Superb short piece at Rhymes with Right on the subject of gun rights, highlighting a surprisingly frank NYT editorial on the subject, in which the gun control advocate declares that too much individual freedom is too risky. One quote:
I've always wondered if the anti-gunners are simply folks who are too scared of individual liberty to permit the unrestrained exercise of the rights protected by the Constitution -- or even to permit the crabbed, limited exercise of such rights. But rarely have I seen such a frank and startling admission of this reality by an anti-gunner. But the NY Times' Verlyn Klinkenborg makes it clear that such a fear of liberty is exactly what animates some anti-gunners in today's lament that even "progressive" Minnesota allows for "concealed carry".
Dare I ask what is "progressive" about limiting rights and freedom, especially one so basic as the human right to self-defence? I too have always suspected that gun control has been just one piece of a left-tilting anti-individual rights process. Whole piece here.
Image: The Minuteman statue in Lexington, MA., where our farmers forcefully confronted the Brit imperial tax-collectors.