate change. That is not the definition of climate change, which is long-term shifts in weather patterns. Climate change can be either natural or anthropogenic, but often refers to the latter. QUOTE: Thus for an accurate average yearly temperature worldwide you scientifically need to measure the temperature average over each square kilometer or mile of the earth’s surface for a whole year. Satellite observations cover the globe. Nor does measuring the temperature anomaly require perfect coverage. QUOTE: So, scientifically we can’t prove or show that a 1% rise in CO2 will cause an x% rise in average worldwide temperature in Fahrenheit or Celsius. Science doesn't deal in "proof," but evidence. Proof is for mathematics. Models and observations are reasonably consistent. QUOTE: You may intuitively feel that a rise in CO2 should also make the average world temperature to rise but by how much is pure guesswork and probably way off a truthful estimate. It's not intuition. A number of lines of evidence show that greenhouse gases will cause the Earth's surface to warm, and that is what is observed, which has been known for over a century. See Arrhenius, On the Influence of Carbonic Acid in the Air upon the Temperature of the Ground, London, Philosophical Magazine and Journal of Science 1896. QUOTE: Also, no one has scientifically calculated how much of the extra CO2 generated by fossil fuels has been absorbed by plants worldwide or by the water worldwide. Ignorance is not an argument. See Friedlingstein et al., Global Carbon Budget, Earth System Science Data 2020. Also see Terrer et al., A trade-off between plant and soil carbon storage under elevated CO2, Nature 2021. Thanks again, ChatGPT. Try not to leave anything out.
QUOTE: The Earth's Temperature: Currently: 57.37°F/14.09°C Deviation: 0.17°F/0.09°C Stations processed last hour: 54656 Last station processed: Wales, United States Update time: 2023-09-30 18:12:48 UTC https://temperature.global/ "Science doesn't deal in "proof," but evidence." No, Zac. Science deals in falsification. Which is actually proof, just of a negative variety. And many of the CAGW proponents, both the "scientists" and people like you, have a fondness for avoiding making falsifiable predictions.
James: Science deals in falsification.
More properly hypothetical-deduction, which can entail positive or negative results. Consider Eddington’s confirmation of the amount of deflection of light as it passed near the rim of the Sun as predicted by Einstein. It was a positive result, and one unexpected under the well-tested Newtonian model, so is considered a strong confirmation of General Relativity. James: Which is actually proof, just of a negative variety. According to that, one can never make positive claims, which is rather silly. In addition, even a falsification can be fraught with both practical and theoretical difficulties. That’s why all scientific claims are considered tentative, no matter how firmly established. They’re not proven, but supported. James: people like you, have a fondness for avoiding making falsifiable predictions. He says while ignoring every point raised about the actual topic. Ibram Kendi-Kaepernick provided everything the race obsessed marxist culture expected from them while they ignored the results of the widespread outcome of the LBJ Great Society programs that leave the majority unable to function in a culture outside of Africa.
We are going to find out how unaffordable that is along with the unaffordability of the mass illegal immigrants. All hail the 'soft' landing of the Joebama continuing resolution of revolution. That POS Gen Milley is retiring and VDH puts it all into perspective in this tweet
https://twitter.com/VDHanson/status/1707885692918112577 And it should be remembered that 3 and 4 star generals have to be approved by Congress. Tommy Tuberville is right to question these Generals moral fitness to deserve their promotions.
I read three articles in the links today. It’s Saturday morning, why not? Two climate change and the very disturbing These kids can’t read.
What is the actual percentage of all children that can’t read, write and don’t have basic math skills? We know the percentage is high in the inner city, and that’s disturbing enough. What will become of these kids? What is the plan for them being put together by those that are doing this to them? It is on purpose, how can it not be? The ignorant are instructing the children on how to be even dumber than they are. Are we looking at an Escape from New York scenario? The city’s are walled off, contained inside are the criminals and riffraff. It has been a long time since I saw the movie, does it depict the type of people living outside the walls? What type of people are they? I think we know. They are the ones that spread the lies of narcissism; diversity, equity and inclusion. A society that is so unloving that they use children’s innocence to further their political agendas. Satan laughing, spreads his wings. - Ozzy Osbourne Look at LBJ's Great Society programs as grossly failed experiments on humans... much like the Covid Vaxx.
