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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, August 5. 2023Saturday morning links
LOST EGYPTIAN CITY FOUND UNDERWATER AFTER 1200 YEARS The MSM is experiencing COVID nostalgia and keeps trying to simultaneously drum up fear while suppressing any of the growing questions about the censorship, lies, and dangerously stupid policies that the “experts” imposed on us. Amazon Makes Sweeping Overhauls Of Grocery Business To Compete With Walmart, Kroger Doctors Sue California Regulators over Mandatory Implicit Bias Training for Physicians Brave University of Chicago student speaks out against the leftist war on whites UC faculty lead 'behind-the-scenes protest' over new equity-based math admissions requirements NY mayor to move 80 illegal alien adults to a popular family-friendly park in Brooklyn The Obama Factor - A Q&A with historian David Garrow There's nothing new about claiming that political opponents are mentally ill The Nation will not be happy until Trump is in jail ‘He’d Get My Vote. He’d Get My Vote Before Biden” – Joe Rogan Discusses Trump, Biden, and the Dangers of The Deep State Trackbacks
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re Is "Farm to Table" real?
Of course it is. If food is raised on a farm and the consumer eats it, it is "farm to table," yes? OTOH if "Farm to Table" is a euphemism for organically grown, or grown within, say 20 miles of consumption, then THAT is a labeling issue. The article doesn't define "Farm to Table" but the inference seems to be a labeling issue. The author seems to be searching for a problem that doesn't exist . . . . unless the "Farm to Table" label is defined and enshrined in law, but no mention is made of that. Busybodies . . . . meh. The restaurants we go to claiming "farm to table" or "locally grown" or "free range" etc. will give the name of the producer they get the produce or meat from, sometimes with an address. My son sells what would constitute natural beef and his business has outpaced what he can come up with mainly due to difficulties getting animals processed without having a reservation many months, sometimes a year in advance. We are in an area of Illinois where livestock had all but disappeared but in the last few years small cow herds are showing up all over the place. The backyard chicken thing has exploded. Farm supply stores have chicks for every kind of poultry you can name year round whereas 15 years ago it was seasonal and strictly one breed of baby chicks, order in advance. A growing number of people want to know where their food comes from and want it fed to taste better as opposed to least cost rations. Add in the way retailers and Big Meat are gouging consumers at the meat counter and this is a trend that is only limited by the ability to get animals processed at a USDA inspected facility. Which is a major problem given the shortage of USDA inspectors.
re processing
Yeah. That's our problem here. There are so few lockers left that you have to book about a year out. "Farm to table" and it's twin, "eating with the seasons", only really works where it was first invented-- a strip of land between the Central Valley of CA, where essentially any vegetable can grow, almost year-round; and one of the most productive year-round fisheries in the world, a hundred yards off the coast. For the rest of us, the food we can get locally, in season, ranges from highly restricted and monotonous, to actually causing malnutrition for much of the year.
But the left-coast foodies were so, so superior to the rest of us, and announced it as such an obvious choice, that the rest of the trendy people had to toe the line like the lemmings they are... re Amazon Makes Sweeping Overhauls Of Grocery Business To Compete With Walmart, Kroger
The article centers on the delivery aspect of Amazon groceries. Their model seems to be to go after the customer that doesn't want to go to the grocery store in the first place and is willing to pay someone to shop and bring their groceries home. My thinking is that strategy has a limited upside potential but we'll see. I continually underestimate the ability of businesses to separate people from their money. My wife uses the Wal-Mart online grocery order platform. You send in your list and they fill your order, but you still have to go the store to pick up your groceries. However, I think their ordering system is a joke. It takes my wife at least an hour just to order her groceries. You could pick that stuff up in the store in half the time. PLUS You have to be very careful to click the "No substitutions" box when you order or they will fill your cart with store brand merchandise. Finally, perhaps most people don't care, but do you really want an uninterested stranger to pick out your fresh produce, fresh meat and bacon? It's all a crock. No, I don’t want someone picking my produce. And I definitely do not want them picking my bacon. I will rifle through every package looking for the best meat to fat ratio. I’m not wanting to pay $10 bucks a pound for fat.
