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Friday, July 9. 2021Friday morning links
Opulent 2,000-year-old ‘city hall’ unearthed near Western Wall in Jerusalem Children face just a one in 500,000 risk of dying from Covid, studies show amid growing row over whether youngsters should be given vaccines It’s Critical Race Theory That Is Un-American, Not Laws Banning It The CRT backlash and progressives' big lie about the culture war Teachers’ Unions Deceive on Critical Race Theory Washington Post: Calling food 'exotic' is racist I Could Lose Everything After ‘Devastating’ End to 8-Year Court Battle Over Same-Sex Wedding, Florist Says Squad Member Rep. Cori Bush: “American freedom … is for white people … Black people still aren’t free” Minneapolis: ANOTHER PEACEFUL NIGHT AT THE PEACE GARDEN "We think, condom on a banana, and that’s enough, and then we’re confused as to why there’s a consent problem. We’re still teaching the golden rule and we should be teaching the platinum rule: to treat others the way they want to be treated." What? CRISIS BY DESIGN: When Stores Close Due To Rising Crime, Urban Blight Is Back — And It Will Get Worse. Tucker Carlson Responds To Unmasking In Blistering Monologue, Discusses With Glenn Greenwald Now they call being a Republican treason Hunter Biden's artwork sales grift falls under ethics scrutiny Ami Horowitz Video: Inside Black Lives Matter - A BLM Expose Democrats plan to zero out wall funding and reduce Border Patrol money amid historic surge Tensions Run High on Border as Crisis Worsens Biden Admin Deletes References to Palestinian Terror Incitement From Congressional Report Comments
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I thought that the 14th amendment prohibited all forced labor. Can any lawyer correct me?
Ray: I thought that the 14th amendment prohibited all forced labor.
The 14th Amendment granted power to Congress to enforce equal protection under the law. Someone operating a public accommodation is prohibited from engaging in discrimination. Ha! Let them try that with a Muslim florist and see what happens.
That's a ridiculous interpretation of the amendment, and as usual you are wrong, which is why you didn't actually quote it.
Capricious judicial rulings may make that claim, but the inconsistency of them and their application demonstrates that this is wholly not true. You are always reliably wrong. DrTorch: That's a ridiculous interpretation of the amendment, and as usual you are wrong, which is why you didn't actually quote it.
QUOTE: 14th Amendment Section 1: nor shall any State deprive ... any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. Section 5: The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article. https://www.archives.gov/founding-docs/constitution The Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits discrimination in public accommodations, was one of several civil rights laws passed under this provision. Every time I challenge to post facts, it always turns out that I'm right.
How about that? DrTorch: How about that?
Not sure what you are claiming. As noted, the 14th Amendment grants Congress the power to enforce equal protection of the laws, and that is the clear language of the Amendment.
2021-07-09 13:03
QUOTE: CRT teaches not only that people are defined by their skin color but also that paler skin is inherently evil. Critical race theory studies history and social structures through the prism of race. The fact is that society has often defined people by their skin color. Critical analysis does not show that paler skin is inherently evil, but does note that those in power tend to take actions to remain in power, and then rationalize their actions after the fact. QUOTE: It’s Critical Race Theory That Is Un-American, Not Laws Banning It: The concepts of “systemic racism,” “white privilege,” “anti-racism,” and “equity [as opposed to equality]” all stem from critical theory. Since this ideology is obviously false and toxic Systemic racism and white privilege are strongly supported empirical claims. Opinions masquerading as psuedo-facts, using "QUOTE" instead of providing citations: An obsolete concept; I'm surprised they are paying out for such poor quality.
https://twitter.com/JamesHeartfield/status/1411905764348862464 Aggie: Opinions masquerading as psuedo-facts, using "QUOTE" instead of providing citations
Huh? We quoted the linked article, "It’s Critical Race Theory That Is Un-American, Not Laws Banning It". They are narratives...straight from Marxist Critical Theory.
QUOTE: Tucker Carlson Responds To Unmasking In Blistering Monologue, Discusses With Glenn Greenwald McDougal v. Fox News: QUOTE: This “general tenor” of the show should then inform a viewer that he is not “stating actual facts” about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in “exaggeration” and “non-literal commentary... Fox persuasively argues, that given Mr. Carlson’s reputation, any reasonable viewer “arrive[s] with an appropriate amount of skepticism” about the statements he makes. I guess the same could be said about a lot of the talking heads and politicians. From where I stand most of them are very loose with their "facts".
Don: I guess the same could be said about a lot of the talking heads and politicians. From where I stand most of them are very loose with their "facts".
