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Tuesday, September 12. 2023Tuesday morning linksPhoto of true love from a pal in Colorado Trail Life USA Celebrates 10 Years of Picking Up Where BSA Left Off Shostakovich in South Dakota - A manifesto for the future of American classical music Mistranslation of Newton’s First Law Discovered after Nearly 300 Years. A new interpretation of Isaac Newton’s writings clarifies what the father of classical mechanics meant in his first law of motion Feminists Are Outraged At Men Going Overseas To Find Traditional Wives Italy is a good bet. Academia becomes female ANALYSIS: Students are entering college unable to write A Kiss Is Just a Kiss. The uproar over a fleeting outburst of uninhibited joy is ludicrous. Normal for Europeans, isn't it? Spiked: The disturbing truth about Just Stop Oil Electric Vehicles for Everyone? The Impossible Dream No, a fad Climate Change Calamities A blunt and chilling (but accurate) appraisal of where our government schools are taking us Amid another rise in cases, Covid’s new normal has set in The Government Censored Me and Other Scientists. We Fought Back—and Won. Professor to ‘hold space’ for students of color: ‘I see your pain, grief, anger’ These concerned Colorado citizens want to stop Trump using the 14th Amendment. This new lawsuit is not an academic exercise. It can succeed. MAIL-IN VOTING IS HERE TO STAY; GOP MUST ADAPT OR LOSE When Will Dem Voters Finally Concede "Something Has Gone Very Wrong In Our Country" House GOP Asks Biden Admin About Classifying Mussels as Endangered That Could Pull Texas Buoys. “The timing of this proposed rule is highly suspicious.” Sick! Joe Biden Claims He Went to Ground Zero Day After 9/11 – This Never Happened – He Was in DC For a Senate Session Hotcoldwetdry Take: Biden Says ‘Climate Change’ Worse Than Nuclear War Germany: Hey, Ukraine is still pretty corrupt Trackbacks
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"House GOP Asks Biden Admin About Classifying Mussels as Endangered That Could Pull Texas Buoys" Some how I fail to see how the buoys are more harmful than tens of thousand of humans tromping on them crossing the river.
If the mussels are endangered, then I salute the vision of Governor Abbot's decision to provide them with a plentiful, floating habitat to attach themselves to. A brilliant environmental victory! Waiting for photos.......
So sad to see how far Science™ has fallen that they can't even silence dissent let alone burn heretics at the stake. Remember the good old days when the likes of Galileo could be forced to recant his writings? Now they can't even keep their critics off of Twitter. Sad indeed.
'Feminists Are Outraged At Men Going Overseas To Find Traditional Wives'
They know full-well that they have nothing to offer Western men aside from their private parts and they realize that the "alternatives" like foreign brides and sexbots take the bargaining chips out of their hands. QUOTE: Climate Change Calamities . . . a statement signed by 1609 scientists from the Global Intelligence Group. How many are named 'Steve'? Even a simple perusal shows that many of the signatories are not scientists, but include self-described engineers (lots of engineers), business managers, insurance brokers, teachers, attorneys, "explorer of truth", union boss, medical doctors, aircraft pilots, authors, publishers, filmmakers, journalists. Of those who are self-described scientists, most have worked in fields well outside of climate science, including self-described scientists in nuclear physics, psychology, chemistry, astronomy, computers, theology. Of those who are self-described as experts in a field related to climate science, most of failed to publish studies supporting the claims of the Global Climate Intelligence Group. The two primary signatories, Nobel laureates, John Clauser and Ivar Giaever, published important work on quantum mechanics, but they have no published scientific research in on climate. QUOTE: The Little Ice Age ended as recently as 1850. Therefore, it is no surprise that we now are experiencing a period of warming. That nonsense, a tautology, is from the Global Climate Intelligence Group's statement. QUOTE: Warming is far slower than predicted… Global warming is consistent with model projections. "Even a simple perusal shows that many of the signatories are not scientists, "
So, we cannot trust the opinions of anyone who is not a climate scientist (and not only that, they must be published). However, you want us to trust you and your Chat-GPT fueled trolling about the very same subject. Engineering IS the ultimate decider of truth in science, not models. Zachriel: What doesn't it know? Astrophysicist, property lawyer, affirmative action expert, search engine, newspeak dictionary, constitutional scholar, carrier of Trump Derangement Syndrome, master of the non sequitur, pretentious movie critic, high school civics teacher, financial analyst, the ackchyually guy, nitpicker, Historical art critic, armchair economist, poverty expert, theoretician of science, Covid apologist, speech therapist, climate scientist, civil engineer, sociologist, political analyst, Biden apologist, Federal prosecutor, atmospheric scientist, military strategist, Level 1 Priest of Vaxx, Keeper of the Science! Gateway. AGW is simply another avenue for control, power, and money.
