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Wednesday, April 1. 2020Wednesday morning links
A new book from author John Ellis examines the real reasons why most college graduates are woefully undereducated when they leave college after four or more years. Mom who ‘gloated’ with daughter after SAT cheating in college scam gets prison Joe diGenova to Newsmax TV: Not Worried Virus Will Delay Durham Probe Almost forgot about that. How long does it take? Justice Department audit finds widespread flaws in FBI surveillance applications DoJ IG: FBI Problems On FISA Warrants “Far Beyond” Crossfire Hurricane — And FBI Leadership Was Well Aware Of It Remember the Young Woman Who Died While Waiting for a Coronavirus Test in New Orleans? ...Yeah, Well Now the Truth Is Out GOP seeks to claw back Kennedy Center's $25M stimulus payout, as opera house continues layoffs
Tucker Carlson: Chinese Researchers Confirm Coronavirus Linked to Horseshoe Bat Studies at One of Two Wuhan Research Institutes If true, sheesh Rare footage of Wuhan Market and people eating bats Chinese Markets Reopen — And They Still Sell Bats, Dogs And Cats No pangolins? In Midst of DC's Coronavirus Shutdown, Ruth Bader Ginsburg Meets Trainer for Workouts at Supreme Court Gym My gyms are closed The Great Face Mask Debate: To Wear Or Not To Wear? Nancy Pelosi blaming Trump for the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus is staggering when you consider that just a month ago, she was encouraging crowds to congregate in Chinatown. Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, Demand Racial Quotas for Coronavirus Testing Hindus fight virus with cow piss The Week: Biden can win Coronavirus is killing the Biden campaign — and making him look like a fool Playing Pandemic Politics Harvard Professor Struggles To Explain Why More Stupid Americans Are Supporting Trump Dulce bellum inexpertis – “War is Sweet to Those Who Have Never Experienced It” Trackbacks
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Re: Pelosi blaming Trump for spread of Wuhan virus
So, in the State of the Union speech, which Nancy tore up, Trump talks about protecting the American people from the Wuhan virus. Something doesn't seem right... Her hatred of Trump is such that she'd burn the country down to get him.
Hell hath no fury like a frustrated HOA president. And that's what she acts like. Re: Clawing back Kennedy Center "stimulus" funds
This is a brilliant move. The reason that pork was in the bill was because it was "hidden" - just a small item in a big bill. Voting against the bill for small line items would be hard to justify. But if you claw back an outrageous line item, and only that item, then you force the Democrats to filibuster (in the case of the Senate or support in the case of the House) a bill that saves taxpayer money from being spent on a silly expenditure that has no relation to the issue at hand. The only problem is that they should do it for every pork line item in the "stimulus" bill and do it for every spending bill. USS Theodore Roosevelt has positive cases. It is an almost perfect test case. Most all Young, Healthy, Well fed, Good shape subjects. Relative control of IN and Out. Whatever the population is 4,000 to 5,000, with 200 positives as of yesterday. The outliers will be older members, and what the air circulation system of the ship is.
Will we see actual evidence of results data? How many test positive. How many actually show sickness. How many show sever sickness. They should all have the most comprehensive vaccinations already. What other illnesses present? Radio news now said there is less than 100 positives, but they are trying to remove 1,000 of the 5,000 people aboard.
Every bill that our congress writes should be no longer than two pages double spaced and written in eighth grade level English and checked for accuracy so that it cannot possibly be misinterpreted by those who implement it and by the courts. Two pages is enough to write any law or single regulation, the only reason we have 3000 pages bills is to hide the corruption.
Every bill should be voted on by congress and then submitted to a national vote (yeah I know that would be difficult but stopping the fraud waste abuse and outright looting of our taxpayers is essential) before the president can sign it into law. Sunset every law to five years after which it must be re-passed and voted on by the citizens. The Great Madness
QUOTE: Mass panics are a known phenomenon. The general panic that took place in France between July 22 and August 6 1789 is known as The Great Fear. It was a period of rural unrest, driven by both a grain shortage and rumors of an aristocrats’ “famine plot” to starve the peasants. The exact reason for this panic is in dispute. Ergotism is a favorite reason for those with a certain sense of humor, but most historians consider it one of the primary causes of the French Revolution. At some point, the bloom comes off this lock-down rose once people start to feel the real cost of listening to madmen. People will remember that the same folks who swore Boris and Natasha had used their mind control devise to install Trump in the White House are the many of the same people peddling this panic. Necessity will force a lot of people to stop going along with what they have suspected from the start is nothing more than a mass panic. Soon, this all comes to an end. Like the Great Fear, the Great Madness will leave a mark, or at least it should leave a mark on our society. You never can be sure about these things, as the West seems to be unusually immune to learning from these events. Two centuries ago The Great Fear meant the end of the feudal order and eventually a revolution. It was not the sole cause of the revolution, maybe not the main cause. It was certainly an example of how the old order was no longer able to maintain order. http://thezman.com/wordpress/?p=20136 zMan told me once that he thinks Ayn Rand is a communist - a position so bizarre as to disqualify him from any further consideration.