Most mainstream journalists, including analysts, are held to account, if not by their publishers, then by the courts. Fox News argued, successfully in court, that these rules to not apply to their bloviators. indyjonesouthere: And what did they say about Rachael Maddow?
Has Maddow been sued for libel or slander? Did her publisher try to avoid accountability by claiming in court that "no reasonable viewer" would take her seriously?
2021-07-09 14:08
Christopher B
2021-07-09 14:59
Corrected formatted link
That ruling, by the way, predates the ruling on Carlson's similar libel suit.
Christopher B
2021-07-09 15:07
Christopher B: A federal judge on Friday dismissed a $10 million defamation lawsuit by One America News (OAN) against Rachel Maddow, finding that a "reasonable viewer" would know the MSNBC prime-time host was only offering her opinion when she called the right-leaning network "paid Russian propaganda."
The argument was quite different. Maddow made clear she was referring to a report that OAN reporter, Kristian Rouz, had been paid to write for Sputnik, which is funded by the Russian government. OAN has been ordered to pay MSNBC's legal fees. Fox News' argument was that nothing Carlson said should be taken at face value.
2021-07-09 16:18
...and it was all reliably vetted by at least 17 intelligence agencies.
2021-07-09 16:47
It's disgusting that any American (are you?) would accept and excuse the IC illegally unmasking and illegally releasing information gained from that unmasking on ANY American, regardless of whether or not they are (or even claim to be) a journalist.
Now run along back to your room and think about what a horrible, illiberal, authoritarian, hypocritical twit you are. By the way, Otto, didn't you disappear right around the time the Meuller report was released? Or was it one of the IG reports? Whatever it was, it was a welcome respite from your pompous drivel. SK: excuse the IC illegally unmasking and illegally releasing information gained from that unmasking on ANY American
The only source for the report is Carlson, whose own publisher asserts he shouldn't be trusted. However, if Carlson was trying to set up an interview with Putin, then it's obvious his communications would have been intercepted. Duh. "Duh"?
Sounds about right for you, Otto. Do you drool on yourself when that eructation exits your pie hole? The issue is not the fact that he was recorded trying to set up an interview with Putin, something many American journalists have done. The problem is that someone in the IC made an unmasking request, and then someone released the results of that. Every citizen of this country has the right to expect that the power of the IC won't be unethically and illegally used against them. The bigger problem is that the left doesn't have a problem with this terrifically dangerous of abuse of power, as long as it's of people with the "wrong" politics. Your attitude is fantastically dangerous to the republic and to freedom itself. By the way, Jonathan Swan's Axios article essentially does all the confirming of the story any reasonable person needs--but don't look at it--it won't confirm your biases. SK: The issue is not the fact that he was recorded trying to set up an interview with Putin, something many American journalists have done.
Actually, that was Carlson original complaint, saying, "The Biden administration is spying on us." He has since modified his complaint to one about unmasking. Even if we accept his claims at face value — against the advice of his own publisher — there is no evidence that unmasking was done with nefarious intent. Remember that until the person is unmasked, agents don't know who it is they are unmasking. That's rather the point. That Carlson was purportedly given a heads-up, that could be an issue within the spy agency.
2021-07-09 12:34
Unmasking IS spying. Releasing the information obtained when it is done is illegal and of "nefarious intent" by its very nature. Your defense and excusing of it is odious. THAT'S rather the point.
Shame on you. Shouldn't you be on the phone with NSA, ratting out a neighbor or family member for being a radical extremist? While you're at it, why don't you rat me out?
2021-07-09 13:32
SK: Unmasking IS spying.
According to his own updated account, they apparently weren't spying on him, but on aides to Putin. SK: Releasing the information obtained when it is done is illegal and of "nefarious intent" by its very nature. The information wasn't released to the public, only to Carlson. That's assuming you accept his account at face value — contrary to his own publisher's admonition.
2021-07-09 13:43
When they unmasked, it became spying on an American citizen, and you know it. And yet you continue to deflect and defend the IC for having done it because you don't like Carlson. Or was it someone in the administration who ordered the unmasking? Is Samantha Power up to her old tricks?
The information was released to multiple journalists and confirmed to Jonathan Swan. If you don't know that it's only because you refuse to believe it. With all of this back and forth you have yet to make a defense of what is clearly your unstated central thesis--that it's OK for the IC--or the Biden admin--to abuse the rights of a US citizen.
2021-07-09 14:00
SK: When they unmasked, it became spying on an American citizen, and you know it.