The media ignores the unjustified retraction of a climate skeptical paper due to bullying. Judith Curry on admitting that the climate change emergency is manufactured. John Clauser says no climate emergency, climate models are ignoring cloud effects. UN geoengineering mandates on maritime sulphur emissions is changing the cloud cover. Global temperature and CO2 which drives which. If the CO2 models, of which there are at least 40, actually worked, they could predict past climate. But they can't predict either past or future climate. It's a gravy train. Greg: So wrong.
Several problems with the claim. The chart is only of the mid-troposphere. The different lines intersect at zero, which has the effect of exaggerating the difference. The chart lacks error margins, which are very high for the mid-troposphere. Averaging the satellite data hides the wide discrepancy between different satellite data sets. The altitude of the mid-troposphere varies across the globe, resulting in large error bars for the satellite data. Balloon data has been shown to be problematic due to movement of the radiosondes. Some remaining discrepancy in the tropical mid-troposphere remains, but that doesn’t change the close match between models and surface temperature, or the increasing heat content of the oceans. LOL. Chicken Little. The sky is falling!! Psychological pansy.
CIA tried to pay off analysts to bury findings that COVID lab leak was likely: whistleblower
https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:nRT3-ZPzlQsJ:https://nypost.com/2023/09/12/cia-tried-to-pay-off-analysts-to-bury-covid-lab-leak-findings-whistleblower/&cd=9&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us The government doing what it always does. Whether covid, AGW, or Russia, Russia, Russia, they will spend any and all money necessary to create the results they need to continue down their marxist trail.
On Bruckner's marvelous coda and cell phone users recording the event ...
"It’s the same strain of personal entitlement that said “no” to Covid mask mandates." Ah ... nope. Betcha that "phone recorder" wore their mask religiously. Likewise, betcha American Scholar has become way to political for me. All things political and for the good of the State. Fully agreed: Joseph Horowitz is a typical academic ying-yang. The fact is that many Americans simply don't know how to act with consideration for others. That is a skill that has to be taught by parents. What gets taught instead is self-absorption, and in the political classes, an belief that they are entitled to tell other people what to do.
That kind of behavior in a German or Japanese audience is unheard of. (Japanese musicians don't even tune up on stage; they don't want the audience to hear them "practicing".) Everyone has friends and family members who are committed liberals. You have talked with them argued with them and heard their views many times. Often you wonder how can they be in favor of policies that are destroying the country and the middle class. My theory is that over their life they have developed a hatred of someone or some group of people and of that groups views. The best example is religion. Almost universally the liberals I know hate religion and especially Christianity. This hatred translates into their world view of things. Things like abortion or LGQTB issues. Because conservatives or Christians want to stop killing babies THEN as a liberal I MUST be in favor of killing babies because I HATE religion and religious people. Simple as that. Not some deep thinking process where they arrive at their beliefs because they are intuitively correct or right or fair. But simply because their beliefs must oppose your beliefs and they must anger you to feel better about themselves.