I'm with you. I shop in person. Isles are blocked with the Walmart workers shopping for what I consider lazy people unless they are old or sick. I see how some of the workers look at a package of strawberries or something else that can be damaged easily, not to mention fatty bacon. AS long as I can stand or the government will allow me to shop I will do it in person. I do have friends that are too lazy and rely on Walmart workers to do their shopping for them.
I'd rather weed my own garden than shop for my own groceries. I often enjoy the luxury of placing an online delivery and having it delivered, so I can keep doing what I do best or enjoy most, while providing someone else a living. Someone else might shop for himself but hire a gardener. I used to do all my own house-painting but now sometimes hire help.
Some people buy whipped cream or chicken stock ready-made, while others make it at home. it's all specialization, not simple laziness, and it makes the economic wheels turn. Rumor has it that Amazon drivers have to go to the bathroom in bags.
Yeah, I'll do my own grocery shopping, thank you very much. Chinese spies within our military. Chinese spies buying land near military bases. Chinese spies and actual Chinese military sneaking across our border. Chinese spies and Chinese military getting visa's to attend our colleges and then overstay their visa. How many? Conservative estimates are around 8000 and some think there could be over 100,000 Chinese military assets and spies already in the U.S. awaiting orders. But don't worry your government is on top of it. Just kidding! They are busy destroying our military and our economy. I think we are about to find out why our government found it necessary to intern Japanese people in WW II out of fear of sabotage and spying.
Spies? Come on, man! These are Joe Biden’s business partners.
Read the Obama factor yesterday. It is long but revealing of MLK and Obama. MLK's private life was a mess but Obama's private and public life were both a wreck. In his third term as Joe is little more than symbolic.
From Voxday dot net 2023/08/05
You are the bad guys David Brooks attempts to warn his fellow "class" that a reckoning for their irresponsible and self-serving misrule is historically inevitable. Reality is slowly emerging, even to the ruling class. SS Baychimo: The Unsinkable Arctic Ghost Ship
27 minute video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4EIFjbntkZ0 re The Nation will not be happy until Trump is in jail
Suppose the FBI kicked Trump's door in at 3 a.m., knocked him about a bit and hauled him off to jail. Or suppose a DC judge and jury sentenced him to jail. Would either of those scenarios be the catalyst that would cause the Right to explode? Or would we just watch sullenly and grumble? I believe there could be such a catalyst out there that would cause the 75 million to take arms and rise up, though I don't know what that event might be or when it could occur. James Wood Waxes Philosophical in Brilliant Analysis of the Democrats' Gamble https://thelibertydaily.com/james-wood-waxes-philosophical-in-brilliant-analysis-of-the-democrats-gamble/ "...I believe there could be such a catalyst out there that would cause the 75 million to take arms and rise up"
Well who we gonna' shoot? Our neighbors who voted for Biden? Shoot a commie. Not your neighbor, not the police or the military.
feeblemind: Suppose the FBI kicked Trump's door in at 3 a.m., knocked him about a bit and hauled him off to jail.
We already know that is not how the FBI handled it. They contacted the Secret Service and made arrangments. feeblemind: Or suppose a DC judge and jury sentenced him to jail. Well, that could certainly happen. A grand jury found probable cause for an indictment. But guilt is something for the trial jury to decide. feeblemind: Would either of those scenarios be the catalyst that would cause the Right to explode? That's no reason to avoid prosecuting someone who probably broke the law. Otherwise, you are left with mob rule. snopercod: Well who we gonna' shoot? Our neighbors who voted for Biden? That's certainly what some people have said they would do. Anon: Shoot a commie. Not your neighbor, not the police or the military. What if your neighbor is a "commie"? What about "commies" in the police or military? Once the shooting starts, who will make those decisions? The mob? And who is a "commie" anyway? UC faculty protest equity based math... You mean California faculty are finally protesting mediocrity in education? Bravo.