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Maggie's FarmWe are a commune of inquiring, skeptical, politically centrist, capitalist, anglophile, traditionalist New England Yankee humans, humanoids, and animals with many interests beyond and above politics. Each of us has had a high-school education (or GED), but all had ADD so didn't pay attention very well, especially the dogs. Each one of us does "try my best to be just like I am," and none of us enjoys working for others, including for Maggie, from whom we receive neither a nickel nor a dime. Freedom from nags, cranks, government, do-gooders, control-freaks and idiots is all that we ask for. |
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Saturday, March 14. 2020Saturday morning links
'Dead Sea Scrolls' at the Museum of the Bible are all forgeries I’ve prescribed opioids to patients. And I’m not a villain. THE GREAT TOILET PAPER PANDEMIC OF 2020 (AND TWIP PREVIEW) "We must seize the means of toilet paper production" A Tale Of Two Pandemics: Media Downplayed Swine Flu Outbreak Under Obama Fauci: No Seriously, The Travel Restrictions Are Exactly What We Need To Flatten The COVID-19 Curve; WHO Confirms Europe As New “Epicenter” Dem Rep. Pressley Blames Americans ‘Racism And Xenophobia’ For Drop In Business At Chinese Restaurants… Panic and Paid Leave Dr. Fauci Cautions Against a Hyped-Up 75-150 Million Coronavirus Case Estimate The NY Times Issues A Long-Overdue Correction To The 1619 Project UCLA caves to striking students, only to be met with more backlash Give an inch and they'll take a mile Higher education’s mandatory political participation Police ‘Not Pursuing Criminal Charges’ Against Andrew Gillum After He Was Found in Miami Hotel Room with Bags of Crystal Meth State climate lawsuits are all about ignoring legislature to get cash stream "The Biden 2020 campaign isn’t about following its nominal leader, or even listening to him; it’s about the party pushing him over the line collectively..." No it is not. It's about trying to save the House. Biden goes all in on corona virus Biden’s Coronavirus Adviser Wants to Die at 75 But 75 is the new 60, right? CNN: In speech, Biden shows how a normal president responds in crisis UK's Coronavirus Strategy: Just Let It Happen And Hope For Herd Immunity Makes sense, but not political sense Mayor Of Florence Encouraged Italians To "Hug A Chinese" Before Pandemic Hit What??? Comments
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David Limbaugh points out the hypocrisy, Trump lambasted for boorish behavior while Biden gets a pass.
https://www.dailywire.com/news/limbaugh-bidens-charming-rudeness-and-instability?%3Futm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=dwtwitter re Police ‘Not Pursuing Criminal Charges’ Against Andrew Gillum After He Was Found in Miami Hotel Room with Bags of Crystal Meth Latest example of Dems being above the law. Photo from a reader on Long Island Sound this week. These birds have become common nesters. Cool. They catch outdoor cats too, which is great.
Some of the best scavengers around. They especially love landfills, don't ahve catch anything! Around here, outdoor cats are known as "Coyote hors oeuvres." A few years ago I watched a bald eagle attempt to take a muskrat. It was midwinter in Minnesota on a frozen lake. No telling why the muskrat was out and about. Initially I saw the rat and the eagle sitting in the ice a few yards apart about 100 yard from shore. I felt certain that the eagle would soon catch and kill the rat. The eagle would lift off and hover over the muskrat, which would assume a defensive posture of sitting back on its rear legs. This happened several times and each time the eagle returned to the ice and the rat worked its way closer to the cattails and brush along the shoreline. If the eagle got low enough, 3-4 ft above the rat, it would jump up at the eagle. All of this repeated itself several time over perhaps a half hour. When I last saw them, the muskrat had almost made it to cover and the eagle didn't seem any more likely to pounce. Muskrats are tough little rodents and the eagle clearly was unwilling to risk being bitten.
Feral cats can be a problem, but they still take down rodents. We live in a neighbourhood where mice come up from the nearby park each fall searching for warmer quarters. My spouse puts out traps in the crawl space and garage, but our cat is also a major deterrent.
I know there are some very smart readers of this blog. Physicians and psychologists, please tell me what in the heck is with the toilet paper hoarding?
Yesterday I was at the very large Walmart store, the entire row of shelves for toilet paper, napkins, paper towels was gone. Three days before that, I was at the local King Soopers, same story. At least at the Walmart, all the perishables were gone. Now my fiancé made a very good observation, all the baking supplies were still stocked up. I guess not many people know how to make thing from scratch anymore. No bread. No premixed things of any sort. No pasta. No soup. Row after row of barren shelves. My theory on the toilet paper: we are so close to being a socialist country, and people learn from watching movies, cause where else can they learn such things, no one reads, that the first thing that disappears, under socialism, is the damn toilet paper! I don't think people realize they can use the New York Times and Washington Post for that purpose.