Another example is the riots over deaths of blacks at the jands of police. It doesn't matter that the deceased black person was a criminal in the process of committing crimes and violently fought with the police. All that matters is that the dead criminal is black and the cop is white. Not out of fairness or equity but to punish everyone on the right who believe in law and order. Simple as that. Far more white criminals are killed in fighting the police but who cares, no political hay to be made there. And there is great pleasure in destroying small businesses run by conservatives and destroying cities where conservative live in these riots. In other words the left, especially the far left is made up of hate groups and individuals with enormous hatred of religion and justice and they will suffer themselves just to see the middle class destroyed. The left is a suicide cult of hate. I would add one thing, One Guy, the inability to make the link of bad things happening in the country being caused by Dem policies. Lawlessness, the homeless taking over big cities, unlimited illegal immigration, inflation. I know libs that know these are bad outcomes but refuse to believe it is the fault of any Democratic politician. It's the fault of republicans because they are "corrupt."
A dictatorship, if you can keep it. Michael Walsh 11/sep/2023
https://the-pipeline.org/the-column-a-dictatorship-if-you-can-keep-it/ I maintain that leftists are driven by rebellion against anything Good (God) Moral, beneficial, rational, Heroic, and Order. Leftists want chaos and destruction. Leftists are selfish.
GOP Insiders: The Race To Replace McConnell Will Be ‘Rigged’
https://dailycaller.com/2023/09/11/gop-insiders-race-replace-mcconnell-rigged/ McConnell wants Thune as a replacement. Trump was in South Dakota this past week at a rally with Noem. I do not trust Noem as she is a supporter of both Thune and Rounds who are SD senators. Hopefully she will not be considered a VP pick. There are far too many uniparty repubs in the Senate which is why nothing changes .
Men are disappearing from science and academia.
Take heart, the foundations of the modern world, the one the university grads protest to do away with, came not from the universities, but the work-shops. But after a few decades, with cash flowing, the universities got on board. QUOTE: The germs of nearly all the great inventions in mechanics, the fruit of which the world now enjoys in such ample measure, are directly traceable to the work-shops of England, during a period when she had no system of popular education. The apprentices in her shops were poor, obscure, and illiterate, at the start; but to those apprentices the honor of the great inventions and discoveries of that age is largely due. And in the struggle to invent tools and machines, to master the art of mechanism, to steal from Nature her secret forces, and harness and use them for the good of man, the toiling workers often became highly educated — intellectual giants, familiar not alone with special studies, but masters of many-branches of learning. —The Co-education of Mind and Hand, Charles H. Ham, 1890 And NYU found that those icky men are just too dumb to know they shouldn't learn to do something useful, even in college despite not pleasing their teachers in k12 QUOTE: In a new study published today in the peer-reviewed research journal, Science, NYU researchers find that this disparity is not caused by higher math or science achievement among men. On the contrary, the scholars found that men with very low high-school GPAs in math and science and very low SAT math scores were choosing these math-intensive majors just as often as women with much higher math and science achievement. “Physics, engineering and computer science fields are differentially attracting and retaining lower-achieving males, resulting in women being underrepresented in these majors but having higher demonstrated STEM competence and academic achievement,” said Joseph R. Cimpian, lead researcher and associate professor of economics and education policy at NYU Steinhardt. Well, those "dumb" men might just learn without sitting in classrooms being berated about how horrible they are and how they should just die. The knowledge is out there, the colleges, even in PECS (Physics, Engineering and Computer Science), are moving away from teaching problem solving, so what value does a man get from college? And even if the men leave PECS as many women also do, they appreciate what they learned more...apparently QUOTE: Further, many women discover in their internships that the engineering profession is not as open to being socially responsible or as dedicated to tackling pressing national and global problems as they had hoped. This is a result of the assignments they are given, the values that are supported, and the messages that are communicated to them. Our recent work helps explain why some women who go to college intending to be engineers end up leaving the profession before even starting their careers. Of course, not all of the men we studied decided to pursue engineering careers, but they wrote that they appreciated the tools that their education gave them. HBU - 'Why Do So Many Women Who Study Engineering Leave the Field?' Now we should note that the world started on its journey to become a much better place in the mid-17th century. I wonder how much impact the dissenting intellectuals had? Certainly, it could be a great boon to free those who have it in them to be successful from college indoctrination.
