Going around. Mark Foley's plan for his future: To turn over a
new page.
The media's plan for the remainder of the election season, from ABC: Betsy. It isn't funny.
France's support of genocide in Rwanda. What a screwed-up country. RTLC.
Meanwhile, at home in France, the Intifada continues with 50,000 police (an army?) preparing for violence. More on these disgruntled "youth" at Gateway/ Updated events at No Pasaran.
Latest from Jib Jab: The Great Sketch Experiment.
Steyn sees western Europe wasting away. (h/t, Daily Pundit)
Hostility and paranoia in American Moslems. Moonbattery
Why Dems are dangerous with defence: IBD (h/t, Dinocrat)
Mitt Romney smacks down obnoxious, arrogant reporter. Good stuff. Sister T
Crime pays at the UN. Simon