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Friday, September 2. 2022Friday morning links
Trinity School staffer admits to sneaking political ‘agenda’ into NYC classroom, video shows Is the Psychedelic Therapy Bubble About to Burst? A new paper argues that excitement has veered into misinformation—and scientists should be the ones to set things straight. Education Department’s First Pandemic-Era Trend Data Show Worst Reading, Math Declines in Decades, Fourth-grade scores for worst performers could take decades to rebound and affect economy in the future, experts say Will I Ever See the $36 Million Oberlin College Owes Me? BB: Biden To Forgive $10k In Student Loans -- In Unrelated News, Nation’s Colleges Raise Tuition By $10k Baked Alaskan: 60% of voters cast ballots for Republicans. A Democrat won. Twitter, Facebook Regularly Coordinated With Biden Admin To Censor Users Trump now basically admitting that he had classified material when the FBI showed up at Mar-a-Lago Two Minutes Hate: Biden Rails Against His Fellow Americans in Dark, Threatening Prime-Time Speech CNN Calls out a Big Problem With Biden's Speech, Left Goes Wild in Response Biden Delivers One of the Most Divisive, Hate-Filled Speeches in the History of Our Presidency Comments
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Weird speech, they are running against Trump because that’s all they’ve got.
Otherwise they have to argue in favor of: 1) China appeasing globalism, 2)the elimination of the nation state (no borders), 3) the indoctrination and mistreatment of children, 4) the perverse SJWs, 5) the malevolent cancel culture, 6) staying at home in the dark and unemployed, 7) freedom for the violent thugs taking over the streets, 8) the dystopian covid response...... MAGA represents the Middle America that rejects the Prog vision of a paternalistic future that benefits the cocooned and privileged; the rest of us not so much. Whatever the end game is, it is not benign; it’s creepy and dystopian for the people of Middle America, a kind of hi-tech feudalism. Regular Americans don’t want to give up their heritage and rights, they don’t want a top down government and economy run by remote, unaccountable, careerist, bureaucrats, they don’t want to be the world’s piggy bank, they don’t want to make the world safe for multinationals, and, they don’t want America to be China’s bitch. Here's the problem: I see a list here of things to be against, but I don't see anything to be for.
I'm OK with 'leave me alone.' 'Things are not going very well in Sweden.'
An influx of low-IQ third-world alpha males rarely produces anything good. RE; Biden speech
planetgeo said... You're assuming that it was in fact Biden saying these things. Isn't it clear enough already that he's an empty vessel, a cypher, an almost life-like puppet? No, it's not really Jill leading him around by the hand and telling him what to say. Think, people, think. Who exactly is angry enough at America to actually compose and say such a speech, to envelope the puppet delivering it in blood-red lighting, on an otherwise ominously darkened stage, with the explicit threat of US Marines in the shadows? Who hates America and those Americans who cling to their guns and Bibles to call them enemies and threaten to expel them from the country? Who? I think the speech was intentionally divisive and hateful in an attempt to precipitate some negative response from Maga Republicans. I think they are taunting trump supporters to get a reaction that can be used to support their claims and help them win the election. The anger and divisiveness is intentional and carefully thought out. Expect more in their effort to provoke violence from the MAGA people or their own brownshirts.
JustMe has a point. The collective Left is itching for another Murrah building incident so they can say, "We told you so."
As tempting as it may be, we have to put off using violence until it's necessary. This is a good time to point out that everything we heard about the OK city bombing was untrue. For example: ANFO doesn't have the explosive power to sever a 5' diameter reinforced concrete column with a explosive set off some 20 yards from that column. The explosion was much larger (and probably two explosions) than can be accounted for with an ANFO bomb. The FBI dithered around declaring the bomb to be 15 tones of ANFO which was impossible given their evidence, to being a combination of ANFO and some actual high explosive. The list of discrepancies goes on for pages and were never explained or proved. So who really bombed the Murrah building? We will never know, it appears to be a cover up.
They don't simply want to say "I told you so," they want to use it as the pretext for "fundamentally transforming" America.