We have probably reached and passed a tipping point with immigration. It is not possible to absorb this many people and to make it worse many of them don't intend to melt into our society they intend to set up their own society. The only way we can "appear" to sustain this mass invasion is to continue to tax citizens and print money (which is a tax on citizens) to support these people and this will continue until the American middle class is destroyed. This momentum will continue until it all collapses. So even though we have passed the point of no return back to a normal it doesn't feel that bad yet. Like the man who jumped off the Empire State Building as he fell past the 10th floor was heard to say "so far so good" we haven't felt the inevitable effects of these terrible policies yet; so far, so good. If by some miracle we were able to stop all illegal immigration today it would not stop our collapse we have already put everything in motion and no one has the guts to do what it would take to reverse it. And it won't be a relatively peaceful collapse like the Great Depression was, it will be a violent one with death and destruction in every big city
re it will be a violent one with death and destruction in every big city
If it were only confined to the big cities. Fast forward 10 years. I can imagine small towns having illegal immigrants swell to 20% of the population. Fiscally, the country is turning into Argentina. The wealth transfer payments don't go nearly as far with runaway inflation. Suppose they are lawless. A flash mob looting of the family owned grocery store would put it out of business. Now we don't have a grocery store. Indeed, they might steal everything they can carry off. That would make living pretty stressful. What about defending oneself with guns? Suppose you shoot one stealing from you. Perhaps next week, six of his relatives will come after you? Also imagine that the EPA's recent edict stands and all fossil fuel power generation ends in 2030. Now electricity is intermittent at best. It all adds up to a very hard, impoverished, and probably dangerous life. I fervently hope such a world doesn't come to pass. It seems unimaginable today, but look at all that was unimaginable 15 years ago that has happened. Well, the native population could get its fertility rate up.
That said, it isn't anywhere near too late to address the issue. It just takes voters making good decisions. The largest single nationality entering in recent months is Venezuelans. I'm hopeful many of them will turn out to be productive additions. As will many of the Chinese and many of the non-Moslem central Asians and non-Moslem Africans. Hungary shows the way but they have actual leadership.
https://gatesofvienna.net/2023/09/open-warfare-at-the-hungarian-border/ We have a debt crisis and immigration is adding a considerable sum to that debt.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hF0lw6f5VR4 Central banks have consequences. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2e_vS7exrCw Look up MICIMATT in the urban dictionary. Thats why we are stuck in the globalist nightmare of NWO/WEF/BBB horror show.
Loving all the FAIL of the egalitarian workers utopia.
Sad trombone for the Long March comrades who feel destined to rule over deplorable kulak untermenschen scum toothless hill scoggin rubes. If they wanted smart people then college wouldn't be 1619 Ibram land and stupid people are much easier to control. The bad thing is that the Sauron Leviathan will lash out against the vintage legacy Americans as the delusions of comrade Karl go up in hell smoke. O/T-Boss Boz Scaggs playlist! Such a cool voice and many great songs besides Lido Shuffle and Lowdown. Always time for Bobby D and Boz music. I don't really think it's fair to report on a Wyoming town's entire bus fleet failing them when it's not the town's bus fleet, it's yours.
According to the News & Guide, the eight buses in its fleet cost $2.3 million, 80% of which was covered by a Federal Transit Administration (FTA) grant in 2019. Between 2020 and 2021, similar grants provided another $2.6 million, and START plans to spend $3.3 million for four more electric buses. When it's free money, you'd be a fool not to take it. Who cares if the federal government has no money, they've got a credit card don't they? What can you say about Feinstein's death? She knowingly aided the Chinese to spy on her own country and became fabulously rich in the process. She worked tirelessly against the constitution. She willingly joined with her fellow Democrats as they embraced communism and tyranny. So what can you say? It's a good start. I now look forward to Pelosi and Jane Fonda following her soon. Two of her traitorous friends. May god have mercy on her soul.
On Elon why would anything he says or does matter to NASA. They had actually NAZIs help us go to the moon.
California has spent billions and billions on it's bullet train to no where. Why? There is already a train between LA and San Francisco. If you really want to get there fast you would take a plane. There isn't a lot of demand for public transportation between these two cities. After the train is built and running, which probably will never actually happen, the cost to travel would either be astronomical OR require astronomical subsidies. So why is it being built?
The answer is so simple. It is a reward for the various unions and wealthy donors. All this money is going into union jobs and rich corporation owners pockets. Imagine billions over multiple years being paid out to people to vote you into office again and again. This is a scam like other government scams, intended to benefit the rich and the politicians at the expense of the poor. But it took a turn the other day. Did you catch it, did your favorite news source report it and make it an important story? Biden gave California/Unions a $202 "grant" of your tax money. Why now? Because Newsom might need a boost in support in case he runs for a major office. |