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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, July 24. 2021Saturday morning links
Restoring a 1959 VW Wild birds don’t need your backyard feeders to survive They are for fun, for people Related? Federal Court Rules CDC’s COVID-19 Eviction Moratorium Is Unlawful Almost a Million People Can’t Leave Home in Sydney Because Man in His 80s Died from/with COVID Cleveland Indians Changing Name To “Cleveland Guardians” Molotov Cocktail Lawyers Headed to Trial After Plea Negotiations Break Down Tough Jews, Las Vegas, and the Legacy of Meyer Lansky Psychoanalysis in the Age of Apology Reactions Pour In After Senate Panel Votes To Make Women Register For Draft: ‘Equality’ Biden’s Troubling Department of Education Nominee Kentucky school district to host year-long anti-racist mathematics training program for teachers Meet Ben & Jerry’s Board Chair: Anti-Israel Activist Has Published Defenses of Hezbollah, Hamas Chicago Schools Will Require Masks A nutty person: 4 Reasons I’m Wearing a Mask Again Fauci sideshow -- NIH clearly collaborated on dangerous research with China Virus research is potentially dangerous, of course. So what? Chinese Virus Retrospective: The Shame Of Our Public Health "Experts" From a commenter at Powerline: Making rain in the desert Comments
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The "4 Reasons Why I Wear Masks" article was written by Katherine Wu who consulted with Ed Yong on a grant from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. Maybe some of these Chinese expatriates could contact their relatives in the PLA and tell them to cut out their bio-weapons program.
The Buffalo Bills name is offensive to people named William. They should change their name to the Buffalo Invoices. Reactions Pour In After Senate Panel Votes To Make Women Register For Draft: ‘Equality’ 'Equity?'
Sounds like sauce for the goose to me. --1970 Draft Lottery #53 In any future draft, will the doctrine of Disparate Impact require that half the draftees be women? What will an army consisting of half women be like?
..."Rain triggered through cloud seeding is much cheaper than desalinated water, where about 42% of the country's water originates.
Cloud seeding via drones has enormous potential and shows water can be tapped from the sky. This technology might be helpful to North and South America, where huge megadroughts impact water supplies and damage crops. " Oh brother, here we go again. People need a steady, continuous, dependable source of water, just like electricity. Seeding clouds empties the air of humidity. What happens to the climate then? Most of the rain runs off, which will probably help shift the local climates subtly by providing capacity for vegetation. Great collateral benefit, if true. But can you seed the clouds to rain daily? Weekly? Monthly? Can you control the amount of precipitation? Don't stop payments on that water plant just yet.....By the way, being in the desert where there are no clouds - is it solar powered? I think it was back in the 60's-70's that a California utility did cloud seeding for a while. After a couple of flooding rains they were sued to no end. Liability eventually ended the experiment.
Traveling the Quiet Road to Tyranny
https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2021/07/traveling_the_quiet_road_to_tyranny.html re Cleveland Indians Changing Name To “Cleveland Guardians”
Although I turned my back to major league baseball a year ago, this still saddens me. No sport is as steeped in tradition and history as is major league baseball. If they felt they had to rename the team, it should have been the Spiders, the nickname of the team before it became the Indians. The owners are continually trying to figure out new ways to drive off fans. I believe 8 million people watched the All-Star game. Once upon a time 30 million or more would have watched in a country half as large. Looks like I and many others will be unemployed in the not-so-distant future:
https://www.yahoo.com/news/days-vaccine-lotteries-waning-come-100041082.html And the draft thing is pointless; many ladies would "accidentally" get knocked up before deployment. Wild birds don’t need your backyard feeders to survive: We know, but we like seeing birds...and chipmunks and squirrels.
Reactions Pour In After Senate Panel Votes To Make Women Register For Draft: ‘Equality’: They keep saying they're as good as men...let them prove it. Kentucky school district to host year-long anti-racist mathematics training program for teachers: Soooo...no Algebra?? Geometry?? Chicago Schools Will Require Masks: Get them started to being gangsters... (I just couldn't stop myself.) In regard to the Michael Crichton quote:
So we should disregard this statement, since it is made by a human being who is ex hypothesi neither sentient nor aware, and who never thinks for himself. Two reasons for wearing a mask:
1. Frightened ninny. 2. Insane Or because you have an illness or condition that compromises your immune system - or the treatment destroys your immune system temporarily - and catching a disease would be much more devastating for you that usual. Cancer, for example. A rare disease few people have heard of, but I understand it is deadly.
