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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Friday, July 23. 2021Friday morning links Why NYC is still No. 1 DeepMind and EMBL release the most complete database of predicted 3D structures of human proteins CNN Airs Hour-Long PSA On Warning Signs Of Dementia NY Times Says To Start With Your Air Conditioning To Solve Climate Emergency California Decriminalized Shoplifting. The Results Were Completely Predictable. Ace on the lefties at Tik Tok Facebook Flags the Name of a Gardening Tool When Used in a Gardening Group Facebook announces sweeping new restrictions on criticism of protected groups. Democrats Move to Rename 1,441 Places DeVos: Biden Education Dept 'as far left as they come' with promotion of radical 'anti-Whiteness' 'guide'
Fauci Goes From Opposing Masks for Adults to Imposing Them on 3-Year-Olds Sen Cotton on Breaking the Crime Wave 99.2 Percent of Biden’s Infrastructure Proposals Isn’t about Bridges Woke Racial Activism Bears Fruit: Gallup Survey Shows Positive Views On Race Relations In Free Fall BLM goes quiet Introducing the Journal of Free Black Thought: A celebration of black viewpoint diversity Psaki Calls Hunter Biden’s Meeting With Potential ‘Anonymous’ Art Buyers ‘Reasonable’… Che Guevara’s Daughter Calls for More Repression Against ‘Low Class’ Cuba Protesters Ali Mayorkas, Keep Faith With Cubans. My family and the Mayorkas family were friends who fled Cuba for a better future in America. Law of the Sea Court Ruling Continues to Challenge Chinese Aggression Israel: Jews Gaslighting Jews: A Primer Comments
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"CNN Airs Hour-Long PSA On Warning Signs Of Dementia"
Maybe they're coming around about Biden? Oh, and those Cubans who are fleeing to America to escape Communism may as well stay right where they are. Why New York is still the greatest city in the world - according to a parochial New Yorker who has never set foot outside of New York, writing in a New York newspaper. New York City, a place where you can do anything you could possibly imagine - except get away from New Yorkers. Which is part of the reason people from London, Paris, Rome, Prague, Tokyo, Beijing, Key West, and East Armpit, Alabama might take exception to the claim of "greatest city in the world".
Jerryskids: Why New York is still the greatest city in the world ...
While other cities may have their charm, there is a reason why New York is considered among the greatest cities in the world. QUOTE: Global Cities Index: 1. New York 2. London 3. Paris 4. Tokyo 5. Beijing "New York City widened its lead over other cities on the Index slightly, receiving its highest score in human capital due to strong performance in number of international schools, international student population, and the new medical universities metric." https://www.kearney.com/global-cities/2020 "The most striking change in the GCI was Beijing’s rise to displace Hong Kong among the top five global cities, suggesting the impact of combining stability and growth with aggressive investments in human capital" You couldn't get me to live in any of those cities so Kearney's opinion means very little to me (no word yet on how much their opinion means to the people who are moving out of NYC) but at least Kearney has offices in New York so they're willing to at least work there.
mudbug: You couldn't get me to live in any of those cities
Combining two different topics: QUOTE: Major Strasser, about German invasions: How about New York? Rick Blaine: Well there are certain sections of New York, Major, that I wouldn't advise you to try to invade. .... “One life was comforted at the expense of another,” Wilson writes with powerful simplicity. Today, he explains, the global socioeconomic gap between those who can effectively cool their surroundings and those who cannot is widening rapidly."
You start with your air conditioning to solve our Climate Emergency, in a nutshell. But the rest of us will believe there's a Climate Emergency when the people screeching about Climate Emergencies start behaving as if they believe there's a Climate Emergency. Let's start by getting along without New York City instead.
I agree. Apparently, Wilson is unfamiliar with the stories of hundreds in cities like NYC, Chicago, and Paris who died in/from heat waves before air conditioning became common (which would also be before the earth contracted its fever (to coin Al Gore's phrase).
Ground Bezos and Branson...then cut off their air-conditioning. Neither they, or the global elite, actually believe any of this climate emergency BS. It's just another narrative to further their power, control, and money.
Granted, we live in a house, but we don't have air conditioning. Know which neighbours must have by the design of their mini-mansions: if you've gone for maximum height and a flat roof, you need air conditioning.
We've gone the opposite way as we have peaked roofs. Late at night, we open those windows which cannot be reached by prowlers; early in the morning we open other more vulnerable windows. Then, as the outside temperature rises, we close the windows and flip the blinds to reflect the heat outward. It works reasonably well, though will have our Dyson hot/cool fan on "cool" during really hot nights. Feel for folk in apartments, particularly those who aren't fortunate enough to have corner units where can get air flow. There was a very practical reason for the older buildings having the transom window over the apartment door; it allowed air circulation, particularly if neighbours also had their transom window open. Perhaps we need to go back to practical solutions. > Law of the Sea Court Ruling Continues to Challenge Chinese Aggression
Lol. Reminds me of the classic English police joke: "‘Stop! Or, or I’ll say stop again!’” >Psaki Calls Hunter Biden’s Meeting With Potential ‘Anonymous’ Art Buyers ‘Reasonable’… Given the prevalence of DC "power couples" and octogenarian senior leaders with grand-kids, we need to come to a consensus about whether/how ethics laws apply to close family members. This kind of thing seems to be happening all the time. Is there anyone who thinks the ChiComs give a rats butt about international law? Who is gonna punish them? Nobody, that's who.