And if they can't provoke it, they'll do it themselves while wearing red maga hats. You're naive if you think this can't or won't happen. Yes, it has gotten that bad. And yes, it will get worse. QUOTE: Baked Alaskan: 60% of voters cast ballots for Republicans. A Democrat won . . . Putting the two modern “innovations” on elections together in Alaska produced this absurd result, in which Republicans lost a House seat despite getting 60% of the vote. That's because, in the U.S. electoral system, people don't vote for the party but for the person. A lot of voters wouldn't select Palin even as a second choice. We don't know because this slick dirty trick defeated the voters and stole their democracy from them. Well done party of Bull Connor (Biden's favorite person).
If the election was decided by plurality, the Democrat would have won.
That Babylon Bee headline isn't even funny, it's just the truth. When I was in school circa 1990, we were discussing the latest tuition increase (they increased tuition just about every quarter) and the professor pointed out that schools knew just how much their students (or their parents) could afford to pay and matched their tuition to that amount plus whatever the government subsidies amounted to. Government subsidies don't go to the students or their parents, all of it is captured by the schools. (I was fortunate that the Economics department was headed by a well-known Libertarian and included a couple of Libertarian professors.)
Allapundit certainly dislikes President Trump. Classified documents on site?
He fails to note the government asked (Demanded?) President Trump to keep them there in the locked storeroom until negotiations were settled. Me, I know they're after us, President Trump is just in the way. jJim: He fails to note the government asked (Demanded?) President Trump to keep them there in the locked storeroom until negotiations were settled.
That is not correct. The government was provided a letter from Trump's attorney that there were no longer any documents marked classified being kept on the premises. That was false. Me thinks you lied just a tiny bit. As I understand it the lawyer said that there were no "classified" documents there. Not that any of the documents were not still marked as such. Trump had declassified them but the printed classification at the top and bottom of each page doesn't magically disappear simply because he declassified them.
IdahoBob: As I understand it the lawyer said that there were no "classified" documents there. Not that any of the documents were not still marked as such.
QUOTE: At least one lawyer for former President Donald J. Trump signed a written statement in June asserting that all material marked as classified and held in boxes in a storage area at Mr. Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence and club had been returned to the government, four people with knowledge of the document said. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/08/13/us/politics/trump-classified-material-fbi.html IdahoBob: Trump had declassified them but the printed classification at the top and bottom of each page doesn't magically disappear simply because he declassified them. The courts have held that classification is an administrative function. That would involve removing the markings. Otherwise, no one would know what is classified and what is not. Ambiguity would render the system pointless. Furthermore, declassifying defense information that could cause grave damage to national security or lead to the death of human intelligence sources would the height of dereliction, and could be a violation of the Espionage Act. "Furthermore, declassifying defense information that could cause grave damage to national security or lead to the death of human intelligence sources would the height of dereliction, and could be a violation of the Espionage Act."
So is this just speculation or can you tell me who was killed? What! No one killed? Just another wild ass claim! I'm shocked!
2022-09-02 20:34
IdahoBob: So is this just speculation or can you tell me who was killed?
The photo provided in the recent government filing of documents seized at Mar-a-Lago under the search warrant include markings of Top Secret, meaning a grave danger to American national security if made public. Some of the documents were also marked HCS, which refers to HUMINT Control Systems, that is, spies. Also, some of the classified documents were kept in Trump’s office desk, which his own lawyer says was frequented by guests. What was Trump doing keeping Top Secret documents in his home? Why didn’t he surrender them when they were subpoenaed? What did he intend to do with them? Is he still hoarding more national security documents?
2022-09-02 21:39
IdahoBob: So is this just speculation or can you tell me who was killed?
More specifically, there is no evidence that Trump declassified the documents, but if he had, then anyone can file an FOI request and have access to what had been classified as Top Secret/HCS. Is that really your argument?
2022-09-02 21:45
Everyone knows he was plotting with Putin to overthrow the government, right (((Quibble-DickZ)))?
2022-09-02 23:46
God forbid that the hoi polloi find out what there government is doing. Most of what is classified is does not threaten national security or keep the names spies secret. Most of remains classified due to lethargy and some of it remains classified because it would expose government mistakes or crimes (Lois Lerner and so many others).
2022-09-03 10:30
IdahoBob: Most of what is classified is does not threaten national security or keep the names spies secret.
