The blogworld, and the media, are preoccupied with the elections. 90% of regular folks, however, are not.
It's just as well. There is such thing as an unwholesome preoccupation with political issues, as there can be with anything else.
There is reason to believe that people are more motivated to vote against someone, than for someone. Anger and hatred are powerful human motivators, and everyone is cynical about politics and politicians except the youth - who don't know any better.
So it's smears and fears season. AKA "silly season." Everybody enjoys voting in national elections, but mid-term elections tend to bring out the most engaged, and the most emotional, which brings out the lowest human impulses - and in the political world, that is lower than whale poop.
Thus the theme for both parties is "crank up the emotion." In mid-terms, in which many registered voters do not even know the names of their Reps, or even their Senators, "Get out the vote" is the name of the game. Get warm bodies into the voting booth, and room-temperature bodies if that's all you can get.
Is this election more important than any other? Probably not, because I do not think it will have any effect on the war against Islamofascism (Americans will never put up with dhimmitude.). Every election is important, though.
Isn't it funny how, when your team wins - it's "The people have spoken," and when your team loses, it's "The people are brainwashed morons"?
May the best team win. Just do me one favor: before you pull that lever, make sure you know where Nancy Pelosi stands on the issues of the day -because that is who you are voting for or against, ultimately. The Speaker, the Whip, and other leadership run the show. The Reps are just little soldiers, and if they don't play ball, they won't be able to bring the pork home for their re-election.