I think you are quite right, Stargazer.
However, I do think there is an iota of good in this court decision. I find it sort of analogous to an employer with a bad employee. If you have an employee that you want to sack, you usually have to build a documented case against him first. The court ruling is a step in building the documented case against China. The ruling comes not from a national player, but from the international community. Even China noticed the PR damage it caused. So in my view, while the court ruling isn't worth much in the grand scheme of things, it is not a totally worthless ruling either. QUOTE: Why NYC is still No. 1 Alexander Hamilton, an immigrant to New York: "In New York you can be a new man." But the rest of us will believe there's a Climate Emergency when the people screeching about Climate Emergencies start behaving as if they believe there's a Climate Emergency.
#3 Aggie on 2021-07-23 09:34 (Reply) Yeah, like THAT'S gonna happen... Bogart: A man's man. NYC is not my #1. I was there once, as a kid, and that was enough. CNN Airs Hour-Long PSA On Warning Signs Of Dementia: The BEE STINGS!! And always hits its target dead center! TIKTOK has a problem with "hoe"? I was expecting "spade". Democrats Move to Rename 1,441 Places: Democrats are Dumbocrats. "Anti-Whiteness Guide": I'm for it! Democrats are telling white (or white-ish) voters not to vote Democrat! Talk about shooting your feet off with a 155mm howitzer! Che Guevara’s Daughter Calls for More Repression Against ‘Low Class’ Cuba Protesters: Is anyone surprised? Apple..seed. Need I say more? QUOTE: Facebook announces sweeping new restrictions on criticism of protected groups: This new view of discrimination conflicts with the basic requirements of political liberty. That misstates political liberty exactly backwards. Facebook has the liberty to regulate speech on their platform. Of course, not being able to utter the n-word requires some adjustment for some people, but most people, especially the young, understand that bullying minorities is something that should be relegated to the past. "Of course, not being able to utter the n-word requires some adjustment for some people, but most people, especially the young, understand that bullying minorities is something that should be relegated to the past."
I live in a mostly rural part of the south that grows cotton and other labor intensive crops, and have been here for over 40 years. In all that time, I've heard the word maybe a half-dozen times. Two of them were in this area, one from a black person, one from a recidivist redneck, now dead. The rest were not in the South. I think people who attempt to perpetuate racial disharmony are full of shit, especially when they make a conscious effort such as yours to portray the past inaccurately to bully people in the present, without making the slightest attempt to understand how races have historically interacted with success to improve society for all. Cram it. Nice comment, Aggie.
The only time I hear the disparaging term, is from black rappers. Aggie: I think people who attempt to perpetuate racial disharmony are full of shit, especially when they make a conscious effort such as yours to portray the past inaccurately to bully people in the present
While introduced as a representative example, the use of the n-word and other derogatory terms for minorities were once common. People still use the term, though it often has social consequences. That doesn't mean people of goodwill didn't make a difference, but pretending that past didn't exist is contrary to fact. Jim Crow is still a living memory. https://llwproductions.files.wordpress.com/2013/01/norman-rockwell-block-girl-with-guards-going-to-school.jpg Do you think Facebook should allow people to name-call Blacks with the n-word? Or should they restrict the use of the term? Yes, that's precisely what I'm talking about, you're full of it. "Jim Crow is still a living memory...." says the narrator in low, thrilling tones, quaking with emotion.
But Jim Crow has been out of existence for nearly 60 years hasn't it? This 'living memory' can only being 'living' for those who experienced it firsthand, and are now in their mid 70's. Well, of course then we've got those such as yourself, whipping in onward to the future, still a serviceable hustle, Amirite? You're a bully and a race hustler, nothing more. Tell me: How many people do you count in your personal experience, for whom 'not being able to utter the n-word requires some adjustment?' How many? Hey Maggie's readers, let's do a survey: How many people do you know for whom 'not being able to utter the n-word requires some adjustment?' Race hustling and bullying, pure and simple. I don't know any.
2021-07-23 15:51
The only place I've heard the "n-word" in the last forty or more years is in rap music, from other blacks, and Senator Robert Byrd (D-WV) who on national TV in the 1990s used the term "white n***ers" and I also live in the South and have my whole life.
