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Wednesday, April 27. 2022Wednesday morning links Does time really exist? We take for granted that time is real. But what if it's only an illusion, and a relative illusion at that? Does time even exist? All The Feelings; Leaked Audio Shows Twitter Execs Trying to Comfort Staff in All-Hands Meeting NY Times: Elon Musk seems to believe in free speech and that's going to be a disaster Senate Dem: We need "algorithmic justice" now that Musk owns Twitter The Internet Impossibility Theorem: achieving a decentralized society is a task for culture, not for engineering. Departures and disasters: Kamala Harris might be the worst veep ever Biden Administration Imposes Further Limits on Arctic Drilling Finland, Sweden Plan To Apply To Join NATO In May: Reports Trackbacks
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We take for granted that time is real. But what if it's only an illusion, and a relative illusion at that? Does time even exist?
More claptrap from so-called Scientists who've never planted a vegetable garden. Go peddle that nonsense elsewhere. And elsewhen. Mike: More claptrap from so-called Scientists who've never planted a vegetable garden.
Einstein: Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better. Einstein: Time is relative. NASA: Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, Critical For GPS, Seen In Distant Stars https://www.gpsworld.com/gps-technology-will-continue-to-transform-agriculture/ Time as a persistent illusion is just a really awkward way of addressing the question of whether the next moment exists prior to our perception flowing into it, or if it is created by the actions we take in the past and present. And that's an equally flawed way of expressing it.
When you put all of the equations that seem to govern the universe together, all of the time parameters seem to cancel out. So what the equations describe is not the state of any one moment in history, but what the universe would look like from the outside of what we see as time and space. This feeds further into the whole difference between "The universe is" and "the universe can be modeled as" which gets derided in the "Spherical chickens in a vaccuum" jokes. Another guy named Dan: Time as a persistent illusion
Time is a sensation. No more than the distance between the Earth and the moon is a sensation. Time is a property of the universe. It's difficuly to explain this becasue the true language of the argument is not English; it's math. When you talk about time being relative, you are speaking of an aspect of time, duration, or two related aspects of time, Duration and Simultaneity. Einstein, based on the work of several predecessors, demonstrated that While observers will disagree about measurements of these aspects, there is still an aspect of the universe which defines differences in measurable quantities of the properties of space at differnt instances. Both Special and General Relativity are virtually defined by the existence of time, to allow for things like light to travel and waves to propagate through fields. INdeed, Einsteins work added time to the structure of the universe, rather than removing it as an outside entity and Newton largely did.
I'm having some serious trouble comprehending perceptual flow in a tomato plant. Granted, human consciousness is poorly understood, but the evidence of our limited senses surely suggests that time goes on, with or without us.
I greatly prefer physicists who study the really important questions, like "why does a dropped slice of toast always land butter side down?" or "is it impossible to twist apart an Oreo into symmetric parts?". Mike Anderson: I'm having some serious trouble comprehending perceptual flow in a tomato plant.
And yet, the tomato plant will grow more slowly when moving at a relativistic velocity. Time is not a thing. Time is a comparison/recognition of the change in one object to the routine changes in other objects -- Sun, Moon, Earth, and Stars. Change is real. A comparison is a Mental exercise.
Time is Nature's way of keeping everything from happening all at once.
Saw this and thought it was pretty good... Don't recall the author...
"Time is nature's way of keeping one damned thing after another from becoming every damned thing at once." 'Departures and disasters: Kamala Harris might be the worst veep ever'
Might be? Kamala is the worst veep working for the worst administration ever. And this record may apply world wide, as well as historically. At least Jimmy Carter learned a few lessons before his term was over. Not Biden. I understand that Biden shipped more of our strategic reserve oil to Europe. How are you going to replace the oil, Joe? Do you have a plan? Maybe put Kamala in charge of that too. Cackle cackle cackle. Oh well. At least there are no mean tweets.
B. Hammer: Kamala is the worst veep working for the worst administration ever. And this record may apply world wide, as well as historically.
The article makes only the most superficial analysis. However, your claim is even more blinkered. Himmler? Zhou? Beria? Right. Thanks for helping me make my point. All three of the men you list, Joe Biden shares many of their personalities. Number one being that they are all liars. They are all authoritarians They all divide people: you're either with us or you are against us. If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black. Centralized authority is the best authority. Get the similarities yet? Or shall I keep listing them?
B. Hammer: Right.
We nominate Aaron Burr as the worst Vice President in U.S. history. Burr shot Alexander Hamilton in a duel, then masterminded a scheme to set up his own empire in the American West. QUOTE: It’s getting increasingly hard to disguise the fact that leftist revolutions aren’t about liberating the majority, but about enslaving it to the cultural obsessions of a tiny minority. - Daniel GreenfieldA Tyranny of Moral Minorities B. Hammer: - Daniel Greenfield
Sure, because quoting someone on the political fringe who agrees with you substitutes for actual evidence. That's actually your M.O., (((Quibble-DickZ))).
2022-04-27 12:56
That's the theory for build back better, nwo, and/or the third way. You will own nothing and be happy. The new authoritarianism/totalitarianism. My only difference with Greenfield is to refer to them as amoral minorities.
2022-04-27 15:21
First and for most, I called them all liars. Were am I wrong?