QUOTE: "Newcomen's religion had consequences greater than absence from a local census. Dissenters, including Baptists, Presbyterians, and others, were as a class, excluded from universities after 1660, and either apprenticed, or learned their science from dissenting academies." "At the same time that he chartered the world's first scientific society, Charles II had created an entire generation of dissenting intellectuals uncontrolled by his kingdom's ever more technophobic universities." p29, Rosen, Willam, 'The Most Powerful Idea in the World' Government schools were terrible when I went to them in the 50s and 60s, and were worse before then. They aren't good now, but it's not new. So were the private schools. It's not just conservatives who have these ridiculous unsupported beliefs about the good old days, but we are the worst.
In evidence, I point to the fondness for anecdotes instead of data when people are challenged by this idea. You mean like this from the 17th century:
QUOTE: The fundamental educational principle of Comenius is that, "we learn to do by doing." A victim of the schools of his time, he thus describes them: "They are the terror of boys, and the slaughter-houses of minds--places where a hatred of literature and books is contracted, where ten or more years are spent in learning what might be acquired in one, where what ought to be poured in gently, is violently forced in, and beaten in, where what ought to be put clearly and perspicuously is presented in a confused and intricate way, as if it were a collection of puzzles--places where minds are fed on words." or this from the 19th century: QUOTE: Charles Francis Adams, Jr., remarks that the common schools of Massachusetts cost $4,000,000 a year; and adds, "The imitative or memorizing faculties only are cultivated, and little or no attention is paid to the thinking or reflective powers. Indeed it may almost be said that a child of any originality or with individual characteristics is looked upon as wholly out of place in a public school. ... To skate is as difficult as to write; probably more difficult. Yet in spite of hard teaching in the one case and no teaching in the other, the boy can skate beautifully, and he cannot write his native tongue at all." "Scientific Common-school Education." Harper's Magazine, November, 1880 or perhaps this from the early 20th century: QUOTE: In spite of the fact that schools exist for the sake of education, there is many a school whose pupils show a peculiar "school helplessness"; that is, they are capable of less initiative in connection with their school tasks than they commonly exhibit in the accomplishment of other tasks. How to Study and Teaching How to Study (1909) by F. M. McMurry, Professor of Elementary Education, Teachers College, Columbia University The only lesson we can draw is that while there are likely ups and downs, there is very little improvement in education despite all the money spent on "education research". Well, there was the transition from slate to paper and the overhead projector coming into use. The one thing American schools will not teach students to do is their job, i.e., study. Thee "educators" claim that no one knows how people learn, but then I found McMurry's book which has languished for more than a century. The last thing a teacher wants is a student who thinks as they disrupt the flow the lecture and takeaway from the centrality of the teacher. And that is because that's how teachers are trained, even before the take over of the teachers colleges by the Marxists Socialists in the 1990s (See Dr. James Lindsey's writings) QUOTE: "The tendency of the (normal) training school," says President Millis, "is to make the teacher self-conscious, concerned about her own performance, about whether she did this or that in the approved way, whether her voice was properly modulated, whether she utilized illustrative and supplementary material in due proportion, whether she followed copy faithfully, whether she got standardized results. The tendency of supervision is to produce the same attitude of the teacher. The success of the teacher is graded on her scholarship, her culture, her standardized attainments, her questioning, her care of the property, her attitude toward the community and the system, her sympathy with the supervisor's notions—in short, her pedagogical ability, which is now made a large factor in determining her ration of bread and butter, is measured by her performance and her personal charms." 1 Books dealing with education show the same trend. There are hundreds of volumes on method; but they almost invariably tell about what the teacher should do, that is, they center in the teacher, not in the pupil. No wonder that teachers come to regard themselves as "the whole thing," and sometimes act as though educational institutions existed principally for their benefit. This exaggeration of the teacher's function has led the teacher habitually to picture the learner in the presence of a helper; and with that thought, it has hardly seemed necessary to ask whether or not the learner should set up specific aims as guiding motives in study; the teacher would furnish those herself in class, and perhaps project her influence outside overnight by threats if required. 1 President W. A. Millis, Training Pupils in the Art of Study, The Educator-Journal, Oct., 1908. An expat Thai blogger lady remarked long ago that everybody wants a Thai wife but nobody wants a Thai husband.
"Electric Vehicles for Everyone? The Impossible Dream..."
"No, a fad..." No, a cult. |