Other people can be as cautious as they want, I don't care. You might ask yourself why you need to judge the motives of others. But be careful, because you might be next. Regarding masks.
If masks REALLY worked then wouldn't we have been wearing them for years for flu prevention? People can wear a mask or not, not my business. It becomes my business, however, when they force me to wear one, all the while virtue signaling how progressive they are. charlottethesailor: If masks REALLY worked then wouldn't we have been wearing them for years for flu prevention?
Funny thing about that. Influenza almost disappeared this year. https://www.cdc.gov/flu/season/faq-flu-season-2020-2021.htm The Coming January 6 Trainwreck:
QUOTE: The January 6 Capitol clash may be the gift that keeps on giving to cynics everywhere. In the coming months, Americans will likely see jaw-dropping bureaucratic debacles, stunning abuses by federal prosecutors, and appalling bloodlust by angry Biden supporters. . . . The Justice Department declared last week, “The investigation and prosecution of the Capitol Breach will be the largest in American history, both in terms of the number of defendants prosecuted and the nature and volume of the evidence.” . . . The Justice Department may be delaying release of the bulk of the more than 14,000 hours of video surveillance from inside the Capitol on January 6 in an attempt to preserve Biden’s “domestic terrorism” storyline of that day’s events. Even before Trump supporters poured into the Capitol that day, Democrats were accusing them of sedition for filing legal challenges to the 2020 election results, including popular Twitter hashtags such as #GOPSeditiousTraitors and #TreasonAgainstAmerica. . . . For January 6 defendants, federal prosecutors are using a simple formula: Trespassing plus thought crimes equals terrorism. On Monday, Paul Hodgkins was sentenced to 8 months in prison, though the feds admitted he was guilty simply of taking selfies, wearing a Trump T-shirt, and carrying a Trump flag into the Senate chamber and “did not personally engage in or espouse violence or property destruction.” Though Hodgkins pled guilty only to one count of obstructing an official proceeding, Biden’s Justice Department demanded a lengthy prison sentence for Hodgkins to “deter…domestic terrorism.” . . . One Washington Postcommenter declared that “the only effective way for the government to respond to an act of war by domestic terrorists is to be prepared to meet them with machine guns and flamethrowers and mow them down. Not one of those terrorists who broke through police lines [on January 6] should have escaped alive.” Hodgkins’s sentence terrified and enraged Post readers. One wrote, “The pitiful 8 month sentence scares me badly… I’m afraid the government is losing its ability to protect us from madmen (consider the mentally ill and tweakers roaming our streets untreated) and right wing Q inspired terrorists.” https://www.zerohedge.com/political/bovard-coming-january-6-train-wreck feeblemind: Trespassing plus thought crimes equals terrorism.
Hodgkins was convicted for his actions, not his thoughts. feeblemind: On Monday, Paul Hodgkins was sentenced to 8 months in prison, though the feds admitted he was guilty simply of taking selfies, wearing a Trump T-shirt, and carrying a Trump flag into the Senate chamber and “did not personally engage in or espouse violence or property destruction.” Hodgkins pleaded guilty to obstructing Congress. He swore to it. Hodgkins pleaded guilty to obstructing Congress. He swore to it.
What else was he to do? Lose verything he has ever worked for and put himself in hock for the rest of his life to defend himself or cut his losses? This is the problem with our legal system. Government can bankrupt the accused citizen by virtue of the fact they have unlimited resources to drag out the process. If you fight them your life is ruined and if you are convicted your life is ruined. I know your fine with this as it is just subhuman Republicans that have to deal with it. Subhumans aren't real people so it doesn't matter how they are treated, right? feeblemind: What else was he to do?