At least Aaron Burr faced a trial for his crimes. No such luck for your crop of heroes.
B. Hammer
2022-04-27 15:24
indyjonesouthere: That's the theory for build back better, nwo, and/or the third way. You will own nothing and be happy.
There is nothing in the Build Back Better plan which eliminates private property. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_World_Order_(conspiracy_theory)
2022-04-27 16:19
You need to talk to Klaus about that.
2022-04-27 16:55
indyjonesouthere: You need to talk to Klaus about that.
You know when you are in the Land of Conspiracy when incantations are spouted as if they have an independent meaning. Rather than marshaling evidence and argument, just say "Klaus" three times and the devil Lenin appears. Do you mean Klaus Schwab? If so, invoking "Klaus," even three times, doesn't render Build Back Better into a plan that eliminates private property. Nor does the World Economic Forum advocate for a "totalitarian world government." They do advocate for greater collaboration between nations and corporations to address global problems. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/
2022-04-28 09:56
B. Hammer: Were am I wrong?
When you said, "Kamala is the worst veep working for the worst administration ever. And this record may apply world wide, as well as historically." We provided examples from world history of second in commands who were much, much worse. Referring back to the Post article, their argument appears to be that her policy portfolio is supposedly in shambles and nobody likes her. Again, the article made no real attempt to support the historical claim comparing Harris to other Vice Presidents, isn't making a serious point, but is just throwing out a bone.
2022-04-27 16:26
Daniel Greenfield is a perfect example of middle-of-the-road politics. When you refer to someone like him as 'fringe' you are committing an act of violence against our history and culture. That is one reason why people are so much opposed to communists such as yourself. You tear down everything, and build nothing.
jack walter
2022-04-28 10:20
jack walter: Daniel Greenfield is a perfect example of middle-of-the-road politics.
From the linked article: "And if the Democrats win, the will of the 2% is ruthlessly imposed on the 98%." Yet, Biden won a majority of the votes in the last election, and Democrats regularly win an overall majority of votes for the House and Senate. Regardless, just linking to a polemic by "Greenfield" or chanting "Klaus" three times doesn't constitute an actual argument. jack walter: That is one reason why people are so much opposed to communists such as yourself. We reject communism.
2022-04-28 12:24
You skimmed through the Greenfield article, not understanding a single word he had to say. Or maybe the truth hurts? Your miss characterization as to what he is talking about concerning the 2%, is the tell. Or maybe you understand, but just go ahead and lie about it? Either way, you are not intellectually honest.
QUOTE: We reject communism. Yeah, sure you do. Why do you so vehemently defend the jackboots of communism, authoritarianism from a strong centralized all powerful government? And why do you pretend to be multiple people? Meanwhile, the Biden administration, becomes more like the three characters you mention above. Every. Single. Day.
B. Hammer
2022-04-28 13:05
B. Hammer: You skimmed through the Greenfield article, not understanding a single word he had to say.
Perhaps you read the article in depth, but you show no knowledge of anything you read. Instead of just waving your hands, you could try to explain what you believe the writer is saying. Or not. We directly addressed the claim about the 2%—which you ignored. B. Hammer: Why do you so vehemently defend the jackboots of communism, authoritarianism from a strong centralized all powerful government? We don't. That is, unless you define anything you don't like or anyone who disagrees with you as being "jackboots of communism, authoritarianism." Again, instead of waving your hands in the general direction, you might try to be specific. Or not. We reject communism because it is a utopian ideal that is contrary to human nature. When an unattainable ideal is combined with a belief that the ends justify the means (extremism), then it can lead to untold suffering. The current best systems are mixed, those that combine robust markets with social safety nets.
2022-04-28 13:45
"We must pass laws to protect privacy and promote algorithmic justice for internet users..."
Bizarrely, the first thing that came to mind was, 'What?? They want to give Al Gore reparational dancing lessons?' Whoever it was that said 'the Progressive Democrats are a Death Cult' was right. And not just for facilitating kids carving themselves up to where they can't reproduce. What is it about Western culture that makes Progressive westerners hate it so much, they want it destroyed? The vehement reaction to Musk buying Twitter will be very revealing about the bunch that seemingly wants to see everyone herded over the cliff. Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.
—Douglas Adams Turkey Escalating Aggression against Greece: 90 Overflights in One Day
https://www.gatestoneinstitute.org/18434/turkey-aggression-greece-airspace#.YmkKuychDpE.twitter ` B. Hammer: Joe Biden shares many of their personalities.
That's preposterous. Biden is not anything like Himmler. In any case, the issue was the second to the leader. B. Hammer: you're either with us or you are against us. That was George W. Bush. "Every nation has to either be with us or against us. Those
who harbor terrorists or who finance them, are going to pay a price." Senator Hillary Clinton September 13, 2001 re Finland, Sweden Plan To Apply To Join NATO In May: Reports
QUOTE: NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has said he believes all 30 members of the military alliance would welcome Sweden and Finland. "If they decide to apply, I expect that all allies will welcome them," Stoltenberg said in early April. "We know that they can easily join this alliance if they decide to apply." So we are going to up the ante in the game of chicken with Russia? I wish I could have asked my 90 year old great grandfather is time was real just before he died last month.