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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Thursday, March 4. 2021Thursday morning links
How the Woke Stole Childhood - The campaign against Theodor Geisel takes cancel culture to new lows The Latest In Official "Antiracist" Ideology: Black Kids Are Too Stupid To Learn Math Canceled: Conservative comic strip 'Mallard Fillmore' dropped in 'unprecedented' move Why Did Republicans Outperform The Polls Again? Two Theories America’s Last Machine Boss Goes Down Judge Makes Huge Discovery: 78% of Mail-In Ballots Fraudulent, Election Re-Do Ordered 108 Illegal Immigrants Released by Border Patrol in Texas Tested Positive for COVID-19: Officials 13 Killed in California Crash Allegedly Entered US Illegally via Border Fence Hole Should We Fear A German Ministry Of Social Cohesion? Trackbacks
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Dr Suess: Dr Suess's witty and playful use of language makes him a keeper. His writing's usefulness in encouraging reading makes him a keeper. we're keeping his books. If some people cancel him, it is their children's loss.
It's not the campaign against Dr. Seuss that took cancel culture to new lows, it's the fact that the foundation that publishes Dr. Seuss' books preemptively canceled itself. There was no public outcry against Dr. Seuss' racism, they did it all on their own. That's when you know the sheep have been conditioned to accept their role.
" "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize." - Zoltaire
So a political cartoonist is cancelled for saying ironically dark things that sound true. Heaven forbid people be given the choice to 'read or not read'. I predict a resurgence of interest in Mallard Fillmore, and a bright future hopefully. Maybe he can start doing some children's books. As for Mike Madigan. the National Review wants us to think of him as the 'last Machine Boss'. Sure he is. Pay no attention to Milwaukee, New York, Minneapolis, Cleveland, Philadelphia, Detroit, etc etc etc. Couldn't agree more on the "last machine boss" thing - there's still plenty of them out there. Oddly enough, they seem to be predominantly in one particular party.
Immigration: Who is more vile, exploitive, and corrupt, the Poverty Industry or the Immigration Industry?
Re: Judge Makes Huge Discovery
Can he say that that election was stolen in public? DC is worried about an attack on the Capitol today. Actually I don't really believe that. The Swamp is using the Jan 6th riot to the fullest to further their draconian plans. There is no plan to bomb the Capitol. Anyone who has perused the Internet and blogs for more than a week or so knows that trolls are out there and say stupid stuff. There are no "militias" that are going to do diddly squat. Even the Proud Boys, it turns out, was headed by a FBI informant. Doesn't it seem odd to you that a group you never heard of before who never did anything illegal before suddenly is thrust into the limelight and accused of being white supremacists AFTER their leader becomes and FBI informant??? The decepticons are the threat. The swamp is the threat. The citizens, the deplorables, are still asleep and aren't going to bomb anything.
I wrote a year or so ago about recent genetic evidence exploding the Khazar Hypothesis that Ashkenazi Jews are not from Palestine but descended from the Khazars instead. It was always a weird idea, even when it was brought forward in an effort to protect Jews from the Nazis, and now only survives among people who hate Jews and will say anything to discredit them. The myth will persist for years, unfortunately.
It was therefore fun to read about the real Khazars and their temporary affiliation with Judaism. Good article. >Why Did Republicans Outperform The Polls Again?
While I tend to agree that nobody (and especially conservatives) should give personal information in response to a random inbound phone call from some ransom corporation (particularly for free(!)), I do question the author's premise somewhat. It's important to remember that only see the published polls, not the polls commissioned/used by the people who matter. One should assume that published poll results, particularly those early in the cycle, are slanted a bit to justify the accompanying "narrative." Dr. Seuss: The term "auto-da-fe" comes to mind...
Mallard Fillmore Dropped: Not surprised; that cartoon is decidedly NOT WOKE, and the Wokers can't STAND to be mocked. Why did Republicans outperform the polls again? Two theories: STEALTH voters is my theory: Don't talk; don't tell; LIE to the bastards. America’s Last Machine Boss Goes Down: I trust nothing from NR; not since 2015. Judge Makes Huge Discovery: 78% of Mail-In Ballots Fraudulent, Election Re-Do Ordered GOOD FOR HIM!!!! Should We Fear A German Ministry Of Social Cohesion? No, but the Germans surely ought to. They've been there before... German ministry of social cohesion?
Don't you just love the smell of Gleichschaltung in the morning? Given Seuss, other things that should be on the chopping block to be canceled:
Babar Tintin Bloom County Gilligan's Island Three Stooges F-Troop MASH Kung Fu All Cowboy and Indian movies All Western movies set in Asian or African countries All British movies Humphrey Bogart movies John Wayne movies All World War II movies involving Japan Just to be on the safe side, everything made before 2020 should be canceled. That is a correct impression, not so much just a stupidity for one to be exasperated with. The eventual goal is to annihilate the past, so that the those who control the present control everything. CS Lewis, who did not often write on politics in even a general way, did write chillingly about this.
Am I not seeing the logic ere?
Wolves are sacred to the Ojibwa, so it's wrong to kill wolves. Babies are sacred to Christians, but they're not really living things so it's fine to kill them. |