Exactly. I can look around the room and find dozens of things to wipe with. I’m sure females feel differently about that.
Ouch. Ouch, I say.
Assistant Village Idiot
2020-03-14 21:26
Via Instapundit
QUOTE: Stocking up on toilet paper is … a relatively cheap action, and people like to think that they are ‘doing something’ when they feel at risk. Indoor plumbing is one of the greatest achievements in human history, we might not give it it's proper due but we don't quite take it for granted - as anybody with a stopped-up toilet on a Friday night can attest - and when you're pondering being trapped in your own house for a few weeks you know right off what the one thing you don't want to risk running out of is.
Amen to that. I grew up on a farm in rural Minnesota that did not have indoor plumbing when I was young. Minnesota winters are severe and wood gets very cold. The 2-3 inch thick Sears and Wards catalogs are something less than absorbent.
It all started with Hong Kong running out and then a gang of armed bandits held up a Toilet paper truck. I think it entered the collective consciousness. It was on social media, Fox, CNN, https://nypost.com/2020/02/17/armed-robbers-steal-hundreds-of-rolls-of-toilet-paper-amid-hong-kong-coronavirus-panic/
Fake scrolls
Sometimes there is a fascination with really good forgers, these guys are among the greatest of scammers and should remind us to question everything. Particularly fascinating is the story of Henricus Anthonius van Meegeren who not only copied Vermeer, but created a backstory about Vermeer's 'early career' which allowed him to produce paintings with subjects different from Vermeer's Nowadays, his forgeries are sought after by collectors, and there are people forging his forgeries. The word “Forgery” has to be used with caution. Yes, it means a piece of art, which is offered as having been made by one person, when in fact it was made by someone else. This deliberate misrepresentation of the identity of the creator is a crime. But which crime? Probably fraud; telling a lie to make money. Most people don’t know this, but many famous works of art were begun by an understudy, and then completed by the master. Is that fraud? Probably, but since there’s no historical record, the issue is moot. Now let’s consider “Piracy”. That’s the claim that an unlicensed Van Halen T Shirt is a forgery. Well, the t-shirt is real, so you can’t say that it’s fake. But I.P. Attorneys claim that an unlicensed t-shirt is both a forgery, because it was not made by an approved company; and also fake, because the shirt itself misrepresents its origins. But in order for this argument to be valid, the customer would have to care whether the I.P. Holder was paid for granting permission to make the shirt. And there is the problem. Nobody cares about copyright claims. The I.P. Attorneys do not enjoy social sanction. On the contrary, most people think that paying money, simply for permission to write something, is ridiculous. The I.P. holder isn’t offering any added value. I.P. is simply a communication tax, and a form of censorship. What’s happened is that the I.P. Attorneys are attempting to pull a semantic trick. They want “unlicensed” to mean “illegitimate” to mean “illegal” to mean “fake”. But if copyright is automatically applied to everything, then freedom of speech would be not only be illegal (because you are accidentally repeating what someone else has already said at some point in recorded history) but also fake (because as a lawbreaker, a copyright violator doesn’t have a legitimate place in society anyway. He’s a criminal, and a pretender.
re: bald eagle.
I should have stopped and snapped a picture recently saw one in a field eating dead stuff. They like to scour the fields after the big chicken houses clean out and spread .. They really ARE massive. What a hoot!
Florida police issue wanted poster for loose cow living on the lam that's 'faster than it looks' QUOTE: The Pembroke Pines Police Department in Florida shared a poster of the renegade cow on its social media account on Wednesday, asking residents to keep an eye out for her. Officers said the cow has been on the loose for several months and has been known to enter busy roadways. "It has managed to evade capture by both our officers and assisting cow herders since January, due to its surprising speed and amazing fence jumping skills," the post said. The "wanted" poster shared with the post features a distant, blurred photo of a cow along with a description reading: "Female Cow, brown with white head. Faster than it looks; talented fence jumper; enjoys pools." Residents who spot the cow have been asked to call the police department. https://www.southernthing.com/florida-police-issue-wanted-poster-for-loose-cow-living-on-the-lam-thats-faster-than-it-looks-2645468534.html Those cops need to be wary:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQMbXvn2RNI "[Bald Eagles] have become common nesters. Cool. They catch outdoor cats too, which is great."
