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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, February 25. 2023Saturday morning links
The question is whether the sonar ships used to build the windmills are blinding sea mammals' sonar Exercise and depression WSJ: Why We Should Keep Reading Freud - Today’s psychologists find him embarrassing, but the founder of psychoanalysis had powerful insights into the way our minds work. 'Health at Every Size' Group Razes the 'Racism and Healthism' of Physicians Fighting Obesity Pediatric cancer fundraiser not diverse enough, Penn State students say Spectator: Are the adults back in charge at the New York Times? Newsroom leadership chastised staff for aligning with activist groups Microaggressions can "kill you," criminalize speech against "oppressed groups" Major Association Of US Doctors Makes Official Statement On Transgender Procedures For Minors DeSantis worse than murderer NTSB Chair Shuts Down Pete Buttigieg's Pathetic Blaming of Donald Trump for Train Derailment Sarah Huckabee Sanders Pushing Through Education Reform for Arkansas – Including School Choice Angela Davis Descended from Slave Owners. "No. I can't believe this. No, my ancestors did not come here on the Mayflower," Trackbacks
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Whenever we move to drill an offshore gas well, we first have to survey the area where we want to park the rig - it's called a Site Survey. The region would already have been subject to the deep geophysical survey work that is used to identify drilling prospects - now comes the actual business of moving in the equipment. To do this for moored or bottom-supported rigs - or to prepare an area for an offshore platform - the Site Survey will run a grid pattern with a survey ship to get detailed bathymetry, to run side-scan sonar to identify seabed hazards (shipwreck, cables, other wells, etc), and also sub-seabed work to identify hazards like unstable sediments, potential gas hydrates, or shallow, near-surface gas deposits that can't be controlled. Usually it's at least a square mile or more for a single well or platform.
The survey ship will be trailing streamer cables with geophones and other sensitive equipment, sometimes out a mile or so, often multiple cables. For identifying shallow gas, they'll deploy some kind of energy source, usually an air cannon - booming out charges underwater so that the geophones can pick up the reflected sound waves for computer processing and image-building. This can affect the wildlife for obvious reasons. Offshore wind farms are just like platforms - they need extensive site assessment before they're constructed. I'm sure in these wind farm areas there would have been extensive Site Survey work undertaken. The question is 'When?' in relation to the what problems. In our work, we have to hire on additional personnel and boats to serve as wildlife lookouts, for turtles, whales, dolphins. Anybody could find this out if they bought a survey worker a hamburger and a beer. But I haven't come across any of this being reported so that people can understand what might be happening to the whales. Isn't that interesting? Today is the anniversary of Cassius Clay knocking out Sonny Liston. I watched that fight with my father when I was 20 years old. Liston took a dive. It was so obvious. The fix was in. I assume that the gamblers/mob had money on Clay and paid off and threatened Liston.
Why should we keep reading Freud? So we can find out how stupid the WSJ is. He did nothing to determine how the "mind" works. He just made up shit and charged by the hour. Anybody that tells you what your dream means is a con man.
WWII Submarine Found After Being Lost for Decades
https://www.rightwing.org/wwii-submarine-found-after-being-lost-for-decades/?utm_source=bblue&utm_medium=email There's a sequel coming! The discoverer, Dr. Tamaki Ura, develops autonomous underwater vehicles for scientific and historical research.
You're offended by a microaggression? Accept my microapology.
Equity, dontchaknow... Nonna Mouse: You're offended by a microaggression? Accept my microapology.
Believe it or not, that's all most people want. (Rather than someone who insists on repeating taunts.) How about ignoring it altogether? That's what 95% of people would consider a normal response for such erratic behavior, so as not to embarrass the person who indulges in a momentary loss of self-control. Or is accepting that 'nobody has a right to the attention of others' another microaggression? Too bad, so sad.
Aggie: How about ignoring it altogether?
If you ignore it, it won't change. QUOTE: Well, you're pretty sure yourself ain't ya, Virgil. Virgil, that's a funny name for a n!gger boy that comes from Philadelphia. What do they call you up there? They call me Mr. Tibbs. QUOTE: Man: Well, Miss Watson, thank you f . . . Woman: I prefer Ms. Man: Mizzz. Well, Janet, we've have already filled the job position. No - if you ignore microaggressions, the narcissist does not get their payoff, and eventually will either:
- stops/moves on to another target. - escalates beyond the point of plausible denial, at which point you can call them on their behavior and turn the tables. No, Punchbowl Turd, they want attention like you do. That, and the unearned power and undeserved respect they try to extort via a claimed offense. It's socio-emotional blackmail.