The idea that Facebook and Twitter are censoring people for using the "n-word" is a strawman. They, with the backing of the White House, are censoring "misinformation", no definition for the term is given and none needed. It is a broad term that could mean anything, and has, including for example: disparaging comments about policies, comments about possible Wuhan flu treatments, and election irregularities. Quotations from the CDC's own website have been censored because the platform didn't like what it said. Aggie: his 'living memory' can only being 'living' for those who experienced it firsthand
That's what living memory means. We provided the example of Ruby Bridges. Do you think she remembers? Do you think it affected her life? mudbug: he only place I've heard the "n-word" in the last forty or more years is in rap music .... Don't get out much, do you? In any case, the question remains. Should Facebook be able to regulate speech on their platform to, for instance, keep people from casting racial slurs at other people? If so, then the argument about "political liberty" is fallacious. Zachriel: Don't get out much, do you?
Apparently you hang around with people who use racist slurs. You should try to cultivate better friends. Zachriel: ... still going on about people posting racist posts but not addressing the actual point ... Whatever...
2021-07-23 17:00
"Apparently you hang around with people who use racist slurs. You should try to cultivate better friends."
LOL. That has been my thinking.
B. Hammer
2021-07-23 17:43
mudbug: Apparently you hang around with people who use racist slurs.
No, but you shouldn’t only consider your immediate circle of friends as representative of the entire world. In other words, closing your eyes doesn’t make it go away. mudbug: still going on about people posting racist posts but not addressing the actual point. The topic was the claim that Facebook’s restrictions “conflict with the basic requirements of political liberty.” Our response was that political liberty protects Facebook’s right to create a forum as they see fit. Does Facebook have the right to limit the use of racial slurs on their forum?
2021-07-23 20:33
Christopher B: What FaceBook is actually banning.
Heh. You mean they are banning talk about gardening implements? Rather, it was obviously a problem with the algorithm. QUOTE: This is funny and would be a lot funnier if the Biden White House hadn’t deputized Facebook to chase you and me around on its platform if we post something the regime doesn’t like. The Biden administration is cracking down on talk of gardening implements? The argument is inane. If you want to argue Facebook has too much power, you might have a better point. That would have to be addressed through anti-trust (something Republicans have gutted over the last few decades). But Facebook has every right—under the First Amendment—to regulate the content of speech on their own forum, even limiting talk of gardening implements. Did that word salad have a point? You want to act like Facebook is deleting adverts for Klan rallies when what they're actually doing is disrupting posts from ordinary people growing vegetables.
The Gestapo and the Stasi could claim a certain degree of competence. Your bunch of censors makes the Keystone Kops look efficient. Christopher Bi: You want to act like Facebook is deleting adverts for Klan rallies when what they're actually doing is disrupting posts from ordinary people growing vegetables.
It was clearly inadvertent. Does Facebook have the right to limit the use of slurs on their forum? Can they, or Maggie’s Farm for that matter, ban the n-word, for instance? Can a forum dedicated to cross-stitch ban discussions of muscle cars?
2021-07-23 20:39
California has decriminalized shoplifting.
And us non-Woke Conservatives thought there would be looting all over the State. But no! Not one single thing has been stolen. NO lootings. Nothing. People are even returning things that they stole prior to this law being passed. And, being the King of Euro-Asia you can take my word for it QUOTE: The Faith of Systemic Racism It does not matter if no white person ever has actually thought a hateful thought. Dred Scott Supreme Court decision: "{African Americans} had for more than a century before been regarded as beings of an inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the white race, either in social or political relations; and so far inferior, that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect; and that the negro might justly and lawfully be reduced to slavery for his benefit." QUOTE: Of course, if a system is nefarious, it must be blown up, and the bricks and rubble No. Evolutionary change is not only possible, but has been seen in the U.S., excepting the convulsions of the Civil War, which led to the end of slavery and a "second founding." QUOTE: The radical does not negotiate with an eye toward arriving at some peaceful coexistence, but a weakening—a razing—of the old order. That's rather the definition of radical. Most reformers are not radical in that sense. QUOTE: There’s something mystifying about all this endless, unctuous yammering about “systemic racism,” and that is its unverifiability. That is incorrect. Indeed, the whole point of critical theory is identifying specific power structures in society so they can be addressed. QUOTE: They assume a causation they cannot assume. That is incorrect. The fact is that systemic racism did not end in 1964. One could argue it has been attenuated by time. The Big Sleep truly is one of the most incoherent movies of all time, except for every David Lynch effort. Casablanca always will be a classic; one of the best movies ever.
Chandler's novels typically had complicated plots, but it was Falkner that wrote the screenplay of this novel - if you're wondering why it was a mess. Another way of looking at it, the movie was too short for its plot - but then, I like watching Bogart and Bacall acting together through their great romance.
Democrats Move to Rename 1,441 Places
St. Petersburg -> Petrograd -> Leningrad -> St. Petersburg Do you suppose they will make it happen?
I see the Cleveland baseball team has just been renamed. feeblemind: Do you suppose they will make it happen?
Whether fast or slow, the times they are a-changin'. For instance, Squaw Peak was renamed a few years ago. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piestewa_Peak |
Tracked: Jul 25, 10:28