Just because he is an American citizen doesn't mean he can't be unmasked. There are rules for unmasking. At this point, we don't know whether those rules were followed or not. Meanwhile, you are relying on Carlson's account — even though his own employer claimed in court that he engages in “non-literal commentary."
2021-07-09 14:04
Yes there are rules--some of those rules are in the form of laws.
Those laws were broken when the results of the unmasking were leaked to people in the press. I've already named one journalist, a left winger, to whom they were obviously leaked. There are more. You know those laws were broken. One more time--why do you consider it OK that those laws were broken and that Carlson's rights--and the public trust--were violated?
2021-07-09 14:12
SK: Those laws were broken when the results of the unmasking were leaked to people in the press.
According to Carlson, the information was provided to him. Carlson is the one who made it public. The government can certainly warn someone about their contacts with foreign agents. SK: You know those laws were broken. Please provide the law that you claim was broken.
2021-07-09 14:22
SK: By the way, Jonathan Swan's Axios article essentially does all the confirming of the story any reasonable person needs
Swan has two articles on Axios. Neither confirm your account, and, indeed, directly contradict it. From the 7/7 article: https://muckrack.com/jonathan-swan/articles QUOTE: 1. Axios has not confirmed whether any communications from Carlson have been intercepted, and if so, why. 2. Tucker Carlson was talking to U.S.-based Kremlin intermediaries about setting up an interview with Vladimir Putin shortly before the Fox News host accused the National Security Agency of spying on him, sources familiar with the conversations tell Axios. {These sources are probably at Fox News. Axios is investigating something that Fox News should investigate, but you know ...)
2021-07-09 14:42
He knows about Carlson talking to Putin's people because the information was leaked to him. It's very easy to understand. The sources were NOT at Fox news, but at NSA, and you know it as well as I do.
Again, why are you defending the abuse of the powers of the IC? You know perfectly well they leaked that info. I have a theory--you're actually Samantha Power!!!
2021-07-09 17:18
SK: The sources were NOT at Fox news, but at NSA, and you know it as well as I do.
You had said, “ Jonathan Swan's Axios article essentially does all the confirming of the story any reasonable person need.” However, the article appears to contradict your claim, specifically stating they had not confirmed that Carlson’s communications had, in fact, been intercepted.
2021-07-09 21:02
It’s clear why you disappeared after the Meuller and IG reports came out—both of them put the lie to your foolish and downright dangerous defense of the IC, diplomatic corps and law enforcement communities and their abuse of power around the 2016 election.
And here you are doing it again. And spinning in circles trying to blame Carlson himself for having his rights violated. You should be ashamed of yourself.
2021-07-10 01:25
Let us know if you decide to make a substantive reply.
2021-07-10 07:38
I've made nothing but substantive replies, and you damned well know it.
Let me know when you decide to defend the constitutional rights of all people, people even if you disagree with their politics.
2021-07-10 13:25
"We think, condom on a banana, and that’s enough, and then we’re confused as to why there’s a consent problem. We’re still teaching the golden rule and we should be teaching the platinum rule: to treat others the way they want to be treated."
Better to teach the Iron Rule: pull up your socks, do your job, no backchat, and behave like a responsible adult. Deviations earn you a kick in the pants or slap upside the head. Now they call being a Republican treason? I call that more projection.
Re: urban blight is back ... seems like a good time to re-watch the original “Death Wish”. The nightmarish, chaotic, lawless hellscape portrayed in it is already reality thanks to awful mayors and prosecutors under the spell of George Soros’ brilliant ideas and billions of $$$. Chicago has been releasing accused murderers awaiting trial, either no bail or very cheap.
Democrats plan to zero out wall funding and reduce Border Patrol money amid historic surge
More proof, as if you need it, that the Democrats are not stupid, they're evil. The only way you could possibly think this is a good idea is if your idea of "good" is the exact opposite of what most people would consider "good". And the silence from the MSM over what they claimed to be outraged, shocked, appalled and sickened by when Trump was doing it, only less, is deafening. This is cool: "Two European birds, the great tit and the blue tit, locate insects that are attacking pine trees by detecting the volatile chemicals the stressed trees release...."
Audubon concluded his research much too soon. My husband has the habit of leaving meat that's "high" out for the birds, and is always surprised how quickly the crows and magpies swoop in. Same when he's trapped a mouse and laid the corpse out. It may be sight, but suspect they have really good olfactory glands as well.
The sparrows, on the other hand, are obviously going be sound, as even a late evening filling of the feeder brings them out. Since the teachers union wants to teach CRT, then all white teachers must be fired, as they are racist.
Tracked: Jul 11, 09:49