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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Tuesday, December 29. 2020Tuesday morning links
THE LONG MARCH THROUGH THE INSTITUTIONS IS COMPLETE–THE LEFT CONTROLS TEEN VOGUE REJECT WOKE CIVICS. A national movement to mandate standards for the teaching of Civics and History is gaining momentum. No conservative should support it. Brother, Can You Spare $120 Billion? Colleges: $23 Billion Isn’t Enough
Why does The New York Times hate America? Bill Gates' Savior Complex Spirals Out of Control, Funds Sun-Dimming Plan To Save the Human Race The Real Reason Why Your Kids Can’t Go Back To School (Hint: It’s Not COVID-19) UK Journalist Hounded After Pointing Out That Only Old And Sick Die From COVID Fauci Admits He’s Been ‘Deliberately’ Moving the COVID-19 Goalposts—Partly Based on His Gut 330,000 Americans Die ‘With’ China Coronavirus – CDC says Number Who Died “From” Coronavirus Is Much Less, Around 6 Percent Universal Medicaid for Ages 1–21 Pushed in New England Journal of Medicine To Balance China, Joe Biden Should Build Upon Trump’s India Strategy U.S. "Driving Stake Through Heart" of German-Russian Pipeline Trackbacks
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Extract or Die:
"but the soil isn’t made of magic, there’s no such thing as digging for microcode, and the Bay Area’s nativist, anti-immigration political climate has certainly not created the tech community, which is populated largely by immigrants, be they from out of the state or out of the country. " I was unaware there was an anti immigrant political climate in California or the Bay Area in particular. Also, the tech community is populated by immigrants for reasons of profit,power and punishment, not because of any special immigrant qualities. QUOTE: SHOCK REPORT: This Week CDC Quietly Updated COVID-19 Numbers – Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 Alone – Rest Had Different Other Serious Illnesses The perennial problem with allowing the politicization of medical science: The science facts become selectively re-shaped to support the political objectives. And then, lacking integrity, journalists simply process the information according to its political source: Either they prioritize the broadcasting of the false message with the prescribed spin, or they 'fact-check' the message to declare that the information contrary to the preferred message is somehow 'wrong' or 'without evidence' - and you'll find these stories somewhere in Section B. Since people who are curious to learn about their world find no satisfaction with incurious and disreputable journalists, they end up in with alternatives like the Gateway Pundit - the other polar extreme, and often just as wrong. With all the amazing features of our universe as close as arm's length on the internet, it sure is hard to find the news. But one thing you can always be sure of: If science is being pushed by politics, it's for political ends, not scientific ones. "330,000 Americans Die ‘With’ China Coronavirus "
I guess then that the nurse who killed about 60 old people in Texas should be let out of jail. Those old folks didn't die "because" he killed them they died from other causes he was a minor factor in their death. Giving them shots that would have killed a horse didn't kill them it was old age don'tcha see. Holding that pillow over their mouth until they stopped breathing didn't kill then it was their old lungs and inability to fight him off. So I'm thinking JFK wasn't assassinated but it was the fresh air from the open car that killed him and the bullet through his head was merely incidental. Gee, all those people who died in the WTC weren't killed by muslim terrorist it was the fall to the ground when the barbecue broke up that killed them. I agree it's not quite reasonable to say that only deaths in people of pristine health count as COVID deaths. There are the extreme cases, like someone who dies in a car crash and happens to test positive despite having had an asymptomatic or at worst a mild case, but someone who rapidly deteriorates with COVID should be considered to have died of COVID even if he already had an underlying condition, unless the underlying condition was due to carry him off in very short order.
The right conclusion to draw from the statistics is that COVID can be fatal, but is wildly unlikely to be so unless the patient is quite old and ill. It does kill young, healthy people, just not often. The mob comes for Prof. George: HERETIC!!!! UNCLEAN!! UNCLEAN!!!!!
Reject woke Civics: It's all leftist lies. Brother, Can You Spare $120 Billion? Colleges: $23 Billion Isn’t Enough. How's about nuthin'? You have millions (or MORE) in the bank. Extract or Die: Ya done it to yerself, California. I am sooooooo not bummed for you. To Balance China, Joe Biden Should Build Upon Trump’s India Strategy: Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, like THAT will ever happen... U.S. "Driving Stake Through Heart" of German-Russian Pipeline: We could do that, but Biden and his owners won't do that. "Brother, Can You Spare $120 Billion? Colleges... have millions (or MORE) in the bank."
yeah, Harvard has a $40billion endowment. Time for them to reimburse their students' tuitions. With or From?
Would you trust a defense lawyer who argued to the jury, "The victim my client shot didn't die from a bullet, he died with a bullet. The victim was overweight, had high blood pressure and diabetes and would have died anyway." Pretty stupid argument. The problem with how we deal with the pandemic is ignorance. The masks available to us do not work. Not 95% not 10% not 0% they do not work, period. Hanging garlic around your neck might work better, give it a try. Social distancing does/might work but I'm talking 100 yards or more not 6 feet. Washing your hands absolutely works but only for virus that might transfer from what you touch to your eyes, nose mouth, etc. AND you would have to wash your hands after everything you touch and that could be hundreds of times a day. Lockdowns works somewhat but only because it equates to 100's of yards of social distancing. It makes little sense to lockdown a beauty shop but open up Walmart. But I do admit we all have to shop for food and none of us has to have our hair done. But in the end it all simply buys us time it does NOT stop the spread of the disease. Possible exceptions to this could be a island community/country that goes into total lockdown. But in that case the cure could be worse than the disease. Eventually (almost) everyone will get covid OR the vaccine. It is a virus and does not live by our rules or masks or 6 feet it does whatever it damn well pleases.
There is one thing that stands out in all of this as a total success; Lockdowns do destroy the economy and lives. THAT is the one thing we have proved works!!! Let us not forget that a dirty rag on your face is a health hazard of its own.
I am constantly telling my grandchildren, especially my granddaughter who sucks her thumb, " Don't put your hands on your face. Wash your hands every time you come in the house, and especially before you eat. "
Maybe it will be habit with them by the time they are 20. Gee, if only the earth had some natural way of spewing dirt into the air in such a manner as to block the sun. Meanwhile, in Norway, they're looking for ways to unblock this very same sun!
https://youtu.be/ejnD56Tqi4g Gateway Pundit has repeatedly proved unreliable this year. I no longer go there, even to follow a link.
This year? I hope you’ll find this amusing, but I labeled Gateway Pundit unhinged, years ago.
The Times has hated America for MANY years. Ever since its Duranty Pullitzer!!!
My preferred pronoun is "whom." I chose it for dignity and austerity.