When the prosecutors have you dead to rights, then it's best to work out a plea deal. He's on video flying a Trump flag in the Capitol. feeblemind: I know your fine with this as it is just subhuman Republicans that have to deal with it. For generations, minorities have been prosecuted more vehemently than Whites, but now you're upset. Again with the Race hustling bully. Failure.
2021-07-25 17:42
You seem to be confused. There is far more evidence that Hodgkin broke the law than for many other people who have faced prosecution. There are Black people in Alabama who have been in jail for decades for minor thefts. Suddenly, you’re worried about overzealous prosecution. Hodgkin pleaded guilty—because he was caught breaking the law.
2021-07-25 19:02
I'm not talking about black men in the South and I'm not talking about Hodgkin - I am talking only about you, and your disgusting, disgraceful, race-baiting, race hustling behavior. It has no place in American society or anywhere else.
You still haven't answered my question: How many people do you count in your personal experience, for whom 'not being able to utter the n-word requires some adjustment?' Well? How many? You yourself put this out there as if it were a common condition that is encountered by normal people in present-day society - except that it isn't. In fact, quite the contrary. I don't know anybody who has this problem is my answer. How about you? If you do, tell us about them, maybe we can shame them together. If not - why did you bring it up? You already have my answer.
2021-07-25 19:27
Aggie: I'm not talking about Hodgkin - I am talking only about you,
Then you would be off-topic. Feeblemind claimed that federal prosecutions are being based on “Trespassing plus thought crimes,” and provided Hodgkins as an example. But, as noted, Hodgkins was prosecuted and pleaded guilty for his actions, not his thoughts. {Your question is from a previous thread, and was answered in a response to mudbug.}
2021-07-25 20:52
And yet you didn't provide an answer, still, two days ago and again today. You can't do it, and your tactic is a failure - but by all means keep it up, it's giving everyone a great insight.
None of us believe you; we have comity and friendships with all people, all races and have no problem establishing these relationships without forcing all transactions through the lens of race. Many of us have multi-racial families. None of us is going to feel guilty as a result of your hustle, nobody will start self-shaming and self-censoring. It won't work. Look at your response above: "For generations, minorities have been prosecuted more vehemently than Whites, but now you're upset." Oh, really? Is he? You snidely imply he's some kind of racist, do you? Did he mention race, or bring race into the conversation? Why, no... no he didn't. But you[\u] did, and you put it front and center as a rebuke to someone else, with no pretext for doing so. [u]You're a race-baiting, race-hustling bully. There's no place for your ugliness in American society.
2021-07-25 21:34
[b]Aggie]/b]: Oh, really? Is he? You snidely imply he's some kind of racist, do you?
No. However, feeblemind introduced “subhuman”. He appeared to be exhibiting privilege, but would be happy to hear his response. Perhaps he has been an advocate for justice reform when poor or minority persons are overwhelmed when charged by the state. Or, as seems common on the political right, it’s only an issue when it affects someone like themselves. Otherwise, for many, it’s “Bring back the death penalty.” https://d.newsweek.com/en/full/1505025/donald-trump-central-park-five.png
2021-07-25 22:04
No, that's another bad-faith weaseling on your part that is not going to fly. You said this:
" There are Black people in Alabama who have been in jail for decades for minor thefts. [/u]Suddenly, you’re worried about overzealous prosecution."[/u] And then this: "For generations, minorities have been prosecuted more vehemently than Whites, but now you're upset." In both instances, using this sentence structure you have strongly insinuated that the commenter could only have this reaction if he/she were a racist who thought such treatment would be alright if applied to minorities. In both cases you introduced racism pejoratively with no pretext for doing so. You are a race-baiting, race-hustling bully and your ugly behavior has no place in polite society anywhere.
2021-07-26 00:09
Aggie: In both cases you introduced racism pejoratively with no pretext for doing so.
Who said, "I know your fine with this as it is just subhuman Republicans that have to deal with it."?
2021-07-26 07:44
Comparing the Jan6 group prosecutions to the BLM/Antifa group prosecutions is the best evidence for getting rid of all civil service protections in government employment and even all tenure protections in education.
Tracked: Jul 25, 10:28
Tracked: Jul 25, 11:29