Quite possibly. That's why, to charge under the Espionage Act, 18 U.S. Code § 793, it has to be shown that the information is relating to national security. In this case, the government will almost certainly be able to show that in court. Note that classification of the documents is not required under the Espionage Act. On the other hand, to charge under the Records and Reports statute, 18 U.S. Code § 2071, it only requires showing that the records are government records. Even if Trump claims the records were declassified, they remain government records. If he claims executive privilege, then they are government records by definition. Meanwhile, to charge under the Destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in Federal investigations statute, 18 U.S. Code § 1519, it requires showing a cover up, such as showing that efforts were made by someone to evade the subpoena for records.
2022-09-03 10:52
Kinda gives you a thrill up your leg to think that the Communist/Dems will send Trump off to the Gulag doesn't it. But what about the 85 million voters who voted for Trump in 2020 and know the communist/Dems stole the election and now know that Trump was/is persecuted? What! No worries, the communists/Dems have F-15s you say. Really! That's the way the communist/Dems want to roll? I'm kind of an amateur when it comes to revolutions but honestly it doesn't appear to me that the old fogies in Congress are really ready to rock and roll. What is plan B if the 85 million MAGA semi-fascists don't choose to roll over for the communist/Dems??? Have they really thought this through? Does Dark Brandon come out of his basement again and do another speech imitating Hitler again or what? Maybe this time instead of the Marines he could be flanked by F-15s.
2022-09-03 15:35
IdahoBob: But what about the 85 million voters who voted for Trump in 2020 and know the communist/Dems stole the election and now know that Trump was/is persecuted?
If you start with falsehoods, then your position will be without foundation. Trump received 74 million votes. Biden received 81 million. Not only did Trump lose the popular vote, but he lost the vote in the Electoral College, even after Trump supporters attempted to stop the process. Notably, you changed subjects to avoid responding to the topic of Trump illegally retaining documents relating to the national security and defying a judicial subpoena.
2022-09-03 15:45
"Trump received 74 million votes. Biden received 81 million."
In a number of states the voting machines took 13% of Trump votes and gave them to Biden. They took about 11 million Trump votes and converted them to Biden so that brings Bidens total down to about 63 million. In addition the mules with the help of NGOs funded by dark money voted for dead people, people who did not vote and fake voters to the tune of about 4 million votes so that brings Bidens total down to 59 million compared to Trumps 85 million. And additional cheating, like reading ballots multiple times, recording fake totals on batches of ballots, etc. gave Biden another 1.5-2 million fake votes which brings his real total to about 57 million votes to Trumps 85 million. The steal was massive so the coverup had to be massive too and it continues. THAT is why they must get Trump. to keep the coverup going.
2022-09-03 17:45
There’s no evidence to support those claims, as was determined by multiple investigations. Nor is it relevant to the discussion. You have apparently abandoned any defense of Trump’s improper withholding of national security documents under subpoena.
2022-09-03 18:30
"There’s no evidence to support those claims,"
There is considerable evidence. I assume you watched the documentary 2000 Mules. and yet you still are a denier.
2022-09-03 18:36
“The cellphone data is singularly unimpressive. If you take 2 million cellphones and figure out where they are, physically, in a big city like Atlanta or whatever, just by definition, you’re going to find many hundreds of them have passed by and spent time in the vicinity of these boxes. The premise that that’s a mule is indefensible.” — Bill Barr, Trump’s Attorney General
Though it is not relevant to the discussion. You have apparently abandoned any defense of Trump’s improper withholding of national security documents under subpoena.
2022-09-03 21:07
“The cellphone data is singularly unimpressive"
That right there tells me you haven't seen the documentry. The cell phone data was incredibkle and left zero doubt about the crime committed. It also provided the names of the mules AND the names of the coconspirators in the NGOs that provided the fake ballots (including Stacey Abrhams). You are ignorant of what you are discussing,
2022-09-05 11:06
IdahoBob: That right there tells me you haven't seen the documentry.
The opinion was by Bill Barr, Trump's Attorney General. Sure, he could be wrong, but he is biased towards Trump and made a stronger argument than "The cell phone data was incredibkle." You might address Barr's argument, rather than just restating the claim—with superlative. IdahoBob: It also provided the names of the mules Can you point to the indictments in Georgia, for instance?
2022-09-05 15:43
Re the Oberlin college story. There is a process. The lawyers begin attaching properties owned by the college. This could be real estate or non real estate. The lawyers go before a judge who allows the ownership of the property to change hands and the lawyer pays a fee to the sheriff to go in and take possession of the property. Usually this results in a call from the college lawyers asking to meet to resolve the problem.
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