They catch feral house cats? Great if true but that would require a very strong bird. UK's Coronavirus Strategy:
I think that if this virus was killing 15% of the children that the reaction to it would be dramatically different. I believe that there are some people who are OK with grandma and grandpa dying. Not in our family: the offsprings are rallying around to ensure we'll be around for a long time. But then, said offsprings have very good memories of their great-aunt and granny (the only ones of that generation who were around), and want their children to have the same experience.
Not to mention that we're the "grandparents on call" when grandbrat sitting is required, or that we handle various job jars, or work for or one of their companies. There are days when Tasmania looks really desirable, but overall we feel very blessed our children and the grandbrats are close by. And we hope very much to have this relationship for many more years. If I were President I’d shame the newspapers, the MSM, and all the tv channels into prominently and continuously showing a CDC public service announcement that showed side-by-side the total number of flu cases and deaths this season and the same for Corona-19. There would be a second box with the symptoms and how long they last. That would kill the panic in no time flat.
The Corona virus has been around for about 3 1/2 months. For the first two months it was "mostly" confined to Wuhan China. Comparing this with the flu that has pretty much been around for more than a year and was never confined to one city is foolishness. The comparison you need to understands the corona virus will be available two years from now. Then, maybe, we will know how many it killed and what other damage it caused. In the meantime we have to use common sense and what little we know about it to make any predictions. This effort is made difficult by our government officials lying to us. Oh! They are lying for a good and decent reason, to prevent panic. Their efforts won't limit the damage that corona virus causes and won't really do much at all in the long run but they do honestly believe that part of their job is to reduce panic AND it may happen that this virus is not as bad as it appears to be, it could kill a mere 1-2 million or so. But it could also kill millions and millions. we can't know yet. Soon it will have killed far more than the common flu and thankfully that may stop people from comparing them out of ignorance. Let's see, simple math: the numbers will double every 5-7 days, over 5000 dead, so two weeks maybe more this virus will have killed more than the flu. What then? Compare it with socialism???
Most of us won't. We're 'rich' (according to millennials - that we spent all our money on...yeah) and healthy. Really healthy compared to the vaunted street people, who WILL die. They have more risk factors than are countable.
Well, if I'm wrong and we boomers do die, that lightens the load on SS payouts and medicare, so socialism can come in and teach its nasty little lessons. It will certainly kill off a great many 'high risk' street people, that also lightens the load.. That will fix everything, won't it? Now I'm a raccciiiiiisssss. I guess. A little perspective on how good we have it, even when we think it's bad.
www.visualcapitalist.com/history-of-pandemics-deadliest/ Latest from Italy:
1. Starting immediately and until 25 March 2020, on the entire territory of the Campania region, it is mandatory to stay home. Exceptions are authorized exclusively for work, situations of necessity and health reasons. 2. Situations of necessity are only those related to primary needs of the individuals and only for the time strictly necessary, and in any case in areas contiguous to own home. 3. It is authorized that an individual be accompanied by another exclusively in the following cases: - travel for reasons of health, when the health status of the patient makes it necessary; - travel for work reasons, so long as the individuals are from the same family and only limited to the path from/to the work place of one of them. 4. Failure to comply is punished pursuant to article 650 of the penal code with arrest up to 3 months or fine up to 200 Euros, unless the act constitutes a more serious criminal offense. 5. Since non-compliance with this order exposes the transgressor to the risk of contagion, it shall be mandatory to notify ASL Department of Prevention, and the transgressor shall be imposed in quarantine at home in isolation from social contacts for 14 days. 6. Failure to comply with the order of home quarantine shall be punished pursuant to article 650 of the penal code with arrest up to 3 months or a fine of up to 200 Euros. Is this "good"???
There is no cure. In 14 days or 30 days or two months or whatever it will still be around. SO what will be gained? My interpretation of this action by Italy is pure desperation. I will bet dollars to doughnuts that when this is over we will discover that a lot of people in Italy died, perhaps unnecessarily, while quarantined in their homes. I would also bet that Italy will hide this info. We may find out about the total deaths but not how many could have been prevented if a humane and scientific treatment had been implemented rather than simply quarantine. My outdoor cat just took a crap in your mulch and says phuck you
I get those small mouse traps and set them in the mulch and barely cover them. It doesn't seem to harm the cat. But it is funny as hell the cat has such quick reflexes that they get airborne when they step on the trap. They usually abandon my mulch for someone else's.
Just west of New Orleans, at the I-10 / I-310 interchange, a nesting pair of bald eagles have lived for years. You can see their nest, and them, from the Interstate. A few years ago another eagle nest appeared further back in the swamp (offspring?). Very majestic to see them fly as you drive toward LaPlace.
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