Run along, the grownups are talking. Ben David: No - if you ignore microaggressions
Nonna Mouse: That, and the unearned power and undeserved respect they try to extort via a claimed offense. You ignored the examples. But, sure. Be Chief Gillespie. Once again, the race-hustling, race-baiting bigot: A person is automatically compared to, and classified as, a white southern redneck racist from the 1950s because they disagree in a rational argument and propose that ignoring arguably-imagined slights is a viable form of response in the context of modern-day grievance culture. How stunning and brave; how original.
Aggie: A person is automatically compared to, and classified as, a white southern redneck racist from the 1950s because they disagree in a rational argument
Ignoring the point raised doesn't constitute "a rational argument." At least Chief Gillespie was capable of changing, albeit, painfully. Aggie: and propose that ignoring arguably-imagined slights is a viable form of response in the context of modern-day grievance culture. And, again, most people do ignore slights, even repeated slights. But it turns out that the offender won't always "stop/move on to another target," but will often continue to needle and escalate. A simple apology in response to a polite request is all most people want, but as can be seen on this thread, that's just too much for some people. Did y'all get your feelings hurt?
2023-02-26 04:49
Of course I ignored your example! If the citation is from you, it deserves only to be ignored.
Look, princess, any pile of goo can search up a result that supports his position. Confirmation bias is an actual thing. You're soaking in it. Don't you have an elsewhere to be? Micro aggressions are made up by lunatics (lefties). You can’t apologize to the lunatics, they look at it as a sign of weakness. It is why they run rough shod over the republicans. They are incapable of accepting apologies anyway, so why apologize for something you didn’t even do. They lack in humility and are always on the lookout for an offense. Their entire ideology is based on envy. So, yes, most rational people will except an apology, but lefties are not rational.
We have a lefty on the Supreme Court that won’t even define what a women is. Now another nomination that says a micro aggression can kill you. I keep thinking we have reached peak stupid, then Brandon presents someone even more egregious. How could someone so inept even become a judge in the first place? They had help from some shallow minded republican who thought they could curry favor with the left. The left wants us dead, by any means necessary. The ends justifies the means. How do you rationalize with that philosophy? From VOX POPOLI on apologizing... a fate worse than death .....
https://voxday.net/2023/02/24/a-fate-worse-than-death-2/ Apparently, Zach on crack is unaware that the Heat of the Night is a movie. When you use a fictional creation as your argument you need to remove your head from your poop chute.
Anonymous White Male: the Heat of the Night is a movie
Quite so! The n-word was only ever used in Hollywood. Lunatics can't let go and there is an abnormally large number of them in the social sciences. Karen clowns, Triggly Puff and Mattress girl are best ignored.
Karen ragging and raging. And unable to get through life without lecturing everyone with her virtue signaling. She likely works in HR or in the academy of social science. You should see them in the airline terminals or on the aircraft. It gets no better at McDonalds or any low cost fast food joint. And I am grateful to have never had to work in customer service. Those poor souls have to deal with these grifters every day.
Don Surber
The National Divorce has begun https://donsurber.substack.com/p/the-national-divorce-has-begun Heavy labor may boost men's fertility
https://www.upi.com/Health_News/2023/02/24/men-heavy-labor-fertility/5591677248723/ What Happened to Liberalism?
QUOTE: The American liberal of the third decade of the 21st century lives in nervous and craven fear of what seems an endlessly wide variety of dangers, including the Russian enemy in the Kremlin working to sabotage “our democracy” at home; the Republican Party, Donald Trump, and the MAGA Menace; uncensored posts on social media and other forms of dangerous “disinformation”; people with bare faces who are skeptical of “the Science,” sweeping government health mandates, and the competency of Big Government itself; blue-collar people and rural populations; people lacking a college or university degree; climatic change; religion and the moral and social codes it typically imposes on believers; political opposition of any kind, which appears to liberals as “fascism”; a belief in constraining human limits and the concept of fixed reality; the loss of direct liberal control over anything, and thus of federalism, regionalism, and localism; and finally of human mortality, the liberal’s equivalent of Conrad’s The Horror. . . . Liberals are people who, as politicians and political activists, live in fear of seeing the liberal program fail, and with it the dream that is life itself to them. They are also people who, having denied God, fear losing the godlike status—“Ye shall be as gods”—they claim for themselves, and the worldly power and position they believe they deserve. https://isi.org/modern-age/what-happened-to-liberalism/ Microaggression:
"the best advice I would give to white people is to get the hell away from black people. Just get the fuck away." — Scott Adams |