My little county is about 90% Republican, the usual mix of crony capitalists with "Live Free or Die" libertarians, and no more given to hysteria or conspiracy theories than any other culture. The population is skeptical of the Deep State and the press. Nevertheless, we have a lockdown order that has been widely popular. People are genuinely concerned about overloading the medical system, never all that robust to begin with, and about the danger of killing their neighbors, especially the elderly ones.
I wish I could conclude that the medical concern is overblown. I agree that we may find that the economic damage makes the cure in some ways worse than the disease. Still, I can't conclude that this is a scam forced on us from above. If we're making a mistake, it's a grass-roots mistake, not a plot. BLACKOUT: TV News Is Silent on New Biden Sex Abuse Allegations
QUOTE: It’s been nearly a week since former Joe Biden staffer Tara Reade leveled disturbing accusations of sexual misconduct against the Democratic presidential frontrunner, and yet ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC and CNN haven’t said a single word about them. . . . Compare that to how those same networks raced to promote misconduct charges against then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh in 2018. A reminder: Kavanaugh was accused of assaulting Christine Blasey Ford at a high school party in 1982; she talked about the alleged incident publicly for the first time when Kavanaugh’s nomination was before the Senate. Kavanaugh completely denied the accusation. But in the twelve days following the first reports of Ford’s claim, the ABC, CBS and NBC morning and evening news shows churned out 305 minutes of coverage. Only a scant amount of that airtime — less than five minutes — mentioned that none of the witnesses named by Ford would confirm her story. Besides the broadcast networks, CNN and MSNBC dished out uncounted hours of coverage, all based on the premise that Ford was telling the truth and that Kavanaugh was a guilty liar. https://www.lifenews.com/2020/04/01/blackout-tv-news-is-silent-on-new-biden-sex-abuse-allegations/ The coronavirus isn't killing Joe Biden's presidential campaign, Joe Biden is. It just happens to be the subject of his discourse, on camera. He could be talking about world peace, the space-time continuum, or purple bowling balls with 7 holes, for alien hands, all with the same equal effect.
It's grotesquery at its Democratic finest, running a 78-year old with advancing dementia and so many aggregated facelift / Botox procedures that he barely resembles himself 4 years ago. I'm surprised he can still blink. I am angry that Joe Biden's family members would allow him to be on camera in front of the world. His wife should be horsewhipped for going through with the charade that he is mentally fine. Anyone with common sense can observe he has deteriorated mentally severely with and rather quickly with age.
NYC Mayor: Churches Holding Services May Be “Permanently” Closed, Abortion Clinics Can Stay Open
QUOTE: “The NYPD, fire department, buildings department — everyone has been instructed that if they see worship services going on, they will go to the officials of that congregation, they’ll inform them they need to stop the services and disperse,” de Blasio said. “If that does not happen, they will take additional action up to the point of fines and potentially closing the building permanently.” https://tinyurl.com/rcrym32 The Great Face Mask Debate: To Wear Or Not To Wear?
Yes, you should wear a mask. The U.S. government, CDC and WHO are intentionally misinforming you on this because they are concerned there are not enough masks. Any mask is better than none. But the failure to wear masks is significantly contributing to the spread of the virus in the U.S. and other Western countries. https://youtu.be/gAk7aX5hksU?t=900 This is one area where it is, in fact, "settled science." Even a bandana should help vs nothing. Just make sure to call out and show them your face before store people think they are being held up.
IN the video the man is holding his mask. IF the mask worked then it would be covered in the virus and now it is on his hands. If you touch your mask at all you bypass any effectiveness it might have. The mask is more effective (perhaps 60%-80% effective) to prevent and infected person from spreading the virus with a cough or sneeze. But yet 20%-40% of the airborne virus would still get past the mask. The mask alone isn't very effective. I used to wear one when I mowed the lawn and would chuckle to myself that most of the air I breathed bypassed the mask because they don't fit skin tight. If you do want the mask to fit well use double stick tape, vasiline will work somewhat too but still leaves gaps. MOSTLY the mask is to make you feel like your doing something. BUT don't forget yiou must wear it 24/7 and you can never touch it again AND you must change it regularly and if you do all of this it will be about 70% effective, maybe.
re: The Great Mask Debate
Thanks for the link. Vermont, where I live, is currently not recommending that citizens wear masks in public. Just now I sent that link to the state, to try to persuade them to change their advice. I also sent them this link which I found via BD's link. Ann Althouse also has an excellent post on this topic. She quotes a NYT column and President Trump on this topic. |