Back from the sea. Heading�down to�Maine now�for a few more days of vacation. By this hour, there should be no traffic hassles.
And, no - I have not been invited to�anybody's grand� waterfront "cottage" in one of those upper-crust�Maine villages. I�will be�roughin' it in Acadia Park, like the working class, no-trust-fund, non-country club Reagan Republican that I am, with some old college pals.
Definitely no golf. Clams, beer, and lots of fresh fried cod with fries and cole slaw. Salt and vinegar on the fish.�A few lobsters, too. I shall swim�- or at least immerse�-�in that ice-cold June water, if only to try to�stay clean. Lots of hiking around. No golf, but some deep-water�fishing.
I have pre-posted some things to try to�help keep Maggie's in business. See y'all in a while. (No, I do not do cameras. I do love looking at photos of stuff, but I learned that, when�I go somewhere with a camera,�I focus on the camera instead of on the thing itself. So I gave 'em up.)